38,286 research outputs found

    Differential geometric regularization for supervised learning of classifiers

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    We study the problem of supervised learning for both binary and multiclass classification from a unified geometric perspective. In particular, we propose a geometric regularization technique to find the submanifold corresponding to an estimator of the class probability P(y|\vec x). The regularization term measures the volume of this submanifold, based on the intuition that overfitting produces rapid local oscillations and hence large volume of the estimator. This technique can be applied to regularize any classification function that satisfies two requirements: firstly, an estimator of the class probability can be obtained; secondly, first and second derivatives of the class probability estimator can be calculated. In experiments, we apply our regularization technique to standard loss functions for classification, our RBF-based implementation compares favorably to widely used regularization methods for both binary and multiclass classification.http://proceedings.mlr.press/v48/baia16.pdfPublished versio

    An extension of min/max flow framework

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    In this paper, the min/max flow scheme for image restoration is revised. The novelty consists of the fol- 24 lowing three parts. The first is to analyze the reason of the speckle generation and then to modify the 25 original scheme. The second is to point out that the continued application of this scheme cannot result 26 in an adaptive stopping of the curvature flow. This is followed by modifications of the original scheme 27 through the introduction of the Gradient Vector Flow (GVF) field and the zero-crossing detector, so as 28 to control the smoothing effect. Our experimental results with image restoration show that the proposed 29 schemes can reach a steady state solution while preserving the essential structures of objects. The third is 30 to extend the min/max flow scheme to deal with the boundary leaking problem, which is indeed an 31 intrinsic shortcoming of the familiar geodesic active contour model. The min/max flow framework pro- 32 vides us with an effective way to approximate the optimal solution. From an implementation point of 33 view, this extended scheme makes the speed function simpler and more flexible. The experimental 34 results of segmentation and region tracking show that the boundary leaking problem can be effectively 35 suppressed

    Forecasting constraints from the cosmic microwave background on eternal inflation

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    We forecast the ability of cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature and polarization datasets to constrain theories of eternal inflation using cosmic bubble collisions. Using the Fisher matrix formalism, we determine both the overall detectability of bubble collisions and the constraints achievable on the fundamental parameters describing the underlying theory. The CMB signatures considered are based on state-of-the-art numerical relativistic simulations of the bubble collision spacetime, evolved using the full temperature and polarization transfer functions. Comparing a theoretical cosmic-variance-limited experiment to the WMAP and Planck satellites, we find that there is no improvement to be gained from future temperature data, that adding polarization improves detectability by approximately 30%, and that cosmic-variance-limited polarization data offer only marginal improvements over Planck. The fundamental parameter constraints achievable depend on the precise values of the tensor-to-scalar ratio and energy density in (negative) spatial curvature. For a tensor-to-scalar ratio of 0.10.1 and spatial curvature at the level of 10410^{-4}, using cosmic-variance-limited data it is possible to measure the width of the potential barrier separating the inflating false vacuum from the true vacuum down to MPl/500M_{\rm Pl}/500, and the initial proper distance between colliding bubbles to a factor π/2\pi/2 of the false vacuum horizon size (at three sigma). We conclude that very near-future data will have the final word on bubble collisions in the CMB.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Learned-Norm Pooling for Deep Feedforward and Recurrent Neural Networks

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    In this paper we propose and investigate a novel nonlinear unit, called LpL_p unit, for deep neural networks. The proposed LpL_p unit receives signals from several projections of a subset of units in the layer below and computes a normalized LpL_p norm. We notice two interesting interpretations of the LpL_p unit. First, the proposed unit can be understood as a generalization of a number of conventional pooling operators such as average, root-mean-square and max pooling widely used in, for instance, convolutional neural networks (CNN), HMAX models and neocognitrons. Furthermore, the LpL_p unit is, to a certain degree, similar to the recently proposed maxout unit (Goodfellow et al., 2013) which achieved the state-of-the-art object recognition results on a number of benchmark datasets. Secondly, we provide a geometrical interpretation of the activation function based on which we argue that the LpL_p unit is more efficient at representing complex, nonlinear separating boundaries. Each LpL_p unit defines a superelliptic boundary, with its exact shape defined by the order pp. We claim that this makes it possible to model arbitrarily shaped, curved boundaries more efficiently by combining a few LpL_p units of different orders. This insight justifies the need for learning different orders for each unit in the model. We empirically evaluate the proposed LpL_p units on a number of datasets and show that multilayer perceptrons (MLP) consisting of the LpL_p units achieve the state-of-the-art results on a number of benchmark datasets. Furthermore, we evaluate the proposed LpL_p unit on the recently proposed deep recurrent neural networks (RNN).Comment: ECML/PKDD 201