52,719 research outputs found

    Labeled Interleaving Distance for Reeb Graphs

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    Merge trees, contour trees, and Reeb graphs are graph-based topological descriptors that capture topological changes of (sub)level sets of scalar fields. Comparing scalar fields using their topological descriptors has many applications in topological data analysis and visualization of scientific data. Recently, Munch and Stefanou introduced a labeled interleaving distance for comparing two labeled merge trees, which enjoys a number of theoretical and algorithmic properties. In particular, the labeled interleaving distance between merge trees can be computed in polynomial time. In this work, we define the labeled interleaving distance for labeled Reeb graphs. We then prove that the (ordinary) interleaving distance between Reeb graphs equals the minimum of the labeled interleaving distance over all labelings. We also provide an efficient algorithm for computing the labeled interleaving distance between two labeled contour trees (which are special types of Reeb graphs that arise from simply-connected domains). In the case of merge trees, the notion of the labeled interleaving distance was used by Gasparovic et al. to prove that the (ordinary) interleaving distance on the set of (unlabeled) merge trees is intrinsic. As our final contribution, we present counterexamples showing that, on the contrary, the (ordinary) interleaving distance on (unlabeled) Reeb graphs (and contour trees) is not intrinsic. It turns out that, under mild conditions on the labelings, the labeled interleaving distance is a metric on isomorphism classes of Reeb graphs, analogous to the ordinary interleaving distance. This provides new metrics on large classes of Reeb graphs

    An edit distance for Reeb graphs

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    We consider the problem of assessing the similarity of 3D shapes using Reeb graphs from the standpoint of robustness under perturbations. For this purpose, 3D objects are viewed as spaces endowed with real-valued functions, while the similarity between the resulting Reeb graphs is addressed through a graph edit distance. The cases of smooth functions on manifolds and piecewise linear functions on polyhedra stand out as the most interesting ones. The main contribution of this paper is the introduction of a general edit distance suitable for comparing Reeb graphs in these settings. This edit distance promises to be useful for applications in 3D object retrieval because of its stability properties in the presence of noise

    Gravitational Waves from Supermassive Black Hole Coalescence in a Hierarchical Galaxy Formation Model

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    We investigate the expected gravitational wave emission from coalescing supermassive black hole (SMBH) binaries resulting from mergers of their host galaxies. When galaxies merge, the SMBHs in the host galaxies sink to the center of the new merged galaxy and form a binary system. We employ a semi-analytic model of galaxy and quasar formation based on the hierarchical clustering scenario to estimate the amplitude of the expected stochastic gravitational wave background owing to inspiraling SMBH binaries and bursts owing to the SMBH binary coalescence events. We find that the characteristic strain amplitude of the background radiation is hc(f)1016(f/1μHz)2/3h_c(f) \sim 10^{-16} (f/1 \mu {\rm Hz})^{-2/3} for f1μHzf \lesssim 1 \mu {\rm Hz} just below the detection limit from measurements of the pulsar timing provided that SMBHs coalesce simultaneously when host galaxies merge. The main contribution to the total strain amplitude of the background radiation comes from SMBH coalescence events at 0<z<10<z<1. We also find that a future space-based gravitational wave interferometer such as the planned \textit{Laser Interferometer Space Antenna} ({\sl LISA}) might detect intense gravitational wave bursts associated with coalescence of SMBH binaries with total mass Mtot<107MM_{\rm tot} < 10^7 M_{\odot} at z2z \gtrsim 2 at a rate 1.0yr1 \sim 1.0 {\rm yr}^{-1}. Our model predicts that burst signals with a larger amplitude hburst1015h_{\rm burst} \sim 10^{-15} correspond to coalescence events of massive SMBH binary with total mass Mtot108MM_{\rm tot} \sim 10^8 M_{\odot} at low redshift z1 z \lesssim 1 at a rate 0.1yr1 \sim 0.1 {\rm yr}^{-1} whereas those with a smaller amplitude hburst1017h_{\rm burst} \sim 10^{-17} correspond to coalescence events of less massive SMBH binary with total mass Mtot106MM_{\rm tot} \sim 10^6 M_{\odot} at high redshift z3 z \gtrsim 3.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 11 pages, 7 figure

    Plasmon tunability in metallodielectric metamaterials

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    The dielectric properties of metamaterials consisting of periodically arranged metallic nanoparticles of spherical shape are calculated by rigorously solving Maxwell's equations. Effective dielectric functions are obtained by comparing the reflectivity of planar surfaces limiting these materials with Fresnel's formulas for equivalent homogeneous media, showing mixing and splitting of individual-particle modes due to inter-particle interaction. Detailed results for simple cubic and fcc crystals of aluminum spheres in vacuum, silver spheres in vacuum, and silver spheres in a silicon matrix are presented. The filling fraction of the metal f is shown to determine the position of the plasmon modes of these metamaterials. Significant deviations are observed with respect to Maxwell-Garnett effective medium theory for large f, and multiple plasmons are predicted to exist in contrast to Maxwell-Garnett theory.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Gravitational Radiation From Globular Clusters

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    Space-based gravitational wave detectors will have the ability to observe continuous low frequency gravitational radiation from binary star systems. They can determine the direction to continuous sources with an angular resolution approaching tens of arcminutes. This resolution should be sufficient to identify binary sources as members of some nearby globular clusters. Thus, gravitational radiation can be used to determine the population of hard binaries in globular clusters. For particularly hard binaries, the orbital period may change as a result of gravitational wave emission. If one of these binaries can be identified with a globular cluster, then the distance to that cluster can be determined. Thus, gravitational radiation may provide reddening-independent distance measurements to globular clusters.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, uses aasms4.sty, submitted to Ap.

    Arabic parsing using grammar transforms

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    We investigate Arabic Context Free Grammar parsing with dependency annotation comparing lexicalised and unlexicalised parsers. We study how morphosyntactic as well as function tag information percolation in the form of grammar transforms (Johnson, 1998, Kulick et al., 2006) affects the performance of a parser and helps dependency assignment. We focus on the three most frequent functional tags in the Arabic Penn Treebank: subjects, direct objects and predicates . We merge these functional tags with their phrasal categories and (where appropriate) percolate case information to the non-terminal (POS) category to train the parsers. We then automatically enrich the output of these parsers with full dependency information in order to annotate trees with Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) f-structure equations with produce f-structures, i.e. attribute-value matrices approximating to basic predicate-argument-adjunct structure representations. We present a series of experiments evaluating how well lexicalized, history-based, generative (Bikel) as well as latent variable PCFG (Berkeley) parsers cope with the enriched Arabic data. We measure quality and coverage of both the output trees and the generated LFG f-structures. We show that joint functional and morphological information percolation improves both the recovery of trees as well as dependency results in the form of LFG f-structures