140,250 research outputs found

    Web Framework Points: an Effort Estimation Methodology for Web Application Development

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    Software effort estimation is one of the most critical components of a successful software project: completing the project on time and within budget is the classic challenge for all project managers. However, predictions made by project managers about their project are often inexact: software projects need, on average, 30-40% more effort than estimated. Research on software development effort and cost estimation has been abundant and diversified since the end of the Seventies. The topic is still very much alive, as shown by the numerous works existing in the literature. During these three years of research activity, I had the opportunity to go into the knowledge and to experiment some of the main software effort estimation methodologies existing in literature. In particular, I focused my research on Web effort estimation. As stated by many authors, the existing models for classic software applications are not well suited to measure the effort of Web applications, that unfortunately are not exempt from cost and time overruns, as traditional software projects. Initially, I compared the effectiveness of Albrecht's classic Function Points (FP) and Reifer's Web Objects (WO) metrics in estimating development effort for Web applications, in the context of an Italian software company. I tested these metrics on a dataset made of 24 projects provided by the software company between 2003 and 2010. I compared the estimate data with the real effort of each project completely developed, using the MRE (Magnitude of Relative Error) method. The experimental results showed a high error in estimates when using WO metric, which proved to be more effective than the FP metric in only two occurrences. In the context of this first work, it appeared evident that effort estimation depends not only on functional size measures, but other factors had to be considered, such as model accuracy and other challenges specific to Web applications; though the former represent the input that influences most the final results. For this reason, I revised the WO methodology, creating the RWO methodology. I applied this methodology to the same dataset of projects, comparing the results to those gathered by applying the FP and WO methods. The experimental results showed that the RWO method reached effort prediction results that are comparable to – and in 4 cases even better than – the FP method. Motivated by the dominant use of Content Management Framework (CMF) in Web application development and the inadequacy of the RWO method when used with the latest Web application development tools, I finally chose to focus my research on the study of a new Web effort estimation methodology for Web applications developed with a CMF. I proposed a new methodology for effort estimation: the Web CMF Objects one. In this methodology, new key elements for analysis and planning were identified; they allow to define every important step in the development of a Web application using a CMF. Following the RWO method approach, the estimated effort of a Web project stems from the sum of all elements, each of them weighted with its own complexity. I tested the whole methodology on 9 projects provided by three different Italian software companies, comparing the value of the effort estimate to the actual, final effort of each project, in man-days. I then compared the effort estimate both with values obtained from the Web CMF Objects methodology and with those obtained from the respective effort estimation methodologies of the three companies, getting excellent results: a value of Pred(0.25) equal to 100% for the Web CMF Objects methodology. Recently, I completed the presentation and assessment of Web CMF Objects methodology, upgrading the cost model for the calculation of effort estimation. I named it again Web Framework Points methodology. I tested the updated methodology on 19 projects provided by three software companies, getting good results: a value of Pred(0.25) equal to 79%. The aim of my research is to contribute to reducing the estimation error in software development projects developed through Content Management Frameworks, with the purpose to make the Web Framework Points methodology a useful tool for software companies

    The consistency of empirical comparisons of regression and analogy-based software project cost prediction

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    OBJECTIVE - to determine the consistency within and between results in empirical studies of software engineering cost estimation. We focus on regression and analogy techniques as these are commonly used. METHOD – we conducted an exhaustive search using predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria and identified 67 journal papers and 104 conference papers. From this sample we identified 11 journal papers and 9 conference papers that used both methods. RESULTS – our analysis found that about 25% of studies were internally inconclusive. We also found that there is approximately equal evidence in favour of, and against analogy-based methods. CONCLUSIONS – we confirm the lack of consistency in the findings and argue that this inconsistent pattern from 20 different studies comparing regression and analogy is somewhat disturbing. It suggests that we need to ask more detailed questions than just: “What is the best prediction system?

    How reliable are systematic reviews in empirical software engineering?

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    BACKGROUND – the systematic review is becoming a more commonly employed research instrument in empirical software engineering. Before undue reliance is placed on the outcomes of such reviews it would seem useful to consider the robustness of the approach in this particular research context. OBJECTIVE – the aim of this study is to assess the reliability of systematic reviews as a research instrument. In particular we wish to investigate the consistency of process and the stability of outcomes. METHOD – we compare the results of two independent reviews under taken with a common research question. RESULTS – the two reviews find similar answers to the research question, although the means of arriving at those answers vary. CONCLUSIONS – in addressing a well-bounded research question, groups of researchers with similar domain experience can arrive at the same review outcomes, even though they may do so in different ways. This provides evidence that, in this context at least, the systematic review is a robust research method

    Experimental Study Using Functional Size Measurement in Building Estimation Models for Software Project Size

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    This paper reports on an experiment that investigates the predictability of software project size from software product size. The predictability research problem is analyzed at the stage of early requirements by accounting the size of functional requirements as well as the size of non-functional requirements. The experiment was carried out with 55 graduate students in Computer Science from Concordia University in Canada. In the experiment, a functional size measure and a project size measure were used in building estimation models for sets of web application development projects. The results show that project size is predictable from product size. Further replications of the experiment are, however, planed to obtain more results to confirm or disconfirm our claim