5 research outputs found

    MDA-based ATL transformation to generate MVC 2 web models

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    Development and maintenance of Web application is still a complex and error-prone process. We need integrated techniques and tool support for automated generation of Web systems and a ready prescription for easy maintenance. The MDA approach proposes an architecture taking into account the development and maintenance of large and complex software. In this paper, we apply MDA approach for generating PSM from UML design to MVC 2Web implementation. That is why we have developed two meta-models handling UML class diagrams and MVC 2 Web applications, then we have to set up transformation rules. These last are expressed in ATL language. To specify the transformation rules (especially CRUD methods) we used a UML profiles. To clearly illustrate the result generated by this transformation, we converted the XMI file generated in an EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework) model.Comment: International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology-201

    Plataforma inteligente de orƧamentaĆ§Ć£o

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    Existem diversos programas de faturaĆ§Ć£o no mercado, no entanto, na sua generalidade apenas mostram o nome, uma breve descriĆ§Ć£o do produto, quantidades e valores dos produtos, sendo essa informaĆ§Ć£o para um cliente normal pouco percetĆ­vel. Desta forma, e face Ć  necessidade de uma empresa em obter uma ferramenta que permita elucidar os clientes sobre os detalhes dos produtos que lhes estĆ£o a propor, nasceu a ideia deste projeto, uma aplicaĆ§Ć£o de orƧamentaĆ§Ć£o que permita agilizar todo o processo referente Ć  elaboraĆ§Ć£o de propostas/orƧamentos, ao mesmo tempo que permite apresentar uma descriĆ§Ć£o mais ampla dos produtos propostos. Esta plataforma irĆ” permitir detalhar mais pormenorizadamente a informaĆ§Ć£o dos produtos propostos ao cliente, e agilizar o sector da orƧamentaĆ§Ć£o. Deste modo a aplicaĆ§Ć£o permite efetuar mais facilmente as propostas, obtendo ao mesmo tempo as suas margens de lucro, evitando com isto as folhas de cĆ”lculo utilizadas pela grande maioria das empresas e a criaĆ§Ć£o/ediĆ§Ć£o de documentos de texto que seriam posteriormente utilizadas para transmitir a proposta ao cliente. Ao evitar que os funcionĆ”rios da empresa tenham que efetuar os cĆ”lculos das margens e posteriormente elaborar a proposta, permite a elaboraĆ§Ć£o de mais propostas no mesmo perĆ­odo de tempo. O facto da aplicaĆ§Ć£o ser desenvolvida numa plataforma web, permite a realizaĆ§Ć£o dos orƧamentos e consultas das diversas informaƧƵes, sejam efetuados em qualquer lugar, desde que o equipamento do utilizador contenha acesso Ć  internet. AlĆ©m das habituais informaƧƵes das propostas, fornecedores, clientes e produtos, esta aplicaĆ§Ć£o irĆ” permitir a visualizaĆ§Ć£o do histĆ³rico das propostas efetuadas. Ao longo deste relatĆ³rio serĆ” descrito o funcionamento de uma empresa particular, estando o seu negĆ³cio relacionado com o fornecimento e montagem de sistemas de instalaƧƵes tĆ©cnicas, as ferramentas utilizadas na implementaĆ§Ć£o da aplicaĆ§Ć£o de orƧamentaĆ§Ć£o e a forma como foi implementada. A elaboraĆ§Ć£o dos orƧamentos Ć© auxiliada por um sistema de recomendaĆ§Ć£o de modo a agilizar a elaboraĆ§Ć£o das propostas. Para se compreender o ser funcionamento, serĆ£o expostos alguns dos mĆ©todos existentes e o mĆ©todo adotada no projeto.There are several billing programs in the market, however, overall they only show the name, a brief description of the product, quantities and values of the products, thought this sort of information is barely perceptible by a normal customer. Thus, given the need for a company to acquire a tool to enlighten customers about the details of the products they are being proposed, the idea of this project was formulated: a budgeting application that allows to streamline the whole process related to the elaboration of proposals / budgets, while allowing a broader description of the proposed products. This platform will allow for a more in-depth specification of the information on the products offered to the client and streamline the budgeting sector. Therefore, this application allows to elaborate proposals in an easier manner, obtaining at the same time profit margins, thus avoiding not only the worksheets used by the great majority of companies but also the creation / editing of text documents later used to convey the proposal to the client. By preventing the company employees from having to perform margin calculations and subsequently write the proposal, allows for the development of more proposals in the same period of time. The fact that the application is developed in a web platform, allows the elaboration of the budgets and consultations of the diverse information, to be carried out in any place, as long as the equipment of the user has access to an internet connection. In addition to the usual information of proposals, suppliers, customers and products, this application will allow the visualization of the history of the proposals that were carried out. Throughout this report it will be addressed the operation of a particular company in which its business is related to the supply and assembly of technical installations systems. There will also be a focus on the tools used in the budgeting and how it was implemented. Budgeting is assisted by a recommendation system to expedite the preparation of proposals. In order to understand how it works, some of the existing methods and the method adopted in the project will be exposed

    Passphrase and keystroke dynamics authentication: security and usability

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    It was found that employees spend a total 2.25 days within a 60 day period on password related activities. Another study found that over 85 days an average user will create 25 accounts with an average of 6.5 unique passwords. These numbers are expected to increase over time as more systems become available. In addition, the use of 6.5 unique passwords highlight that passwords are being reused which creates security concerns as multiple systems will be accessible by an unauthorised party if one of these passwords is leaked. Current user authentication solutions either increase security or usability. When security increases, usability decreases, or vice versa. To add to this, stringent security protocols encourage unsecure behaviours by the user such as writing the password down on a piece of paper to remember it. It was found that passphrases require less cognitive effort than passwords and because passphrases are stronger than passwords, they donā€™t need to be changed as frequently as passwords. This study aimed to assess a two-tier user authentication solution that increases security and usability. The proposed solution uses passphrases in conjunction with keystroke dynamics to address this research problem. The design science research approach was used to guide this study. The studyā€™s theoretical foundation includes three theories. The Shannon entropy formula was used to calculate the strength of passwords, passphrases and keystroke dynamics. The chunking theory assisted in assessing password and passphrase memorisation issues and the keystroke-level model was used to assess password and passphrase typing issues. Two primary data collection methods were used to evaluate the findings and to ensure that gaps in the research were filled. A login assessment experiment collected data on user authentication and user-system interaction for passwords and passphrases. Plus, an expert review was conducted to verify findings and assess the research artefact in the form of a model. The model can be used to assist with the implementation of a two-tier user authentication solution which involves passphrases and keystroke dynamics. There are a number of components that need to be considered to realise the benefits of this solution and ensure successful implementation