531 research outputs found

    A Review of the Energy Efficient and Secure Multicast Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad hoc Networks

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    This paper presents a thorough survey of recent work addressing energy efficient multicast routing protocols and secure multicast routing protocols in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). There are so many issues and solutions which witness the need of energy management and security in ad hoc wireless networks. The objective of a multicast routing protocol for MANETs is to support the propagation of data from a sender to all the receivers of a multicast group while trying to use the available bandwidth efficiently in the presence of frequent topology changes. Multicasting can improve the efficiency of the wireless link when sending multiple copies of messages by exploiting the inherent broadcast property of wireless transmission. Secure multicast routing plays a significant role in MANETs. However, offering energy efficient and secure multicast routing is a difficult and challenging task. In recent years, various multicast routing protocols have been proposed for MANETs. These protocols have distinguishing features and use different mechanismsComment: 15 page

    A Novel Method of Enhancing Security Solutions and Energy Efficiency of IoT Protocols

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    Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET’s) are wireless networks that are capable of operating without any fixed infrastructure. MANET routing protocols must adhere to strict secrecy, integrity, availability and non-repudiation criteria. In MANETs, attacks are roughly categorised into two types: active and passive. An active attack attempts to modify or remove data being transferred across a network. On the other hand, passive attack does not modify or erase the data being sent over the network. The majority of routing protocols for MANETs were built with little regard for security and are therefore susceptible to a variety of assaults. Routing technologies such as AODV and dynamic source routing are quite common. Both however are susceptible to a variety of network layer attacks, including black holes, wormholes, rushing, byzantine, information disclosure. The mobility of the nodes and the open architecture in which the nodes are free to join or leave the network keep changing the topology of the network. The routing in such scenarios becomes a challenging task since it has to take into account the constraints of resources of mobile devices. In this  an analysis of these protocols indicates that, though proactive routing protocols maintain a route to every destination and have low latency, they suffer from high routing overheads and inability to keep up with the dynamic topology in a large sized network. The reactive routing protocols in contrast have low routing overheads, better throughput and higher packet delivery ratio. AODVACO-PSO-DHKE Methodology boosts throughput by 10% while reducing routing overhead by 7%, latency by 8% and energy consumption by 5%. To avoid nodes always being on, a duty cycle procedure that's also paired with the hybrid method is used ACO-FDR PSO is applied to a 100-node network and NS-3 is used to measure various metrics such as throughput, latency, overhead, energy consumption and packet delivery ratio

    A Novel Method of Enhancing Security Solutions and Energy Efficiency of IoT Protocols

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    Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET’s) are wireless networks that are capable of operating without any fixed infrastructure. MANET routing protocols must adhere to strict secrecy, integrity, availability and non-repudiation criteria. In MANETs, attacks are roughly categorised into two types: active and passive. An active attack attempts to modify or remove data being transferred across a network. On the other hand, passive attack does not modify or erase the data being sent over the network. The majority of routing protocols for MANETs were built with little regard for security and are therefore susceptible to a variety of assaults. Routing technologies such as AODV and dynamic source routing are quite common. Both however are susceptible to a variety of network layer attacks, including black holes, wormholes, rushing, byzantine, information disclosure. The mobility of the nodes and the open architecture in which the nodes are free to join or leave the network keep changing the topology of the network. The routing in such scenarios becomes a challenging task since it has to take into account the constraints of resources of mobile devices. In this an analysis of these protocols indicates that, though proactive routing protocols maintain a route to every destination and have low latency, they suffer from high routing overheads and inability to keep up with the dynamic topology in a large sized network. The reactive routing protocols in contrast have low routing overheads, better throughput and higher packet delivery ratio. AODVACO-PSO-DHKE Methodology boosts throughput by 10% while reducing routing overhead by 7%, latency by 8% and energy consumption by 5%. To avoid nodes always being on, a duty cycle procedure that's also paired with the hybrid method is used ACO-FDR PSO is applied to a 100-node network and NS-3 is used to measure various metrics such as throughput, latency, overhead, energy consumption and packet delivery ratio

    Improving routing performance of multipath ad hoc on-demand distance vector in mobile add hoc networks.

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    The aim of this research is to improve routing fault tolerance in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) by optimising mUltipath routing in a well-studied reactive and single path routing protocol known as Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV). The research also aims to prove the effect of varying waiting time of Route Reply (RREP) procedure and utilising the concept of efficient routes on the performance of multipath extensions to AODV. Two novel multipath routing approaches are developed in this thesis as new extensions to AODV to optimise routing overhead by improving Route Discovery Process (RDP) and Route Maintenance Process (RMP) of multipath AODV. The first approach is a Iinkdisjoint multipath extension called 'Thresho)d efficient Routes in multipath AODV' (TRAODV) that optimises routing packets ~verhead by improving the RDP of AODV which is achieved by detecting the waiting time required for RREP procedure to receive a threshold number of efficient routes. The second approach is also a link-disjoint mUltipath extension called 'On-demand Route maintenance in Multipath AoDv' (ORMAD) which is an extension to TRAODV that optimises routing packets and delay overhead by improving the RMP of TRAODV. ORMAD applies the concepts of threshold waiting time and efficient routes to both phases RDP and RMP. It also applies RMP only to efficient routes which are selected in the RDP and when a route fails, it invokes a local repair procedure between upstream and downstream nodes of the broken link. This mechanism produces a set of alternative subroutes with less number of hops which enhances route efficiency and consequently minimises the routing overhead. TRAODV and ORMAD are implemented and evaluated against two existing multipath extensions to,AODV protocol and two traditional multipath protocols. The existing extensions to AODV used in the evaluation are a well-known protocol called Ad hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) and a recent extension called Multiple Route AODV (MRAODV) protocol which is extended in this thesis to the new approach TRAODV while the traditional multipath protocols used in the evaluation are Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA). Protocols are implemented using NS2 and evaluated under the same simulation environment in terms of four performance metrics; packet delivery fraction, average end-to-end delay, routing packets overhead, and throughput. Simulation results of TRAODV evaluation show that the average number of routes stored in a routing table of MRAODV protocol is always larger than the average number of routes in TRAODV. Simulation results show that TRAODV reduces the overall routing packets overhead compared to both extensions AOMDV and MRAODV, especially for large network size and high mobility. A vital drawback of TRAODV is that its performance is reduced compared to AOMDV and MRAODV in terms of average end-to-end delay. Additionally, TORA still outperforms TRAODV and the other extensions to AODV in terms of routing packets overhead. In order to overcome the drawbacks of TRAODV, ORMAD is developed by improving the RDP of TRAODV. The performance of ORMAD is evaluated against RREP waiting time using the idea of utilising the efficient routes in both phases RDP and RMP. Simulation results of ORMAD show that the performance is affected by varying the two RREP waiting times of both RDP and RMP in different scenarios. As shown by the simulation results, applying the short and long waiting times in both phases tends to less performance in terms of routing packets overhead while applying the moderate waiting times tends to better performance. ORMAD enhances routing packets overhead and the average end-to-end delay compared to TRAODV, especially in high mobility scenarios. ORMAD has the closest performance to TORA protocol in terms of routing packets overhead compared to ~M~a~M~OW . Relevant concepts are formalised for ORMAD approach and conducted as an analytical model in this thesis involving the\vhole process of multipath routing in AODV extensions. ORMAD analytical model describes how the two phases RDP and RMP interact with each other with regard to two performance metrics; total number of detected routes and Route Efficiency.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    IF-MANET: Interoperable framework for heterogeneous mobile ad hoc networks

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    The advances in low power micro-processors, wireless networks and embedded systems have raised the need to utilize the significant resources of mobile devices. These devices for example, smart phones, tablets, laptops, wearables, and sensors are gaining enormous processing power, storage capacity and wireless bandwidth. In addition, the advancement in wireless mobile technology has created a new communication paradigm via which a wireless network can be created without any priori infrastructure called mobile ad hoc network (MANET). While progress is being made towards improving the efficiencies of mobile devices and reliability of wireless mobile networks, the mobile technology is continuously facing the challenges of un-predictable disconnections, dynamic mobility and the heterogeneity of routing protocols. Hence, the traditional wired, wireless routing protocols are not suitable for MANET due to its unique dynamic ad hoc nature. Due to the reason, the research community has developed and is busy developing protocols for routing in MANET to cope with the challenges of MANET. However, there are no single generic ad hoc routing protocols available so far, which can address all the basic challenges of MANET as mentioned before. Thus this diverse range of ever growing routing protocols has created barriers for mobile nodes of different MANET taxonomies to intercommunicate and hence wasting a huge amount of valuable resources. To provide interaction between heterogeneous MANETs, the routing protocols require conversion of packets, meta-model and their behavioural capabilities. Here, the fundamental challenge is to understand the packet level message format, meta-model and behaviour of different routing protocols, which are significantly different for different MANET Taxonomies. To overcome the above mentioned issues, this thesis proposes an Interoperable Framework for heterogeneous MANETs called IF-MANET. The framework hides the complexities of heterogeneous routing protocols and provides a homogeneous layer for seamless communication between these routing protocols. The framework creates a unique Ontology for MANET routing protocols and a Message Translator to semantically compare the packets and generates the missing fields using the rules defined in the Ontology. Hence, the translation between an existing as well as newly arriving routing protocols will be achieved dynamically and on-the-fly. To discover a route for the delivery of packets across heterogeneous MANET taxonomies, the IF-MANET creates a special Gateway node to provide cluster based inter-domain routing. The IF-MANET framework can be used to develop different middleware applications. For example: Mobile grid computing that could potentially utilise huge amounts of aggregated data collected from heterogeneous mobile devices. Disaster & crises management applications can be created to provide on-the-fly infrastructure-less emergency communication across organisations by utilising different MANET taxonomies

    The dynamic counter-based broadcast for mobile ad hoc networks

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    Broadcasting is a fundamental operation in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) crucial to the successful deployment of MANETs in practice. Simple flooding is the most basic broadcasting technique where each node rebroadcasts any received packet exactly once. Although flooding is ideal for its simplicity and high reachability it has a critical disadvantage in that it tends to generate excessive collision and consumes the medium by unneeded and redundant packets. A number of broadcasting schemes have been proposed in MANETs to alleviate the drawbacks of flooding while maintaining a reasonable level of reachability. These schemes mainly fall into two categories: stochastic and deterministic. While the former employs a simple yet effective probabilistic principle to reduce redundant rebroadcasts the latter typically requires sophisticated control mechanisms to reduce excessive broadcast. The key danger with schemes that aim to reduce redundant broadcasts retransmissions is that they often do so at the expense of a reachability threshold which can be required in many applications. Among the proposed stochastic schemes, is counter-based broadcasting. In this scheme redundant broadcasts are inhibited by criteria related to the number of duplicate packets received. For this scheme to achieve optimal reachability, it requires fairly stable and known nodal distributions. However, in general, a MANETs‟ topology changes continuously and unpredictably over time. Though the counter-based scheme was among the earliest suggestions to reduce the problems associated with broadcasting, there have been few attempts to analyse in depth the performance of such an approach in MANETs. Accordingly, the first part of this research, Chapter 3, sets a baseline study of the counter-based scheme analysing it under various network operating conditions. The second part, Chapter 4, attempts to establish the claim that alleviating existing stochastic counter-based scheme by dynamically setting threshold values according to local neighbourhood density improves overall network efficiency. This is done through the implementation and analysis of the Dynamic Counter-Based (DCB) scheme, developed as part of this work. The study shows a clear benefit of the proposed scheme in terms of average collision rate, saved rebroadcasts and end-to-end delay, while maintaining reachability. The third part of this research, Chapter 5, evaluates dynamic counting and tests its performance in some approximately realistic scenarios. The examples chosen are from the rapidly developing field of Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs). The schemes are studied under metropolitan settings, involving nodes moving in streets and lanes with speed and direction constraints. Two models are considered and implemented: the first assuming an unobstructed open terrain; the other taking account of buildings and obstacles. While broadcasting is a vital operation in most MANET routing protocols, investigation of stochastic broadcast schemes for MANETs has tended to focus on the broadcast schemes, with little examination on the impact of those schemes in specific applications, such as route discovery in routing protocols. The fourth part of this research, Chapter 6, evaluates the performance of the Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol with a route discovery mechanism based on dynamic-counting. AODV was chosen as it is widely accepted by the research community and is standardised by the MANET IETF working group. That said, other routing protocols would be expected to interact in a similar manner. The performance of the AODV routing protocol is analysed under three broadcasting mechanisms, notably AODV with flooding, AODV with counting and AODV with dynamic counting. Results establish that a noticeable advantage, in most considered metrics can be achieved using dynamic counting with AODV compared to simple counting or traditional flooding. In summary, this research analysis the Dynamic Counter-Based scheme under a range of network operating conditions and applications; and demonstrates a clear benefit of the scheme when compared to its predecessors under a wide range of considered conditions


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    Mobile Ad hoc protocol that also could be implemented in VANET protocols is presented. In the literature, there are numerous mobile Ad hoc networks (MANET) routing protocols aiming to find the most suitable path from source to destination. Therefore these protocols should be categorized and classified. This classification helps in understanding, analyzing, comparing, and evaluating the routing protocols. Also, the classification can assist researchers and designers to differentiate the characteristics of the routing protocols and to find the relationships between them. This classification helps in understanding, analyzing, comparing, and evaluating the routing protocols. Also, the classification can assist researchers and designers to differentiate the characteristics of the routing protocols and to find the relationships between them. The routing protocols cannot be included under one category or one classification, therefore, the known characteristics should be listed and the MANET routing protocols classified according to these attributes. In this paper, varies routing protocol classifications are presented that depend on design philosophy, on network structure, or on the routing protocol characteristic (packet casting and network routing metrics). The routing protocols cannot be included under one category or one classification, therefore, the known characteristics should be listed and the MANET routing protocols classified according to these attributes. In this paper, varies routing protocol classifications are presented that depend on design philosophy, on network structure, or on the routing protocol characteristic (packet casting and network routing metrics).&nbsp

    Comparative Analysis of Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad hoc Networks

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    Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are selfconfiguring networks of nodes connected via wireless. This kind of networks is currently one of the most important research subjects, due to the huge variety of applications (emergency, military, etc...). In MANETs, each node acts both as host and as router, thus, it must be capable of forwarding packets to other nodes. Topologies of these networks change frequenly. To solve this problem, special routing protocols for MANETs are needed because traditional routing protocols for wired networks cannot work efficiently in MANETs
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