16 research outputs found

    Augmented reality navigation for spinal pedicle screw instrumentation using intraoperative 3D imaging

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    BACKGROUND CONTEXT Due to recent developments in augmented reality with head-mounted devices, holograms of a surgical plan can be displayed directly in the surgeon's field of view. To the best of our knowledge, three dimensional (3D) intraoperative fluoroscopy has not been explored for the use with holographic navigation by head-mounted devices in spine surgery. PURPOSE To evaluate the surgical accuracy of holographic pedicle screw navigation by head-mounted device using 3D intraoperative fluoroscopy. STUDY DESIGN In this experimental cadaver study, the accuracy of surgical navigation using a head-mounted device was compared with navigation with a state-of-the-art pose-tracking system. METHODS Three lumbar cadaver spines were embedded in nontransparent agar gel, leaving only commonly visible anatomy in sight. Intraoperative registration of preoperative planning was achieved by 3D fluoroscopy and fiducial markers attached to lumbar vertebrae. Trackable custom-made drill sleeve guides enabled real-time navigation. In total, 20 K-wires were navigated into lumbar pedicles using AR-navigation, 10 K-wires by the state-of-the-art pose-tracking system. 3D models obtained from postexperimental CT scans were used to measure surgical accuracy. MF is the founder and shareholder of Incremed AG, a Balgrist University Hospital start-up focusing on the development of innovative techniques for surgical executions. The other authors declare no conflict of interest concerning the contents of this study. No external funding was received for this study. RESULTS No significant difference in accuracy was measured between AR-navigated drillings and the gold standard with pose-tracking system with mean translational errors between entry points (3D vector distance; p=.85) of 3.4±1.6 mm compared with 3.2±2.0 mm, and mean angular errors between trajectories (3D angle; p=.30) of 4.3°±2.3° compared with 3.5°±1.4°. CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, holographic navigation by use of a head-mounted device achieve accuracy comparable to the gold standard of high-end pose-tracking systems. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE These promising results could result in a new way of surgical navigation with minimal infrastructural requirements but now have to be confirmed in clinical studies

    X-ray vision: the accuracy and repeatability of a technology that allows clinicians to see spinal X-rays superimposed on a person's back

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    Objective Since the discovery of ionizing radiation, clinicians have evaluated X-ray images separately from the patient. The objective of this study was to investigate the accuracy and repeatability of a new technology which seeks to resolve this historic limitation by projecting anatomically correct X-ray images on to a person’s skin. Methods A total of 13 participants enrolled in the study, each having a pre-existing anteroposterior lumbar X-ray. Each participant’s image was uploaded into the Hololens Mixed reality system which when worn, allowed a single examiner to view a participant’s own X-ray superimposed on the participant’s back. The projected image was topographically corrected using depth information obtained by the Hololens system then aligned via existing anatomic landmarks. Using this superimposed image, vertebral levels were identified and validated against spinous process locations obtained by ultrasound. This process was repeated 1–5 days later. The projection of each vertebra was deemed to be “on-target” if it fell within the known morphological dimensions of the spinous process for that specific vertebral level. Results The projection system created on-target projections with respect to individual vertebral levels 73% of the time with no significant difference seen between testing sessions. The average repeatability for all vertebral levels between testing sessions was 77%. Conclusion These accuracy and repeatability data suggest that the accuracy and repeatability of projecting X-rays directly on to the skin is feasible for identifying underlying anatomy and as such, has potential to place radiological evaluation within the patient context. Future opportunities to improve this procedure will focus on mitigating potential sources of error

    How to Build a Patient-Specific Hybrid Simulator for Orthopaedic Open Surgery: Benefits and Limits of Mixed-Reality Using the Microsoft HoloLens

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    Orthopaedic simulators are popular in innovative surgical training programs, where trainees gain procedural experience in a safe and controlled environment. Recent studies suggest that an ideal simulator should combine haptic, visual, and audio technology to create an immersive training environment. This article explores the potentialities of mixed-reality using the HoloLens to develop a hybrid training system for orthopaedic open surgery. Hip arthroplasty, one of the most common orthopaedic procedures, was chosen as a benchmark to evaluate the proposed system. Patient-specific anatomical 3D models were extracted from a patient computed tomography to implement the virtual content and to fabricate the physical components of the simulator. Rapid prototyping was used to create synthetic bones. The Vuforia SDK was utilized to register virtual and physical contents. The Unity3D game engine was employed to develop the software allowing interactions with the virtual content using head movements, gestures, and voice commands. Quantitative tests were performed to estimate the accuracy of the system by evaluating the perceived position of augmented reality targets. Mean and maximum errors matched the requirements of the target application. Qualitative tests were carried out to evaluate workload and usability of the HoloLens for our orthopaedic simulator, considering visual and audio perception and interaction and ergonomics issues. The perceived overall workload was low, and the self-assessed performance was considered satisfactory. Visual and audio perception and gesture and voice interactions obtained a positive feedback. Postural discomfort and visual fatigue obtained a nonnegative evaluation for a simulation session of 40 minutes. These results encourage using mixed-reality to implement a hybrid simulator for orthopaedic open surgery. An optimal design of the simulation tasks and equipment setup is required to minimize the user discomfort. Future works will include Face Validity, Content Validity, and Construct Validity to complete the assessment of the hip arthroplasty simulator

    How to Build a Patient-Specific Hybrid Simulator for Orthopaedic Open Surgery: Benefits and Limits of Mixed-Reality Using the Microsoft HoloLens

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    Orthopaedic simulators are popular in innovative surgical training programs, where trainees gain procedural experience in a safe and controlled environment. Recent studies suggest that an ideal simulator should combine haptic, visual, and audio technology to create an immersive training environment. This article explores the potentialities of mixed-reality using the HoloLens to develop a hybrid training system for orthopaedic open surgery. Hip arthroplasty, one of the most common orthopaedic procedures, was chosen as a benchmark to evaluate the proposed system. Patient-specific anatomical 3D models were extracted from a patient computed tomography to implement the virtual content and to fabricate the physical components of the simulator. Rapid prototyping was used to create synthetic bones. The Vuforia SDK was utilized to register virtual and physical contents. The Unity3D game engine was employed to develop the software allowing interactions with the virtual content using head movements, gestures, and voice commands. Quantitative tests were performed to estimate the accuracy of the system by evaluating the perceived position of augmented reality targets. Mean and maximum errors matched the requirements of the target application. Qualitative tests were carried out to evaluate workload and usability of the HoloLens for our orthopaedic simulator, considering visual and audio perception and interaction and ergonomics issues. The perceived overall workload was low, and the self-assessed performance was considered satisfactory. Visual and audio perception and gesture and voice interactions obtained a positive feedback. Postural discomfort and visual fatigue obtained a nonnegative evaluation for a simulation session of 40 minutes. These results encourage using mixed-reality to implement a hybrid simulator for orthopaedic open surgery. An optimal design of the simulation tasks and equipment setup is required to minimize the user discomfort. Future works will include Face Validity, Content Validity, and Construct Validity to complete the assessment of the hip arthroplasty simulator

    Evaluation techniques used to evaluate extended reality (XR) head mounted displays (HMDs) used in healthcare: A literature review

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    Extended Reality (XR) Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) are used across various healthcare pathways for staff/student education and training, and for improving patient experiences. As XR HMDs become affordable, accessible and their acceptance increases, it is critical to document the techniques used for evaluating the technology, processes of user engagement and immersion, and outcomes. At present there is limited research on evaluation techniques used to evaluate XR HMDs. This manuscript presents findings from 104 clinical studies that use XR HMDs. The aim of this review is to give the user an insight into the current healthcare XR HMD landscape by presenting the different HMDs used, variety of XR interventions and their applications across medical pathways and intended research outcomes of the XR applications. The manuscript further guides the reader toward a detailed documentation of evaluation techniques used to investigate antecedents and consequences of using XR and delivers a critical discussion and suggestions for improvement of XR evaluation practices. This paper will be of excellent use to clinicians, academics, funding bodies and hospital decision makers who would like suggestions for evaluating the efficacy and effectiveness of XR HMDs. The authors hope to encourage discussions on the importance of improving XR evaluation practices

    Wearable Augmented Reality Application for Shoulder Rehabilitation

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    Augmented reality (AR) technology is gaining popularity and scholarly interest in the rehabilitation sector because of the possibility to generate controlled, user-specific environmental and perceptual stimuli which motivate the patient, while still preserving the possibility to interact with the real environment and other subjects, including the rehabilitation specialist. The paper presents the first wearable AR application for shoulder rehabilitation, based on Microsoft HoloLens, with real-time markerless tracking of the user’s hand. Potentialities and current limits of commercial head-mounted displays (HMDs) are described for the target medical field, and details of the proposed application are reported. A serious game was designed starting from the analysis of a traditional rehabilitation exercise, taking into account HoloLens specifications to maximize user comfort during the AR rehabilitation session. The AR application implemented consistently meets the recommended target frame rate for immersive applications with HoloLens device: 60 fps. Moreover, the ergonomics and the motivational value of the proposed application were positively evaluated by a group of five rehabilitation specialists and 20 healthy subjects. Even if a larger study, including real patients, is necessary for a clinical validation of the proposed application, the results obtained encourage further investigations and the integration of additional technical features for the proposed AR application

    Review on Augmented Reality in Oral and Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery: Toward 'Surgery-Specific' Head-Up Displays

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    In recent years, there has been an increasing interest towards the augmented reality as applied to the surgical field. We conducted a systematic review of literature classifying the augmented reality applications in oral and cranio-maxillofacial surgery (OCMS) in order to pave the way to future solutions that may ease the adoption of AR guidance in surgical practice. Publications containing the terms 'augmented reality' AND 'maxillofacial surgery', and the terms 'augmented reality' AND 'oral surgery' were searched in the PubMed database. Through the selected studies, we performed a preliminary breakdown according to general aspects, such as surgical subspecialty, year of publication and country of research; then, a more specific breakdown was provided according to technical features of AR-based devices, such as virtual data source, visualization processing mode, tracking mode, registration technique and AR display type. The systematic search identified 30 eligible publications. Most studies (14) were in orthognatic surgery, the minority (2) concerned traumatology, while 6 studies were in oncology and 8 in general OCMS. In 8 of 30 studies the AR systems were based on a head-mounted approach using smart glasses or headsets. In most of these cases (7), a video-see-through mode was implemented, while only 1 study described an optical-see-through mode. In the remaining 22 studies, the AR content was displayed on 2D displays (10), full-parallax 3D displays (6) and projectors (5). In 1 case the AR display type is not specified. AR applications are of increasing interest and adoption in oral and cranio-maxillofacial surgery, however, the quality of the AR experience represents the key requisite for a successful result. Widespread use of AR systems in the operating room may be encouraged by the availability of 'surgery-specific' head-mounted devices that should guarantee the accuracy required for surgical tasks and the optimal ergonomics