3 research outputs found

    Media Sosial sebagai Sarana Komunikasi Strategis dalam Pengembangan dan Promosi Ekowisata (Studi Kasus UKM Ekowisata di Pengalengan, Jawa Barat)

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    This research explores the role of social media as a strategic communication tool in developing and promoting ecotourism enterprise. The research was conducted by studying five social media used by  Ecoethno Leadcampsite, an ecoturism site located in Pengalengan, West Java runned by a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME). This study assesses how social media is used to strengthen the visibility of these destinations, facilitate engagement with tourists, and promote sustainable tourism practices. The research findings show that not all social media are used effectively, and they tend to highlight certain aspects of strategic communication, including tourism activities, resource utilization, and environmental orientation. Strategic communication aspects of travel expenses, timetables, and customer care are relatively not covered in the marketing communications messages. Insights from this research have implications for tourism stakeholders, policymakers, and society in general, demonstrating the need for a paradigm shift towards integrated use of digital technology to promote and build sustainable ecotourism

    Liiketaloustieteellinen matkailututkimus Suomessa

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    Tässä katsauksessa tarkastellaan liiketaloustieteellisen matkailututkimuksen teemoja Suomessa 2000-luvulla. Katsaukseen on otettu mukaan suomalaisissa instituutioissa tuotettua liiketaloustieteen tutkimusperinteeseen tukeutuvaa matkailututkimusta siten, että esiin nostetaan tutkimusteemoja, joiden piirissä on julkaistu eniten suomalaista tutkimusta. Toisaalta kiinnitetään huomiota myös tutkimusaukkoihin. Katsaus osoittaa, että suomalaista liiketaloustieteellistä tutkimusta hallitsee markkinoinnin tieteenalaan kuuluva tutkimus, kun taas tieteenaloista ’johtaminen ja organisaatio’ sekä ’laskentatoimi ja rahoitus’ tutkimusta ei suomalaisessa matkailututkimuksessa juuri esiinny. Matkailumarkkinoinnin suosituimpia tutkimusteemoja ovat asiakasymmärrys, asiakasarvo, elämys, matkailupalvelujen kehittäminen, imago ja brändi, markkinointiviestinnän ja digitaalisen liiketoiminnan tutkimus sekä matkakohteen johtaminen ja yhteistyö. Jonkin verran tutkimusta on tehty myös yrittäjyystutkimuksen alalla. Liiketaloustieteelliselle matkailututkimukselle on ominaista, että teoreettisen kontribuution lisäksi tutkijat esittävät myös liikkeenjohdollisia suosituksia.

    Virtual reality tourism : the new frontier or the end of the journey?

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    Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, the tourism industry was a mega-industry. Although virtual reality (VR) is a relatively new development in tourism, due to COVID-19 it has literally transformed and improved the industry, particularly in the fields of marketing, sustainability and virtual worlds. VR is held to provide tourists with the “ultimate” tourist experience. The reason is that tourists no longer have to experience any of the negative aspects associated with conventional tourism. Despite the benefits and popularity of VR, a key question arises: will VR be the end of conventional tourism or can it be considered as a new tourism frontier? Therefore, the main purpose of the study is to address this question by focusing on the role of VR in tourism, especially in the context of South Africa. In addition, the study provides a detailed background of VR in general and in terms of tourism; types of VR tourism; the benefits and drawbacks of VR in tourism; and finally, the study compares conventional tourism models with VR in order to highlight the similarities. It concludes that VR does not in essence substitute conventional tourism, but rather it can be considered as a tourism niche in its own right, even if only as a futuristic prospect. For this to actualise, there are three major concerns that need to be addressed in the future; physical interaction; a full sensorial experience and the question of revenue.Thesis (PhD (Heritage and Cultural Tourism))--University of Pretoria, 2021.Post grad UP fundingHistorical and Heritage StudiesPhD (Heritage and Cultural Tourism)Unrestricte