34 research outputs found

    Model Curricula: Ohio University

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    Programs of Education Relating to Satellite and Space Communication in: Telecommunication Communications Systems Management Electrical Engineering and Computer Scienc

    Utilizing the ISS Mission as a Testbed to Develop Cognitive Communications Systems

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    The ISS provides an excellent opportunity for pioneering artificial intelligence software to meet the challenges of real-time communications (comm) link management. This opportunity empowers the ISS Program to forge a testbed for developing cognitive communications systems for the benefit of the ISS mission, manned Low Earth Orbit (LEO) science programs and future planetary exploration programs. In November, 1998, the Flight Operations Directorate (FOD) started the ISS Antenna Manager (IAM) project to develop a single processor supporting multiple comm satellite tracking for two different antenna systems. Further, the processor was developed to be highly adaptable as it supported the ISS mission through all assembly stages. The ISS mission mandated communications specialists with complete knowledge of when the ISS was about to lose or gain comm link service. The current specialty mandated cognizance of large sun-tracking solar arrays and thermal management panels in addition to the highly-dynamic satellite service schedules and rise/set tables. This mission requirement makes the ISS the ideal communications management analogue for future LEO space station and long-duration planetary exploration missions. Future missions, with their precision-pointed, dynamic, laser-based comm links, require complete autonomy for managing high-data rate communications systems. Development of cognitive communications management systems that permit any crew member or payload science specialist, regardless of experience level, to control communications is one of the greater benefits the ISS can offer new space exploration programs. The IAM project met a new mission requirement never previously levied against US space-born communications systems management: process and display the orientation of large solar arrays and thermal control panels based on real-time joint angle telemetry. However, IAM leaves the actual communications availability assessment to human judgment, which introduces unwanted variability because each specialist has a different core of experience with comm link performance. Because the ISS utilizes two different frequency bands, dynamic structure can be occasionally translucent at one frequency while it can completely interdict service at the other frequency. The impact of articulating structure on the comm link can depend on its orientation at the time it impinges on the link. It can become easy for a human specialist to cross-associate experience at one frequency with experience at the other frequency. Additionally, the specialist's experience is incremental, occurring one nine-hour shift at a time. Only the IAM processor experiences the complete 24x7x365 communications link performance for both communications links but, it has no "learning capability." If the IAM processor could be endowed with a cognitive ability to remember past structure-induced comm link outages, based on its knowledge of the ISS position, attitude, communications gear, array joint angles and tracking accuracy, it could convey such experience to the human operator. It could also use its learned communications link behaviors to accurately convey the availability of future communications sessions. Further, the tool could remember how accurately or inaccurately it predicted availability and correct future predictions based on past performance. The IAM tool could learn frequency-specific impacts due to spacecraft structures and pass that information along as "experience." Such development would provide a single artificial intelligence processor that could provide two different experience bases. If it also "knew" the satellite service schedule, it could distinguish structure blockage from schedule or planet blockage and then quickly switch to another satellite. Alternatively, just as a human operator could judge, a cognizant comm system based on the IAM model could "know" that the blockage is not going to last very long and continue tracking a comm satellite, waiting for it to track away from structure. Ultimately, once this capability was fully developed and tested in the Mission Control Center, it could be transferred on-orbit to support development of operations concepts that include more advanced cognitive communications systems. Future applications of this capability are easily foreseen because even more dynamic satellite constellations with more nodes and greater capability are coming. Currently, the ISS fully employs a 300 million bit-per-second (Mbps) return link for harvesting payload science. In the coming eighteen months, it will step up to 600 Mbps. Already there is talk of a 1.2 billion bit-per-second (Gbps) upgrade for the ISS and laser comm links have already been tested from the ISS. Every data rate upgrade mandates more complicated and sensitive communications equipment which implies greater expertise invested in the human operator. Future on-orbit cognizant comm systems will be needed to meet greater performance demands aboard larger, far more complicated spacecraft. In the LEO environment, the old-style one-satellite-per-spacecraft operations concept will give way to a new concept of a single customer spacecraft simultaneously using multiple comm satellites. Much more highly-dynamic manned LEO missions with decades of crew members potentially increase the demand for communications link performance. A cognizant on-board communications system will meet advanced communications demands from future LEO missions and future planetary missions. The ISS has fledgling components of future exploration programs, both LEO and planetary. Further, the Flight Operations Directorate, through the IAM project, has already begun to develop a communications management system that attempts to solve advanced problems ideally represented by dynamic structure impacting scheduled satellite service. With an earnest project to integrate artificial intelligence into the IAM processor, the ISS Program could develop a cognizant communications system that could be adapted and transferred to future on-orbit avionics designs

    Perceived Importance and Future Use of Online Channels of Distribution by Small Businesses in the United States and Australia: An Exploratory Study

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    Online marketing is important to small-business owners and operators because they are typically faced with limited budgets to design and implement traditional marketing programs. This paper compares the perceived importance of specific online marketing tactics and their anticipated future use of online marketing tactics by small businesses in the United States and Australia. Results of the study reveal that both in the United States and in Australia, there is a growing use of online marketing tactics to accomplish marketing objectives. While most online marketing tactics were effective in both the United States and Australia, there were some statistically significant differences

    A History of the Improvement of Internet Protocols Over Satellites using ACTS

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    This paper outlines the main results of a number of ACTS experiments on the efficacy of using standard Internet protocols over long-delay satellite channels. These experiments have been jointly conducted by NASA\u27s Glenn Research Center and Ohio University over the last six years. The focus of our investigations has been the impact of long-delay networks with non-zero bit-error rates on the performance of the suite of Internet protocols. In particular, we have focused on the most widely used transport protocol, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), as well as several application layer protocols. This paper presents our main results, as well as references to more verbose discussions of our experiments

    Client service communication’s audit through digital communication at Indonesia communications

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Indonesian government implemented policies which required people to work, pray, and study from home or a Work From Home (WFH). Such policies are also carried out by ID COMM to serve clients. Thus, this unprecedented phenomenon changed its communication system. This communication audit research is being conducted, to evaluate the flow of communication that occurs to serving clients in ID COMM. The data that was used for this study is taken from interviews and observation through qualitative methods and literature review. As an agency, ID COMM uses transactional communication Tubbs model. ID COMM encountered some problems while doing its job, such as lack of personal touch and less flexibility when presenting both briefs and work. As a result of that effect on revision frequency. Sometimes, another problem that is encountered by ID COMM, the connection is not that good and also the clients just didn’t understand what PR needs for strategy. However, the client is satisfied with the performance of ID COMM in general

    2003 : Faculty of Engineering, Full - Time Courses

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    Book contains, DIT academic calender for year 2002/2003. Contains list of full time courses in the faculty of engineering for entry 2003

    June 24, 1994, Ohio University Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

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    Meeting minutes document the activities of Ohio University\u27s Board of Trustees

    A Study on Optimum Civilian Volunteer System for Maritime Search and Rescue in Korea

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    Korea has suffered three major maritime disasters resulting in the loss of hundreds of lives. The most recent disaster happened in March 2014 near Jindothe tragedy of the event being that the massive loss of life was entirely preventable, but the Search & Rescue (SAR) system broke down. In a nation that is almost entirely dependent upon the ocean for its survival, the question is how it can provide more SAR capacity without the extreme expense of expanding the Coast Guard. For several developed and developing nations, the answer is to use a civilian volunteer maritime SAR organization (CVSO). There are two primary models: the USCG Auxiliary model and the Royal National Lifeboat Institute (RNLI) model. The Auxiliary model is more widely used within the American hemisphere, while the RNLI model tends to be used in Europe. Korea has very friendly ties with both the USA and Europe, so neither model has an obvious advantage for adoption by Korea. The problem then becomes what kind of CVSO should Korea choose, and how can one know what is the optimal system for Korea’s needs. To decide which model to use, five years of maritime incident data was given by the Korea Coast Guard and analyzed. Five possible variations, or scenarios, of the Auxiliary and RNLI models were set up and calculated. Two scenarios were clearly failures. One scenario had an 85% success rate, while two scenarios had 100% success rates. The problem then could not be answered with mere quantifiable data, because the quantifiable data yielded two equal results. Going back to the raw data, it became clear that Korea needs improvement not only in SAR response but also in SAR prevention, especially among commercial fishing vessels. Going further back to the narrative descriptions of the USCG Auxiliary and the RNLI, it became clear that, while the RNLI is the better SAR response CVSO, the USCG Auxiliary is the model Korea should adopt, both for its greater capacity for multiple missions, and, more importantly, for its much lower startup and operational costs. However, since the RNLI model has such valuable features, namely, their lifeboat stations and purpose-made lifeboats, the paper suggests using the Auxiliary model to begin, and then phasing in the most valuable aspects of the RNLI over the course of decades as the reputation and donor base grows. Although this paper is about the particular case of Korea, the method is easily transferred to any nation seeking to start its own CVSO.Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background and purpose 1 1.2 Materials and Methods 5 Data Used 5 Methods 7 Chapter 2 SAR SYSTEMS 11 2.1 International SAR System 11 2.2 Korean SAR system 16 Overview of Korea SAR Act 16 SAR Co-ordination 17 Korea Ship Reporting System 22 Relationship with private sector 25 2.3 Chapter summary 26 Chapter 3 VOLUNTEER SAR ORGANIZATIONS 28 3.1 The United States 28 The United States Coast Guard 28 History of the USCG Auxiliary 29 Current Status 31 Organization 32 Auxiliary SAR 38 SAR Training 40 Mission Orders 43 Mission Reports 44 SAR Mission Statistics 44 USCG Auxiliary Budget 45 Model Maritime Auxiliary Guide 48 Section Summary 49 3.2 The United Kingdom 50 Introduction 50 Founding and History 50 Current Status 53 Organization 54 RNLI SAR Lifeboat Fleet 55 SAR Training 58 Mission Orders 60 Mission Reports 60 SAR Mission Statistics 60 RNLI Budget 61 Section Summary 62 3.3 Comparison of USCG Auxiliary and RNLI 62 Scope of mission(s) 63 Budget 64 Organization 65 Bureaucracy 66 Training 67 Equipment 68 International Partnerships and Programs 68 Lives Saved/Rescued 69 Comparison Summary 70 Chapter 4 CHARACTERISTICS OF MARITIME INCIDENTS IN KOREAN WATERS 72 4.1Basic Analysis 72 4.2 Chapter Summary 94 Chapter 5 DESIGN FOR AN OPTIMUM CVSO SYSTEM 95 5.1 Hypothesis of CVSO System 95 5.2 Method of Experiment 97 Preparing the method 97 Scenario Specifics and methods 104 Assessment of each scenario 110 Results Summary 113 Chapter 6 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 114 6.1 Discussion 114 6.2 Concluding remarks 126 Bibliography 12

    Session Law 88-398

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    Utilizing the ISS Mission as a Testbed to Develop Cognitive Communications Systems

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    The ISS provides an excellent opportunity for pioneering artificial intelligence software to meet the challenges of real-time communications (comm) link management. This opportunity empowers the ISS Program to forge a testbed for developing cognitive communications systems for the benefit of the ISS mission, manned Low Earth Orbit (LEO) science programs and future planetary exploration programs. In November, 1998, the Flight Operations Directorate (FOD) started the ISS Antenna Manager (IAM) project to develop a single processor supporting multiple comm satellite tracking for two different antenna systems. Further, the processor was developed to be highly adaptable as it supported the ISS mission through all assembly stages. The ISS mission mandated communications specialists with complete knowledge of when the ISS was about to lose or gain comm link service. The current specialty mandated cognizance of large sun-tracking solar arrays and thermal management panels in addition to the highly-dynamic satellite service schedules and rise/set tables. This mission requirement makes the ISS the ideal communications management analogue for future LEO space station and long-duration planetary exploration missions. Future missions, with their precision-pointed, dynamic, laser-based comm links, require complete autonomy for managing high-data rate communications systems. Development of cognitive communications management systems that permit any crew member or payload science specialist, regardless of experience level, to control communications is one of the greater benefits the ISS can offer new space exploration programs. The IAM project met a new mission requirement never previously levied against US space-born communications systems management: process and display the orientation of large solar arrays and thermal control panels based on real-time joint angle telemetry. However, IAM leaves the actual communications availability assessment to human judgement, which introduces unwanted variability because each specialist has a different core of experience with comm link performance. Because the ISS utilizes two different frequency bands, dynamic structure can be occasionally translucent at one frequency while it can completely interdict service at the other frequency. The impact of articulating structure on the comm link can depend on its orientation at the time it impinges on the link. It can become easy for a human specialist to cross-associate experience at one frequency with experience at the other frequency. Additionally, the specialist's experience is incremental, occurring one nine-hour shift at a time. Only the IAM processor experiences the complete 24x7x365 communications link performance for both communications links but, it has no "learning capability." If the IAM processor could be endowed with a cognitive ability to remember past structure-induced comm link outages, based on its knowledge of the ISS position, attitude, communications gear, array joint angles and tracking accuracy, it could convey such experience to the human operator. It could also use its learned communications link behaviors to accurately convey the availability of future communications sessions. Further, the tool could remember how accurately or inaccurately it predicted availability and correct future predictions based on past performance. The IAM tool could learn frequency-specific impacts due to spacecraft structures and pass that information along as "experience." Such development would provide a single artificial intelligence processor that could provide two different experience bases. If it also "knew" the satellite service schedule, it could distinguish structure blockage from schedule or planet blockage and then quickly switch to another satellite. Alternatively, just as a human operator could judge, a cognizant comm system based on the IAM model could "know" that the blockage is not going to last very long and continue tracking a comm satellite, waiting for it to track away from structure. Ultimately, once this capability was fully developed and tested in the Mission Control Center, it could be transferred on-orbit to support development of operations concepts that include more advanced cognitive communications systems. Future applications of this capability are easily foreseen because even more dynamic satellite constellations with more nodes and greater capability are coming. Currently, the ISS fully employs its high-data-rate return link for harvesting payload science. In the coming months, it will double that data rate and is forecast to fully utilize that capability. Already there is talk of an upgrade that quadruples the current data rate allocated to ISS payload science before the end of its mission and laser comm links have already been tested from the ISS. Every data rate upgrade mandates more complicated and sensitive communications equipment which implies greater expertise invested in the human operator. Future on-orbit cognizant comm systems will be needed to meet greater performance demands aboard larger, far more complicated spacecraft. In the LEO environment, the old-style one-satellite-per-spacecraft operations concept will give way to a new concept of a single customer spacecraft simultaneously using multiple comm satellites. Much more highly-dynamic manned LEO missions with decades of crew members potentially increase the demand for communications link performance. A cognizant on-board communications system will meet advanced communications demands from future LEO missions and future planetary missions. The ISS has fledgling components of future exploration programs, both LEO and planetary. Further, the Flight Operations Directorate, through the IAM project, has already begun to develop a communications management system that attempts to solve advanced problems ideally represented by dynamic structure impacting scheduled satellite service. With an earnest project to integrate artificial intelligence into the IAM processor, the ISS Program could develop a cognizant communications system that could be adapted and transferred to future on-orbit avionics designs