13 research outputs found

    Validating atlas-based lesion disconnectomics in multiple sclerosis: A retrospective multi-centric study.

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    The translational potential of MR-based connectivity modelling is limited by the need for advanced diffusion imaging, which is not part of clinical protocols for many diseases. In addition, where diffusion data is available, brain connectivity analyses rely on tractography algorithms which imply two major limitations. First, tracking algorithms are known to be sensitive to the presence of white matter lesions and therefore leading to interpretation pitfalls and poor inter-subject comparability in clinical applications such as multiple sclerosis. Second, tractography quality is highly dependent on the acquisition parameters of diffusion sequences, leading to a trade-off between acquisition time and tractography precision. Here, we propose an atlas-based approach to study the interplay between structural disconnectivity and lesions without requiring individual diffusion imaging. In a multi-centric setting involving three distinct multiple sclerosis datasets (containing both 1.5 T and 3 T data), we compare our atlas-based structural disconnectome computation pipeline to disconnectomes extracted from individual tractography and explore its clinical utility for reducing the gap between radiological findings and clinical symptoms in multiple sclerosis. Results using topological graph properties showed that overall, our atlas-based disconnectomes were suitable approximations of individual disconnectomes from diffusion imaging. Small-worldness was found to decrease for larger total lesion volumes thereby suggesting a loss of efficiency in brain connectivity of MS patients. Finally, the global efficiency of the created brain graph, combined with total lesion volume, allowed to stratify patients into subgroups with different clinical scores in all three cohorts

    Topological Properties of Brain Structural Networks Represent Early Predictive Characteristics for the Occurrence of Bipolar Disorder in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder: A 7-Year Prospective Longitudinal Study

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    Bipolar disorder (BD) and major depressive disorder (MDD) are associated with different brain functional and structural abnormalities, but BD is hard to distinguish from MDD until the first manic or hypomanic episode. The aim of this study was to examine whether the topological properties of the brain structural network could be used to differentiate BD from MDD patients before their first manic/hypomanic episode. Diffusion tensor images were collected from 80 MDD patients and 53 healthy controls (HCs); 78 patients completed the follow-up study lasting 7 years. Among them, 12 patients were converted to BD and 64 patients remained MDD. Topological properties of the brain structural networks at baseline were compared among patients who converted to BD, patients who did not develop BD, and HCs. Patients who converted to BD displayed reduced nodal local efficiency in the left inferior frontal gyrus(IFG) compared with HCs and patients who did not convert to BD. There was no significant difference in the nodal global efficiency among the three groups. The findings suggest that the nodal local efficiency in the left IFG could serve as a potential biomarker to predict the conversion of MDD to BD before the occurrence of the first manic or hypomanic episode

    Modeling Structural Brain Connectivity

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    Comparing connectomes across subjects and populations at different scales.

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    Brain connectivity can be represented by a network that enables the comparison of the different patterns of structural and functional connectivity among individuals. In the literature, two levels of statistical analysis have been considered in comparing brain connectivity across groups and subjects: 1) the global comparison where a single measure that summarizes the information of each brain is used in a statistical test; 2) the local analysis where a single test is performed either for each node/connection which implies a multiplicity correction, or for each group of nodes/connections where each subset is summarized by one single test in order to reduce the number of tests to avoid a penalizing multiplicity correction. We comment on the different levels of analysis and present some methods that have been proposed at each scale. We highlight as well the possible factors that could influence the statistical results and the questions that have to be addressed in such an analysis

    Indirect Structural Connectivity As a Biomarker for Stroke Motor Recovery

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    In this dissertation project, we demonstrated that diffusion magnetic resonance imaging and measures of indirect structural brain connectivity are sensitive to changes in fiber integrity and connectivity to remote regions in the brain after stroke. Our results revealed new insights into the effects local lesions have on global connectivity—in particular, the cerebellum—and how these changes in connectivity and integrity relate to motor impairment. We tested this methodology on two stroke groups—subacute and chronic—and were able to show that indirect connectivity is sensitive to differences in connectivity during stroke recovery. Our work can inform clinical methods for rehabilitating motor function in stroke individuals. By introducing methodology that extends local damage to remotely connected motor related areas, we can measure Wallerian degeneration in addition to providing the framework to predict improvements in motor impairment score based on structural connectivity at the subacute stage.We used diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI), probabilistic tractography, and novel graph theory metrics to quantify structural connectivity and integrity after stroke. In the first aim, we improved on a measure of indirect structural connectivity in order to detect remote gray matter regions with reduced connectivity after stroke. In a region-level analysis, we found that indirect connectivity was more sensitive to remote changes in connectivity after stroke than measures of direct connectivity, in particular in cortical, subcortical, and cerebellar gray matter regions that play a central role in sensorimotor function. Adding this information to the integrity of the corticospinal tract (CST) improved our ability to predict motor impairment. In the second aim, we investigated the relationship between white matter integrity, connectivity, and motor impairment by developing a unified measure of white matter structure that extends local changes in white matter integrity along remotely connected fiber tracks. Our measure uniquely identified damaged fiber tracks outside the CST, correlated with motor impairment in the CST better than the FA, and also was able to relate white matter structure in the superior cerebellar peduncle to motor impairment. Our final aim used a novel connectome similarity metric and the measure of indirect structural connectivity in order to identify cross-sectional differences in white matter structure between subacute and chronic stroke. We found more reductions in indirect connectivity in the chronic stroke cerebellar fibers than the subacute group, Additionally, the indirect connectivity of the superior cerebellar peduncle at the subacute stage correlated with the improvement in motor impairment score for the paired participants. In conclusion, indirect connectivity is an important measure of global brain damage and motor impairment after stroke, and can be a useful metric to relate to brain function and stroke recovery

    Connectomics across development:towards mapping brain structure from birth to childhood

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    The brain is probably the most complex system of the human body, composed of numerous neural units interconnected at dierent scales. This highly structured architecture provides the ability to communicate, synthesize information and perform the analytical tasks of human beings. Its development starts during the transition between the embryonic and fetal periods, from a simple tubular to a highly complex folded structure. It is globally organized as early as birth. This developing process is highly vulnerable to antenatal adverse conditions. Indeed, extreme prematurity and intra uterine growth restriction are major risk factors for long-term morbidities, including developmental ailments such as cerebral palsy, mental retardation and a wide spectrum of learning disabilities and behavior disorders. In this context, the characterization of the brainâs normative wiring pattern is crucial for our understanding of its architecture and workings, as the origin of many neurological and neurobehavioral disorders is found in early structural brain development. Diusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) allows the in vivo assessment of biological tissues at the microstructural level. It has emerged as a powerful tool to study brain connectivity and analyse the underlying substrate of the human brain, comprising its structurally integrated and functionally specialized architecture. dMRI has been widely used in adult studies. Nevertheless, due to technical constraints, this mapping at earlier stages of development has not yet been accomplished. Yet, this time period is of extreme importance to comprehend the structural and functional integrity of the brain. This thesis is motivated by this shortfall, and intends to fill the gap between the clinical and neuroscience demands and the methodological developments needed to fulfill them. In our work, we comprehensibly study the brain structural connectivity of children born extremely prematurely and/or with additional prenatal restriction at school-age. We provide evidence that brain systems that mature early in development are the most vulnerable to antenatal insults. Interestingly, the alterations highlighted in these systems correlate with the neurobehavioral and cognitive impairments seen in these children at school-age. The overall brain organization appear also altered after preterm birth and prenatal restriction. Indeed, these children show dierent brain network modular topology, with a reduction in the overall network capacity. What remains unclear is whether the alterations seen at school age are already present at birth and, if yes, to what extent. In this thesis we set the technical basis to enable the connectome analysis as early as at birth. This task is challenging when dealing with neonatal data. Indeed, most of the assumptions used in adult data processing methods do not hold, due to the inverted image contrast and other MRI artefacts such as motion, partial volume and intensity inhomogeneities. Here, we propose a novel technique for surface reconstruction, and provide a fully-automatic procedure to delineate the newborn cortical surface, opening the way to establish the newborn connectome