3 research outputs found

    Comparison of different processing approaches by SVM and RF on HS-MS eNose and NIR Spectrometry data for the discrimination of gasoline samples

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    In the quality control of flammable and combustible liquids, such as gasoline, both rapid analysis and automated data processing are of great importance from an economical viewpoint for the petroleum industry. The present work aims to evaluate the chemometric tools to be applied on the Headspace Mass Spectrometry (HS-MS eNose) and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) results to discriminate gasoline according to their Research Octane Number (RON). For this purpose, data from a total of 50 gasoline samples of two types of RON-95 and 98-analyzed by the two above-mentioned techniques were studied. The HS-MS eNose and NIRS data were com-bined with non-supervised exploratory techniques, such as Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA), as well as other supervised classification techniques, namely Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Random Forest (RF). For su-pervised classification, the low-level data fusion was additionally applied to evaluate if the combined use of the data increases the scope of relevant information. The HCA results showed a clear clustering trend of the gasoline samples according to their RON with HS-MS eNose data. SVM in combination with 5-Fold Cross-Validation successfully classified 100% of the samples with the HS-MS eNose data set. The RF algorithm in combination with 5-Fold Cross-Validation achieved the best accuracy rate for the test set with the low-level data fusion system. Furthermore, it allowed us to identify the most important features that could define the differences between RON 95 and RON 98 gasoline. On the other hand, using the HS-MS eNose and NIRS low-level data fusion reached better results than those obtained using NIRS data individually, with accuracy rates of 100% in both SVM and RF performances with the test set. In general, the performance of the SVM and RF algorithms was found to be similar

    Machine learning approaches over ion mobility spectra for the discrimination of ignitable liquids residues from interfering substrates

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    In arson fires, ignitable liquids (ILs) are frequently used to start combustion. For this reason, detecting IL residues (ILRs) at the fire scene is a key factor in fire investigation to determine whether a crime has been committed as well as to establish the modus operandi of the perpetrator. In the present study, the application of headspace-gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry (HS-GC-IMS) for the detection of ILRs in fire debris from complex matrices in combination with machine learning (ML) tools is proposed as an alternative to the traditional method, based on gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS), described by the ASTM E1618 standard method. For this purpose, petroleum-derived substrates (vinyl, nylon, and polyester) and natural substrates (cotton, cork and linoleum) burned alone and with different ILs (gasoline, diesel, ethanol and charcoal starter with kerosene) were used. In addition, samples were taken at different times (0, 1, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h) after the fire was finished. The ion mobility sum spectrum (IMSS) of each sample was obtained and different ML algorithms were applied. The first derivative was performed at the IMSS, as well as a Savitzky-Golay filter. Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) revealed a clustering trend as a function of substrate and ILs used, where the studied sampling times did not affect the resulting clusters. The classification models for the detection of the presence of ILRs have high performance with an accuracy of 100% for support vector machines (SVM) and random forest model (RF), followed by linear discriminant analysis (LDA) with an accuracy of 86.67%. When discriminating the type of ILs used, the RF model obtained an accuracy of 100%, followed by the LDA with 97.22% and finally the SVM model with an accuracy of 93.06%. In addition, a simple web application has been developed where the trained models can be used, so any researcher can apply the method to detect ILRs in fire debris

    Comparison of SVM, RF and ELM on an Electronic Nose for the Intelligent Evaluation of Paraffin Samples

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    Paraffin odor intensity is an important quality indicator when a paraffin inspection is performed. Currently, paraffin odor level assessment is mainly dependent on an artificial sensory evaluation. In this paper, we developed a paraffin odor analysis system to classify and grade four kinds of paraffin samples. The original feature set was optimized using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Squares (PLS). Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), and Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) were applied to three different feature data sets for classification and level assessment of paraffin. For classification, the model based on SVM, with an accuracy rate of 100%, was superior to that based on RF, with an accuracy rate of 98.33–100%, and ELM, with an accuracy rate of 98.01–100%. For level assessment, the R2 related to the training set was above 0.97 and the R2 related to the test set was above 0.87. Through comprehensive comparison, the generalization of the model based on ELM was superior to those based on SVM and RF. The scoring errors for the three models were 0.0016–0.3494, lower than the error of 0.5–1.0 measured by industry standard experts, meaning these methods have a higher prediction accuracy for scoring paraffin level