246 research outputs found

    Simulatable security for quantum protocols

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    The notion of simulatable security (reactive simulatability, universal composability) is a powerful tool for allowing the modular design of cryptographic protocols (composition of protocols) and showing the security of a given protocol embedded in a larger one. Recently, these methods have received much attention in the quantum cryptographic community. We give a short introduction to simulatable security in general and proceed by sketching the many different definitional choices together with their advantages and disadvantages. Based on the reactive simulatability modelling of Backes, Pfitzmann and Waidner we then develop a quantum security model. By following the BPW modelling as closely as possible, we show that composable quantum security definitions for quantum protocols can strongly profit from their classical counterparts, since most of the definitional choices in the modelling are independent of the underlying machine model. In particular, we give a proof for the simple composition theorem in our framework.Comment: Added proof of combination lemma; added comparison to the model of Ben-Or, Mayers; minor correction

    Cryptology in the Crowd

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    Uhell skjer: Kanskje mistet du nĂžkkelen til huset, eller hadde PIN-koden til innbruddsalarmen skrevet pĂ„ en dĂ„rlig plassert post-it lapp. Og kanskje endte de slik opp i hendene pĂ„ feil person, som nĂ„ kan pĂ„fĂžre livet ditt all slags ugagn: Sikkerhetssystemer gir ingen garantier nĂ„r nĂžkler blir stjĂ„let og PIN-koder lekket. Likevel burde naboen din, hvis nĂžkkel-og-PIN-kode rutiner er heller vanntette, kunne fĂžle seg trygg i vissheten om at selv om du ikke evner Ă„ sikre huset ditt mot innbrudd, sĂ„ forblir deres hjem trygt. Det er tilsvarende for kryptologi, som ogsĂ„ lener seg pĂ„ at nĂžkkelmateriale hemmeligholdes for Ă„ kunne garantere sikkerhet: Intuitivt forventer man at kjennskap til ett systems hemmelige nĂžkkel ikke burde vĂŠre til hjelp for Ă„ bryte inn i andre, urelaterte systemer. Men det har vist seg overraskende vanskelig Ă„ sette denne intuisjonen pĂ„ formell grunn, og flere konkurrerende sikkerhetsmodeller av varierende styrke har oppstĂ„tt. Det blir dermed naturlig Ă„ spĂžrre seg: Hvilken formalisme er den riktige nĂ„r man skal modellere realistiske scenarioer med mange brukere og mulige lekkasjer? Eller: hvordan bygger man kryptografi i en folkemengde? Artikkel I begir seg ut pĂ„ reisen mot et svar ved Ă„ sammenligne forskjellige flerbrukervarianter av sikkerhetsmodellen IND-CCA, med og uten evnen til Ă„ motta hemmelige nĂžkler tilhĂžrende andre brukere. Vi finner et delvis svar ved Ă„ vise at uten denne evnen, sĂ„ er noen modeller faktisk Ă„ foretrekke over andre. Med denne evnen, derimot, forblir situasjonen uavklart. Artikkel II tar et sidesteg til et sett relaterte sikkerhetsmodeller hvor, heller enn Ă„ angripe Ă©n enkelt bruker (ut fra en mengde av mulige ofre), angriperen Ăžnsker Ă„ bryte kryptografien til sĂ„ mange brukere som mulig pĂ„ Ă©n gang. Man ser for seg en uvanlig mektig motstander, for eksempel en statssponset aktĂžr, som ikke har problemer med Ă„ bryte kryptografien til en enkelt bruker: MĂ„let skifter dermed fra Ă„ garantere trygghet for alle brukerne, til Ă„ gjĂžre masseovervĂ„king sĂ„ vanskelig som mulig, slik at det store flertall av brukere kan forbli sikret. Artikkel III fortsetter der Artikkel I slapp ved Ă„ sammenligne og systematisere de samme IND-CCA sikkerhetsmodellene med en stĂžrre mengde med sikkerhetsmodeller, med det til felles at de alle modellerer det samme (eller lignende) scenarioet. Disse modellene, som gĂ„r under navnene SOA (Selective Opening Attacks; utvalgte Ă„pningsangrep) og NCE (Non-Committing Encryption; ikke-bindende kryptering), er ofte vesentlig sterkere enn modellene studert i Artikkel I. Med et system pĂ„ plass er vi i stand til Ă„ identifisere en rekke hull i litteraturen; og dog vi tetter noen, etterlater vi mange som Ă„pne problemer.Accidents happen: you may misplace the key to your home, or maybe the PIN to your home security system was written on an ill-placed post-it note. And so they end up in the hands of a bad actor, who is then granted the power to wreak all kinds of havoc in your life: the security of your home grants no guarantees when keys are stolen and PINs are leaked. Nonetheless your neighbour, whose key-and-pin routines leave comparatively little to be desired, should feel safe that just because you can’t keep your house safe from intruders, their home remains secured. It is likewise with cryptography, whose security also relies on the secrecy of key material: intuitively, the ability to recover the secret keys of other users should not help an adversary break into an uncompromised system. Yet formalizing this intuition has turned out tricky, with several competing notions of security of varying strength. This begs the question: when modelling a real-world scenario with many users, some of which may be compromised, which formalization is the right one? Or: how do we build cryptology in a crowd? Paper I embarks on the quest to answer the above questions by studying how various notions of multi-user IND-CCA compare to each other, with and without the ability to adaptively compromise users. We partly answer the question by showing that, without compromise, some notions of security really are preferable over others. Still, the situation is left largely open when compromise is accounted for. Paper II takes a detour to a related set of security notions in which, rather than attacking a single user, an adversary seeks to break the security of many. One imagines an unusually powerful adversary, for example a state-sponsored actor, for whom brute-forcing a single system is not a problem. Our goal then shifts from securing every user to making mass surveillance as difficult as possible, so that the vast majority of uncompromised users can remain secure. Paper III picks up where Paper I left off by comparing and systemizing the same security notions with a wider array of security notions that aim to capture the same (or similar) scenarios. These notions appear under the names of Selective Opening Attacks (SOA) and Non-Committing Encryption (NCE), and are typically significantly stronger than the notions of IND-CCA studied in Paper I. With a system in place, we identify and highlight a number of gaps, some of which we close, and many of which are posed as open problems.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    On Fairness in Simulatability-based Cryptographic Systems

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    Simulatability constitutes the cryptographic notion of a secure refinement and has asserted its position as one of the fundamental concepts of modern cryptography. Although simulatability carefully captures that a distributed protocol does not behave any worse than an ideal specification, it however does not capture any form of liveness guarantees, i.e., that something good eventually happens in the protocol. We show how one can extend the notion of simulatability to comprise liveness guarantees by imposing specific fairness constraints on the adversary. As the common notion of fairness based on infinite runs and eventual message delivery is not suited for reasoning about polynomial-time, cryptographic systems, we propose a new definition of fairness that enforces the delivery of messages after a polynomial number of steps. We provide strengthened variants of this definition by granting the protocol parties explicit guarantees on the maximum delay of messages. The variants thus capture fairness with explicit timeout signals, and we further distinguish between fairness with local timeouts and fairness with global timeouts. We compare the resulting notions of fair simulatability, and provide separating examples that help to classify the strengths of the definitions and that show that the different definitions of fairness imply different variants of simulatability

    Classical Ising model test for quantum circuits

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    We exploit a recently constructed mapping between quantum circuits and graphs in order to prove that circuits corresponding to certain planar graphs can be efficiently simulated classically. The proof uses an expression for the Ising model partition function in terms of quadratically signed weight enumerators (QWGTs), which are polynomials that arise naturally in an expansion of quantum circuits in terms of rotations involving Pauli matrices. We combine this expression with a known efficient classical algorithm for the Ising partition function of any planar graph in the absence of an external magnetic field, and the Robertson-Seymour theorem from graph theory. We give as an example a set of quantum circuits with a small number of non-nearest neighbor gates which admit an efficient classical simulation.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures. v2: main result strengthened by removing oracular settin

    Principle of majorization: Application to random quantum circuits

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    We test the principle of majorization [J. I. Latorre and M. A. MartĂ­n-Delgado, Phys. Rev. A 66, 022305 (2002)] in random circuits. Three classes of circuits were considered: (i) universal, (ii) classically simulatable, and (iii) neither universal nor classically simulatable. The studied families are: {CNOT, H, T}, {CNOT, H, NOT}, {CNOT, H, S} (Clifford), matchgates, and IQP (instantaneous quantum polynomial-time). We verified that all the families of circuits satisfy on average the principle of decreasing majorization. In most cases the asymptotic state (number of gates → ∞) behaves like a random vector. However, clear differences appear in the fluctuations of the Lorenz curves associated to asymptotic states. The fluctuations of the Lorenz curves discriminate between universal and non-universal classes of random quantum circuits, and they also detect the complexity of some non-universal but not classically efficiently simulatable quantum random circuits. We conclude that majorization can be used as a indicator of complexity of quantum dynamics, as an alternative to, e.g., entanglement spectrum and out-of-time-order correlators (OTOCs).Fil: Vallejos, RaĂșl O.. Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas FĂ­sicas; BrasilFil: De Melo, Fernando. Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas FĂ­sicas; BrasilFil: Carlo, Gabriel Gustavo. ComisiĂłn Nacional de EnergĂ­a AtĂłmica. Gerencia de Área Investigaciones y Aplicaciones No Nucleares. Gerencia FĂ­sica (CAC). Departamento de FĂ­sica de la Materia Condensada; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentin

    SoK: Public Key Encryption with Openings

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    When modelling how public key encryption can enable secure communication, we should acknowledge that secret information, such as private keys or the randomness used for encryption, could become compromised. Intuitively, one would expect unrelated communication to remain secure, yet formalizing this intuition has proven challenging. Several security notions have appeared that aim to capture said scenario, ranging from the multi-user setting with corruptions, via selective opening attacks (SOA), to non-committing encryption (NCE). Remarkably, how the different approaches compare has not yet been systematically explored. We provide a novel framework that maps each approach to an underlying philosophy of confidentiality: indistinguishability versus simulatability based, each with an a priori versus an a posteriori variant, leading to four distinct philosophies. In the absence of corruptions, these notions are largely equivalent; yet, in the presence of corruptions, they fall into a hierarchy of relative strengths, from IND-CPA and IND-CCA at the bottom, via indistinguishability SOA and simulatability SOA, to NCE at the top. We provide a concrete treatment for the four notions, discuss subtleties in their definitions and asymptotic interpretations and identify limitations of each. Furthermore, we re-cast the main implications of the hierarchy in a concrete security framework, summarize and contextualize other known relations, identify open problems, and close a few gaps. We end on a survey of constructions known to achieve the various notions. We identify and name a generic random-oracle construction that has appeared in various guises to prove security in seemingly different contexts. It hails back to Bellare and Rogaway\u27s seminal work on random oracles (CCS\u2793) and, as previously shown, suffices to meet one of the strongest notions of our hierarchy (single-user NCE with bi-openings)

    Universally Composable Quantum Multi-Party Computation

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    The Universal Composability model (UC) by Canetti (FOCS 2001) allows for secure composition of arbitrary protocols. We present a quantum version of the UC model which enjoys the same compositionality guarantees. We prove that in this model statistically secure oblivious transfer protocols can be constructed from commitments. Furthermore, we show that every statistically classically UC secure protocol is also statistically quantum UC secure. Such implications are not known for other quantum security definitions. As a corollary, we get that quantum UC secure protocols for general multi-party computation can be constructed from commitments
