57,042 research outputs found

    Propagation Kernels

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    We introduce propagation kernels, a general graph-kernel framework for efficiently measuring the similarity of structured data. Propagation kernels are based on monitoring how information spreads through a set of given graphs. They leverage early-stage distributions from propagation schemes such as random walks to capture structural information encoded in node labels, attributes, and edge information. This has two benefits. First, off-the-shelf propagation schemes can be used to naturally construct kernels for many graph types, including labeled, partially labeled, unlabeled, directed, and attributed graphs. Second, by leveraging existing efficient and informative propagation schemes, propagation kernels can be considerably faster than state-of-the-art approaches without sacrificing predictive performance. We will also show that if the graphs at hand have a regular structure, for instance when modeling image or video data, one can exploit this regularity to scale the kernel computation to large databases of graphs with thousands of nodes. We support our contributions by exhaustive experiments on a number of real-world graphs from a variety of application domains

    Meta-Kernelization using Well-Structured Modulators

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    Kernelization investigates exact preprocessing algorithms with performance guarantees. The most prevalent type of parameters used in kernelization is the solution size for optimization problems; however, also structural parameters have been successfully used to obtain polynomial kernels for a wide range of problems. Many of these parameters can be defined as the size of a smallest modulator of the given graph into a fixed graph class (i.e., a set of vertices whose deletion puts the graph into the graph class). Such parameters admit the construction of polynomial kernels even when the solution size is large or not applicable. This work follows up on the research on meta-kernelization frameworks in terms of structural parameters. We develop a class of parameters which are based on a more general view on modulators: instead of size, the parameters employ a combination of rank-width and split decompositions to measure structure inside the modulator. This allows us to lift kernelization results from modulator-size to more general parameters, hence providing smaller kernels. We show (i) how such large but well-structured modulators can be efficiently approximated, (ii) how they can be used to obtain polynomial kernels for any graph problem expressible in Monadic Second Order logic, and (iii) how they allow the extension of previous results in the area of structural meta-kernelization

    Are there any good digraph width measures?

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    Several different measures for digraph width have appeared in the last few years. However, none of them shares all the "nice" properties of treewidth: First, being \emph{algorithmically useful} i.e. admitting polynomial-time algorithms for all \MS1-definable problems on digraphs of bounded width. And, second, having nice \emph{structural properties} i.e. being monotone under taking subdigraphs and some form of arc contractions. As for the former, (undirected) \MS1 seems to be the least common denominator of all reasonably expressive logical languages on digraphs that can speak about the edge/arc relation on the vertex set.The latter property is a necessary condition for a width measure to be characterizable by some version of the cops-and-robber game characterizing the ordinary treewidth. Our main result is that \emph{any reasonable} algorithmically useful and structurally nice digraph measure cannot be substantially different from the treewidth of the underlying undirected graph. Moreover, we introduce \emph{directed topological minors} and argue that they are the weakest useful notion of minors for digraphs

    Improving Optimization Bounds using Machine Learning: Decision Diagrams meet Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Finding tight bounds on the optimal solution is a critical element of practical solution methods for discrete optimization problems. In the last decade, decision diagrams (DDs) have brought a new perspective on obtaining upper and lower bounds that can be significantly better than classical bounding mechanisms, such as linear relaxations. It is well known that the quality of the bounds achieved through this flexible bounding method is highly reliant on the ordering of variables chosen for building the diagram, and finding an ordering that optimizes standard metrics is an NP-hard problem. In this paper, we propose an innovative and generic approach based on deep reinforcement learning for obtaining an ordering for tightening the bounds obtained with relaxed and restricted DDs. We apply the approach to both the Maximum Independent Set Problem and the Maximum Cut Problem. Experimental results on synthetic instances show that the deep reinforcement learning approach, by achieving tighter objective function bounds, generally outperforms ordering methods commonly used in the literature when the distribution of instances is known. To the best knowledge of the authors, this is the first paper to apply machine learning to directly improve relaxation bounds obtained by general-purpose bounding mechanisms for combinatorial optimization problems.Comment: Accepted and presented at AAAI'1
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