188 research outputs found

    Silicon photonics for optical fiber communication

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    Metamateriales sub-longitud de onda para microdispositivos fotónicos de altas prestaciones

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, leída el 28-04-2020Photonics has become of paramount importance in many areas of our everyday life owing to its inherent potential to develop not only telecom and datacom solutions, but also many other applications such as metrology [DeMiguel’18], energy generation and saving [Polman’12, Miller’17], spectrometry [Velasco’13a], sensing [Rodríguez-Barrios’10], medicine [Morgner’00] and industrial manufacturing [Malinauskas’16], to name a few. Particularly, integrated optics has attracted increasing industrial attention and scientific efforts to implement photonic integrated circuits (PICs) capable of tackling all abovementioned tasks in compact and efficient systems.Among all the available materials, silicon photonics leverages the maturity of the fabrication techniques reached by the microelectronics industry, enabling cost-effective mass production [Chen’18]. Different material platforms with a high refractive index contrast have been proposed for silicon photonics to achieve higher integration levels and perform more complex functions in a single chip, such as silicon-on-insulator (SOI) and silicon nitride (Si3N4, commonly simplified to SiN). The increased integration capacity of silicon photonics has enabled to tackle one of our greatest technological challenges: global data traffic inside data centers. Besides short-range optical interconnects for telecom and datacom applications, the progress in silicon photonics also encompasses many other untapped applications that are being explored by academia and industry: absorption spectroscopy and bio-sensing [Herrero-Bermello’17, Wangüemert-Pérez’19], light detection and ranging (LIDAR) [Poulton’17a], quantum computing [Harris’16], microwave and terahertz photonics [Marpaung’19, Harter’18], nonlinear optics [Leuthold’10], and many others...La fotónica ha adquirido una importancia fundamental en muchos ámbitos de nuestra vida cotidiana debido a su potencial intrínseco para desarrollar soluciones no sólo en el campo de las telecomunicaciones y las interconexiones de corto alcance, sino también en otras muchas áreas como la metrología [DeMiguel’18], la generación de energía [Polman’12, Miller’17], la espectrometría [Velasco’13a], la detección [Rodríguez-Barrios’10], la medicina [Morgner’00] y la fabricación industrial [Malinauskas’16]. En particular, la óptica integrada ha atraído tanto la atención de la industria como los esfuerzos científicos para implementar circuitos fotónicos integrados (PICs, Photonic Integrated Circuits) capaces de abordar todas las tareas mencionadas anteriormente en sistemas compactos y eficientes. Entre todos los materiales disponibles, la fotónica de silicio aprovecha la madurez de las técnicas de fabricación alcanzadas por la industria de la microelectrónica, permitiendo una producción en masa rentable [Chen’18]. Para maximizar su densidad de integración y poder realizar funciones más complejas en un único chip, diferentes plataformas materiales con un alto contraste de índice de refracción se han propuesto, como por ejemplo las plataformas de silicio sobre aislante (SOI, Silicon-On-Insulator) y de nitruro de silicio (Si3N4, comúnmente simplificada a SiN, Silicon Nitride). Esta mayor densidad de integración ha permitido abordar uno de nuestros mayores desafíos tecnológicos hasta la fecha: el tráfico de datos global dentro de los centros de datos. Además de las interconexiones ópticas de corto alcance, el progreso de la fotónica de silicio también comprende muchas otras aplicaciones inexploradas que están siendo estudiadas en el ámbito académico e industrial como, por ejemplo, la espectroscopía de absorción y biodetección [Herrero-Bermello’17, Wangüemert-Pérez’19], LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) [Poulton’17a], computación cuántica [Harris’16], fotónica de microondas y terahercios [Marpaung’19, Harter’18], óptica no lineal [Leuthold’10], y muchas otras...Fac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEunpu

    Active and passive wavelength filters for silicon photonic integrated spectrometers

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    Automatic Tuning of Silicon Photonics Millimeter-Wave Transceivers Building Blocks

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    Today, continuously growing wireless traffic have guided the progress in the wireless communication systems. Now, evolution towards next generation (5G) wireless communication systems are actively researched to accommodate expanding future data traffic. As one of the most promising candidates, integrating photonic devices in to the existing wireless system is considered to improve the performance of the systems. Emerging silicon photonic integrated circuits lead this integration more practically, and open new possibilities to the future communication systems. In this dissertation, the development of the electrical wireless communication systems are briefly explained. Also, development of the microwave photonics and silicon photonics are described to understand the possibility of the hybrid SiP integrated wireless communication systems. A limitation of the current electrical wireless systems are addressed, and hybrid integrated mm-wave silicon photonic receiver, and silicon photonic beamforming transmitter are proposed and analyzed in system level. In the proposed mm-wave silicon photonic receiver has 4th order pole-zero silicon photonic filter in the system. Photonic devices are vulnerable to the process and temperature variations. It requires manual calibration, which is expensive, time consuming, and prone to human errors. Therefore, precise automatic calibration solution with modified silicon photonic filter structure is proposed and demonstrated. This dissertation demonstrates fully automatic tuning of silicon photonic all-pass filter (APF)-based pole/zero filters using a monitor-based tuning method that calibrates the initial response by controlling each pole and zero individually via micro-heaters. The proposed tuning approach calibrates severely degraded initial responses to the designed elliptic filter shapes and allows for automatic bandwidth and center frequency reconfiguration of these filters. This algorithm is demonstrated on 2nd- and 4th-order filters fabricated in a standard silicon photonics foundry process. After the initial calibration, only 300ms is required to reconfigure a filter to a different center frequency. Thermal crosstalk between the micro-heaters is investigated, with substrate thinning demonstrated to suppress this effect and reduce filter calibration to less than half of the original thick substrate times. This fully automatic tuning approach opens the possibility of employing silicon photonic filters in real communication systems. Also, in the proposed beamforming transmitter, true-time delay ring resonator based 1x4 beamforming network is imbedded. A proposed monitor-based tuning method compensates fabrication variations and thermal crosstalk by controlling micro-heaters individually using electrical monitors. The proposed tuning approach successfully demonstrated calibration of OBFN from severely degraded initial responses to well-defined group delay response required for the targeted radiating angle with a range of 60◦ (-30◦ to 30◦ ) in a linear beamforming antenna array. This algorithm is demonstrated on OBFN fabricated in a standard silicon photonics foundry process. The calibrated OBFN operates at 30GHz and provide 2GHz bandwidth. This fully automatic tuning approach opens the possibility of employing silicon OBFN in real wideband mm-wave wireless communication systems by providing robust operating solutions. All the proposed photonic circuits are implemented using the standard silicon photonic technologies, and resulted in several publications in IEEE/OSA Journals and Conferences

    Optical isolators in silicon based photonic integrated circuits

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    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationPhotonic integration circuits (PICs) have received overwhelming attention in the past few decades due to various advantages over electronic circuits including absence of Joule effect and huge bandwidth. The most significant problem obstructing their commercial application is the integration density, which is largely determined by a signal wavelength that is in the order of microns. In this dissertation, we are focused on enhancing the integration density of PICs to warrant their practical applications. In general, we believe there are three ways to boost the integration density. The first is to downscale the dimension of individual integrated optical component. As an example, we have experimentally demonstrated an integrated optical diode with footprint 3 Ã- 3 m2, an integrated polarization beamsplitter with footprint 2.4 Ã- 2.4 m2, and a waveguide bend with effective bend radius as small as 0.65 m. All these devices offer the smallest footprint when compared to their alternatives. A second option to increase integration density is to combine the function of multiple devices into a single compact device. To illustrate the point, we have experimentally shown an integrated mode-converting polarization beamsplitter, and a free-space to waveguide coupler and polarization beamsplitter. Two distinct functionalities are offered in one single device without significantly sacrificing the footprint. A third option for enhancing integration density is to decrease the spacing between the individual devices. For this case, we have experimentally demonstrated an integrated cloak for nonresonant (waveguide) and resonant (microring-resonator) devices. Neighboring devices are totally invisible to each other even if they are separated as small as /2 apart. Inverse design algorithm is employed in demonstrating all of our devices. The basic premise is that, via nanofabrication, we can locally engineer the refractive index to achieve unique functionalities that are otherwise impossible. A nonlinear optimization algorithm is used to find the best permittivity distribution and a focused ion beam is used to define the fine nanostructures. Our future work lies in demonstrating active nanophotonic devices with compact footprint and high efficiency. Broadband and efficient silicon modulators, and all-optical and high-efficiency switches are envisioned with our design algorithm