9,147 research outputs found

    The Geometric Block Model

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    To capture the inherent geometric features of many community detection problems, we propose to use a new random graph model of communities that we call a Geometric Block Model. The geometric block model generalizes the random geometric graphs in the same way that the well-studied stochastic block model generalizes the Erdos-Renyi random graphs. It is also a natural extension of random community models inspired by the recent theoretical and practical advancement in community detection. While being a topic of fundamental theoretical interest, our main contribution is to show that many practical community structures are better explained by the geometric block model. We also show that a simple triangle-counting algorithm to detect communities in the geometric block model is near-optimal. Indeed, even in the regime where the average degree of the graph grows only logarithmically with the number of vertices (sparse-graph), we show that this algorithm performs extremely well, both theoretically and practically. In contrast, the triangle-counting algorithm is far from being optimum for the stochastic block model. We simulate our results on both real and synthetic datasets to show superior performance of both the new model as well as our algorithm.Comment: A shorter version of this paper has appeared in 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. The AAAI proceedings version as well as the previous version in arxiv contained some errors that have been corrected in this versio

    Distributed Community Detection in Dynamic Graphs

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    Inspired by the increasing interest in self-organizing social opportunistic networks, we investigate the problem of distributed detection of unknown communities in dynamic random graphs. As a formal framework, we consider the dynamic version of the well-studied \emph{Planted Bisection Model} \sdG(n,p,q) where the node set [n][n] of the network is partitioned into two unknown communities and, at every time step, each possible edge (u,v)(u,v) is active with probability pp if both nodes belong to the same community, while it is active with probability qq (with q<<pq<<p) otherwise. We also consider a time-Markovian generalization of this model. We propose a distributed protocol based on the popular \emph{Label Propagation Algorithm} and prove that, when the ratio p/qp/q is larger than nbn^{b} (for an arbitrarily small constant b>0b>0), the protocol finds the right "planted" partition in O(logn)O(\log n) time even when the snapshots of the dynamic graph are sparse and disconnected (i.e. in the case p=Θ(1/n)p=\Theta(1/n)).Comment: Version I

    From Relational Data to Graphs: Inferring Significant Links using Generalized Hypergeometric Ensembles

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    The inference of network topologies from relational data is an important problem in data analysis. Exemplary applications include the reconstruction of social ties from data on human interactions, the inference of gene co-expression networks from DNA microarray data, or the learning of semantic relationships based on co-occurrences of words in documents. Solving these problems requires techniques to infer significant links in noisy relational data. In this short paper, we propose a new statistical modeling framework to address this challenge. It builds on generalized hypergeometric ensembles, a class of generative stochastic models that give rise to analytically tractable probability spaces of directed, multi-edge graphs. We show how this framework can be used to assess the significance of links in noisy relational data. We illustrate our method in two data sets capturing spatio-temporal proximity relations between actors in a social system. The results show that our analytical framework provides a new approach to infer significant links from relational data, with interesting perspectives for the mining of data on social systems.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted at SocInfo201

    Detecting change points in the large-scale structure of evolving networks

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    Interactions among people or objects are often dynamic in nature and can be represented as a sequence of networks, each providing a snapshot of the interactions over a brief period of time. An important task in analyzing such evolving networks is change-point detection, in which we both identify the times at which the large-scale pattern of interactions changes fundamentally and quantify how large and what kind of change occurred. Here, we formalize for the first time the network change-point detection problem within an online probabilistic learning framework and introduce a method that can reliably solve it. This method combines a generalized hierarchical random graph model with a Bayesian hypothesis test to quantitatively determine if, when, and precisely how a change point has occurred. We analyze the detectability of our method using synthetic data with known change points of different types and magnitudes, and show that this method is more accurate than several previously used alternatives. Applied to two high-resolution evolving social networks, this method identifies a sequence of change points that align with known external "shocks" to these networks

    Measuring the effect of node aggregation on community detection

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    Many times the nodes of a complex network, whether deliberately or not, are aggregated for technical, ethical, legal limitations or privacy reasons. A common example is the geographic position: one may uncover communities in a network of places, or of individuals identified with their typical geographical position, and then aggregate these places into larger entities, such as municipalities, thus obtaining another network. The communities found in the networks obtained at various levels of aggregation may exhibit various degrees of similarity, from full alignment to perfect independence. This is akin to the problem of ecological and atomic fallacies in statistics, or to the Modified Areal Unit Problem in geography. We identify the class of community detection algorithms most suitable to cope with node aggregation, and develop an index for aggregability, capturing to which extent the aggregation preserves the community structure. We illustrate its relevance on real-world examples (mobile phone and Twitter reply-to networks). Our main message is that any node-partitioning analysis performed on aggregated networks should be interpreted with caution, as the outcome may be strongly influenced by the level of the aggregation.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure