27 research outputs found

    Building an Emulation Environment for Cyber Security Analyses of Complex Networked Systems

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    Computer networks are undergoing a phenomenal growth, driven by the rapidly increasing number of nodes constituting the networks. At the same time, the number of security threats on Internet and intranet networks is constantly growing, and the testing and experimentation of cyber defense solutions requires the availability of separate, test environments that best emulate the complexity of a real system. Such environments support the deployment and monitoring of complex mission-driven network scenarios, thus enabling the study of cyber defense strategies under real and controllable traffic and attack scenarios. In this paper, we propose a methodology that makes use of a combination of techniques of network and security assessment, and the use of cloud technologies to build an emulation environment with adjustable degree of affinity with respect to actual reference networks or planned systems. As a byproduct, starting from a specific study case, we collected a dataset consisting of complete network traces comprising benign and malicious traffic, which is feature-rich and publicly available

    Cloud Computing: The Simplified Format of Pay�to-Use

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    Cloud computing is a paradigm of information technology enables the users to access all sharable resources over the internet by using an thin or thick client devices. Cloud computing is the effective technology in the field of computers in the present day. It evolved from the grid computing, virtualization, utility computing and autonomic computing. It was developed by using the features of these four technologies earlier. It helps the end users to complete their purpose irrespective of their background and location with cost effective. It is obvious that anything user friendly and cost effective is always adopted by the public

    Encryption as a Service (EaaS) as a Solution for Cryptography in Cloud

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    AbstractIn recent years, there has been a vast interest in optimal usage of computing resources so that massive data can be processed with minimal cost. The need to use a pool of shared resources in a wide area network that provide elasticity, high capacity of computation and ability to store information on location-independent storages have led to the advent of cloud-computing. However, the global nature of cloud brings about some challenges in security domain when physical control over our information in cloud is impossible. Thus, encrypting critical data becomes essential, and strongly advisable. The server-side encryption in an untrustworthy environment like public cloud is too risky. On the other hand, client-side encryption can undermine the benefits of cloud since it is a time-consuming task for encryption and decryption. To address this issue, we developed a private cloud as an intermediary. In this paper, based on XaaS concept, we design an Encryption as a Service in order to get rid of the security risks of cloud provider's encryption and the inefficiency of client-side encryption

    A Generic Development and Deployment Framework for Cloud Computing and Distributed Applications

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    Cloud computing have paved the way for advance of IT-based demand services. This technology helps decrease operation costs, solve scalability issue and many more user and provider constraints. However, development and deployment of distributed applications on cloud environment becomes a more and more complex tasks. Cloud users must spend a lot of time to prepare, install and configure their applications on clouds. In addition, after development and deployment, the applications almost cannot move from a cloud to others due to the lack of interoperability between them. To address these problems, we present in this paper a novel development and deployment framework for cloud distributed applications/services. Our approach is based on abstraction and object-oriented programming technique, allowing users to easily and rapidly develop and deploy their services into cloud environment. The approach also enables service migration and interoperability among the clouds

    Using the cloud in lab classes

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    Computation laboratories are an essential part of educational institutions. The management of these laboratories presents some challenges to these institutions and to their IT department. The laboratories need to be prepared in advance, before the start of the cycle of study and usually entail high costs to the institutions. [...]Esta dissertação apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação que permite criar e gerir laborat órios de computação virtuais usando plataformas de Nuvem (Cloud). O uso de laboratórios virtuais é usual em áreas como a engenharia e ciências da computação. No entanto, a maioria das soluções existentes são proprietárias e exigem algum esforço de aprendizagem. [...

    January 1 - December 31, 2012

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    This report summarizes training, education, and outreach activities for calendar 2012 of PTI and affiliated organizations, including the School of Informatics and Computing, Office of the Vice President for Information Technology, and Maurer School of Law. Reported activities include those led by PTI Research Centers (Center for Applied Cybersecurity Research, Center for Research in Extreme Scale Technologies, Data to Insight Center, Digital Science Center) and Service and Cyberinfrastructure Centers (Research Technologies Division of University Information Technology Services, National Center for Genome Assembly Support

    Open Source Solutions for Building IaaS Clouds

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    Cloud Computing is not only a pool of resources and services offered through the internet, but also a technology solution that allows optimization of resources use, costs minimization and energy consumption reduction. Enterprises moving towards cloud technologies have to choose between public cloud services, such as: Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Cloud and Google Cloud services, or private self built clouds. While the firsts are offered with affordable fees, the others provide more privacy and control. In this context, many open source softwares approach the buiding of private, public or hybrid clouds depending on the users need and on the available capabilities. To choose among the different open source solutions, an analysis is necessary in order to select the most suitable according with the enterprise’s goals and requirements. In this paper, we present a depth study and comparison of five open source frameworks that are gaining more attention recently and growing fast: CloudStack, OpenStack, Eucalyptus, OpenNebula and Nimbus. We present their architectures and discuss different properties, features, useful information and our own insights on these frameworks

    A CBR Approach to Allocate Computational Resources Within a Cloud Platform

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    Cloud Computing paradigm continues growing very quickly. The underlying computational infrastructure has to cope with this increase on the demand and the high number of end-users. To do so, platforms usually use mathematical models to allocate the computational resource among the offered services to the end-user. Although these mathematical models are valid and they are widely extended, they can be improved by means of use intelligent techniques. Thus, this study proposes an innovative approach based on an agent-based system that integrated a case-based reasoning system. This system is able to dynamically allocate resources over a Cloud Computing platform

    Cloud Computing and Multi Agent System to improve Learning Object Paradigm

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    The paradigm of Learning Object provides Educators and Learners with the ability to access an extensive number of learning resources. To do so, this paradigm provides different technologies and tools, such as federated search platforms and storage repositories, in order to obtain information ubiquitously and on demand. However, the vast amount and variety of educational content, which is distributed among several repositories, and the existence of various and incompatible standards, technologies and interoperability layers among repositories, constitutes a real problem for the expansion of this paradigm. This study presents an agent-based architecture that uses the advantages provided by Cloud Computing platforms to deal with the open issues on the Learning Object paradigm