5 research outputs found

    Safe2Ditch Steer-To-Clear Development and Flight Testing

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    This paper describes a series of small unmanned aerial system (sUAS) flights performed at NASA Langley Research Center in April and May of 2019 to test a newly added Steer-to-Clear feature for the Safe2Ditch (S2D) prototype system. S2D is an autonomous crash management system for sUAS. Its function is to detect the onset of an emergency for an autonomous vehicle, and to enable that vehicle in distress to execute safe landings to avoid injuring people on the ground or damaging property. Flight tests were conducted at the City Environment Range for Testing Autonomous Integrated Navigation (CERTAIN) range at NASA Langley. Prior testing of S2D focused on rerouting to an alternate ditch site when an occupant was detected in the primary ditch site. For Steer-to-Clear testing, S2D was limited to a single ditch site option to force engagement of the Steer-to-Clear mode. The implementation of Steer-to-Clear for the flight prototype used a simple method to divide the target ditch site into four quadrants. An RC car was driven in circles in one quadrant to simulate an occupant in that ditch site. A simple implementation of Steer-to- Clear was programmed to land in the opposite quadrant to maximize distance to the occupants quadrant. A successful mission was tallied when this occurred. Out of nineteen flights, thirteen resulted in successful missions. Data logs from the flight vehicle and the RC car indicated that unsuccessful missions were due to geolocation error between the actual location of the RC car and the derived location of it by the Vision Assisted Landing component of S2D on the flight vehicle. Video data indicated that while the Vision Assisted Landing component reliably identified the location of the ditch site occupant in the image frame, the conversion of the occupants location to earth coordinates was sometimes adversely impacted by errors in sensor data needed to perform the transformation. Logged sensor data was analyzed to attempt to identify the primary error sources and their impact on the geolocation accuracy. Three trends were observed in the data evaluation phase. In one trend, errors in geolocation were relatively large at the flight vehicles cruise altitude, but reduced as the vehicle descended. This was the expected behavior and was attributed to sensor errors of the inertial measurement unit (IMU). The second trend showed distinct sinusoidal error for the entire descent that did not always reduce with altitude. The third trend showed high scatter in the data, which did not correlate well with altitude. Possible sources of observed error and compensation techniques are discussed

    Safe2Ditch Autonomous Crash Management System for Small Unmanned Aerial Systems: Concept Definition and Flight Test Results

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    Small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) have the potential for a large array of highly-beneficial applications. These applications are too numerous to comprehensively list, but include search and rescue, fire spotting, precision agriculture, etc. to name a few. Typically sUAS vehicles weigh less than 55 lbs and will be performing flight operations in the National Air Space (NAS). Certain sUAS applications, such as package delivery, will include operations in the close proximity of the general public. The full benefit from sUAS is contingent upon the resolution of several technological areas in order to provide an acceptable level of risk for widespread sUAS operations. Operations of sUAS vehicles pose risks to people and property on the ground as well as manned aviation. Several of the more significant sUAS technological areas include, but are not limited to: autonomous sense and avoid and deconfliction of sUAS from other sUAS and manned aircraft, communications and interfaces between the vehicle and human operators, and the overall reliability of the sUAS and constituent subsystems. While all of the technological areas listed contribute significantly to the safe execution of the sUAS flight operations, contingency or emergency systems can greatly contribute to sUAS risk mitigations to manage situations where the vehicle is in distress. The Safe2Ditch (S2D) system is an autonomous crash management system for sUAS. Its function is to enable sUAS to execute emergency landings and avoid injuring people on the ground, damaging property, and lastly preserving the sUAS and payload. A sUAS flight test effort was performed to test the integration of sub-elements of the S2D system with a representative sUAS multi-rotor

    Repurposing existing skeletal spatial structure (SkS) system designs using the Field Information Modeling (FIM) framework for generative decision-support in future construction projects

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    Skeletal spatial structure (SkS) systems are modular systems which have shown promise to support mass customization, and sustainability in construction. SkS have been used extensively in the reconstruction efforts since World War II, particularly to build geometrically flexible and free-form structures. By employing advanced digital engineering and construction practices, the existing SkS designs may be repurposed to generate new optimal designs that satisfy current construction demands of contemporary societies. To this end, this study investigated the application of point cloud processing using the Field Information Modeling (FIM) framework for the digital documentation and generative redesign of existing SkS systems. Three new algorithms were proposed to (i) expand FIM to include generative decision-support; (ii) generate as-built building information modeling (BIM) for SkS; and (iii) modularize SkS designs with repeating patterns for optimal production and supply chain management. These algorithms incorporated a host of new AI-inspired methods, including support vector machine (SVM) for decision support; Bayesian optimization for neighborhood definition; Bayesian Gaussian mixture clustering for modularization; and Monte Carlo stochastic multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) for selection of the top Pareto front solutions obtained by the non-dominant sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA II). The algorithms were tested and validated on four real-world point cloud datasets to solve two generative modeling problems, namely, engineering design optimization and facility location optimization. It was observed that the proposed Bayesian neighborhood definition outperformed particle swarm and uniform sampling by 34% and 27%, respectively. The proposed SVM-based linear feature detection outperformed k-means and spectral clustering by 56% and 9%, respectively. Finally, the NSGA II algorithm combined with the stochastic MCDM produced diverse “top four” solutions based on project-specific criteria. The results indicate promise for future utilization of the framework to produce training datasets for generative adversarial networks that generate new designs based only on stakeholder requirements

    Learning-based perception and control with adaptive stress testing for safe autonomous air mobility

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    The use of electrical vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft to provide efficient, high-speed, on-demand air transportation within a metropolitan area is a topic of increasing interest, which is expected to bring fundamental changes to the city infrastructures and daily commutes. NASA, Uber, and Airbus have been exploring this exciting concept of Urban Air Mobility (UAM), which has the potential to provide meaningful door-to-door trip time savings compared with automobiles. However, successfully bringing such vehicles and airspace operations to fruition will require introducing orders-of-magnitude more aircraft to a given airspace volume, and the ability to manage many of these eVTOL aircraft safely in a congested urban area presents a challenge unprecedented in air traffic management. Although there are existing solutions for communication technology, onboard computing capability, and sensor technology, the computation guidance algorithm to enable safe, efficient, and scalable flight operations for dense self-organizing air traffic still remains an open question. In order to enable safe and efficient autonomous on-demand free flight operations in this UAM concept, a suite of tools in learning-based perception and control systems with stress testing for safe autonomous air mobility is proposed in this dissertation. First, a key component for the safe autonomous operation of unmanned aircraft is an effective onboard perception system, which will support sense-and-avoid functions. For example, in a package delivery mission, or an emergency landing event, pedestrian detection could help unmanned aircraft with safe landing zone identification. In this dissertation, we developed a deep-learning-based onboard computer vision algorithm on unmanned aircraft for pedestrian detection and tracking. In contrast with existing research with ground-level pedestrian detection, the developed algorithm achieves highly accurate multiple pedestrian detection from a bird-eye view, when both the pedestrians and the aircraft platform are moving. Second, for the aircraft guidance, a message-based decentralized computational guidance algorithm with separation assurance capability for single aircraft case and multiple cooperative aircraft case is designed and analyzed in this dissertation. The algorithm proposed in this work is to formulate this problem as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) and solve it using an online algorithm Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). For the multiple cooperative aircraft case, a novel coordination strategy is introduced by using the logit level-kk model in behavioral game theory. To achieve higher scalability, we introduce the airspace sector concept into the UAM environment by dividing the airspace into sectors, so that each aircraft only needs to coordinate with aircraft in the same sector. At each decision step, all of the aircraft will run the proposed computational guidance algorithm onboard, which can guide all the aircraft to their respective destinations while avoiding potential conflicts among them. In addition, to make the proposed algorithm more practical, we also consider the communication constraints and communication loss among the aircraft by modifying our computational guidance algorithms given certain communication constraints (time, bandwidth, and communication loss) and designing air-to-air and air-to-ground communication frameworks to facilitate the computational guidance algorithm. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed computational guidance algorithm, a free-flight airspace simulator that incorporates environment uncertainty is built in an OpenAI Gym environment. Numerical experiment results over several case studies including the roundabout test problem show that the proposed computational guidance algorithm has promising performance even with the high-density air traffic case. Third, to ensure the developed autonomous systems meet the high safety standards of aviation, we propose a novel, simulation driven approach for validation that can automatically discover the failure modes of a decision-making system, and optimize the parameters that configure the system to improve its safety performance. Using simulation, we demonstrate that the proposed validation algorithm is able to discover failure modes in the system that would be challenging for humans to find and fix, and we show how the algorithm can learn from these failure modes to improve the performance of the decision-making system under test