20 research outputs found

    Generalized Filtering Decomposition

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    This paper introduces a new preconditioning technique that is suitable for matrices arising from the discretization of a system of PDEs on unstructured grids. The preconditioner satisfies a so-called filtering property, which ensures that the input matrix is identical with the preconditioner on a given filtering vector. This vector is chosen to alleviate the effect of low frequency modes on convergence and so decrease or eliminate the plateau which is often observed in the convergence of iterative methods. In particular, the paper presents a general approach that allows to ensure that the filtering condition is satisfied in a matrix decomposition. The input matrix can have an arbitrary sparse structure. Hence, it can be reordered using nested dissection, to allow a parallel computation of the preconditioner and of the iterative process

    A Two Level Domain Decomposition Preconditionner Based on Local Dirichlet to Neumann Maps

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    Coarse grid correction is a key ingredient in order to have scalable domain decomposition methods. In this work we construct the coarse grid space using the low frequency modes of the subdomain DtN (Dirichlet-Neumann) maps, and apply the obtained two-level preconditioner to the linear system arising from an overlapping domain decomposition. Our method is suitable for the parallel implementation and its efficiency is demonstrated by numerical examples on problems with high heterogeneities

    Overlapping Domain Decomposition Methods with FreeFem++

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    International audienceIn this note, the performances of a framework for two-level overlapping domain decomposition methods are assessed. Numerical experiments are run on Curie, a Tier-0 system for PRACE, for two second order elliptic PDE with highly heterogeneous coefficients: a scalar equation of diffusivity and the system of linear elasticity. Those experiments yield systems with up to ten billion unknowns in 2D and one billion unknowns in 3D, solved on few thousands cores

    Generalized Filtering Decomposition

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    Abstract: This paper introduces a new preconditioning technique that is suitable for matrices arising from the discretization of a system of PDEs on unstructured grids. The preconditioner satisfies a so-called filtering property, which ensures that the input matrix is identical with the preconditioner on a given filtering vector. This vector is chosen to alleviate the effect of low frequency modes on convergence and so decrease or eliminate the plateau which is often observed in the convergence of iterative methods. In particular, the paper presents a general approach that allows to ensure that the filtering condition is satisfied in a matrix decomposition. The input matrix can have an arbitrary sparse structure. Hence, it can be reordered using nested dissection, to allow a parallel computation of the preconditioner and of the iterative process. Key-words: linear solvers, Krylov subspace methods, preconditioning, filtering property, block incomplete decomposition * INRIA Saclay -Ile de France, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique Universite Paris-Sud 11, France ([email protected]). † Laboratoire J.L. Lions, CNRS UMR7598, Universite Paris 6, France ([email protected]). DĂ©compositionĂ  base de filtrage gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e RĂ©sumĂ© : Ce document prĂ©sente une nouvelle technique de prĂ©conditionnement adaptĂ© pour les matrices issues de la discrĂ©tisation d'un système d'Ă©quations aux dĂ©rivĂ©es partielles sur des maillages non structurĂ©s. Le prĂ©conditionneur satisfait une propriĂ©tĂ© dite de filtrage, qui signifie que la matrice d'entrĂ©e est identique au prĂ©conditionneur pour un vecteur donnĂ© de filtrage. Le choix de ce vecteur permet d'attĂ©nuer l'effet des modes de basse frĂ©quence sur la convergence et ainsi de diminuer ou d'Ă©liminer le plateau qui est souvent observĂ© dans la convergence des mĂ©thodes itĂ©ratives. En particulier, le document prĂ©sente une approche gĂ©nĂ©rale qui permet d'assurer que la propriĂ©tĂ© de filtrage est satisfaite lors d'une dĂ©composition matricielle. La matrice d'entrĂ©e peut avoir une structure creuse arbitraire. Ainsi, elle peutĂŞtre rĂ©numĂ©rotĂ©e en utilisant la mĂ©thode de dissection emboĂ®tĂ©e, afin de permettre un calcul parallèle du prĂ©conditionneur et du processus itĂ©ratif

    Scalable Domain Decomposition Preconditioners for Heterogeneous Elliptic Problems

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    International audienceDomain decomposition methods are, alongside multigrid methods, one of the dominant paradigms in contemporary large-scale partial differential equation simulation. In this paper, a lightweight implementation of a theoretically and numerically scalable preconditioner is presented in the context of overlapping methods. The performance of this work is assessed by numerical simulations executed on thousands of cores, for solving various highly heterogeneous elliptic problems in both 2D and 3D with billions of degrees of freedom. Such problems arise in computational science and engineering, in solid and fluid mechanics. While focusing on overlapping domain decomposition methods might seem too restrictive, it will be shown how this work can be applied to a variety of other methods, such as non-overlapping methods and abstract deflation based preconditioners. It is also presented how multilevel preconditioners can be used to avoid communication during an iterative process such as a Krylov method