2 research outputs found

    Fault Diameter and Efficient Fault-Tolerant Routing in a Class of Alternating Group Networks

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    作为加利图的一种,自选图Agn相对于其它网络结构,在并行计算及分布式计算领域有着更好的特性,因而受到广泛的重视。Ann是由翼有虎提出的基于Agn的一类新的网络结构。这个新的网络结构在直径、容错度、容错直径和汉密尔顿连通性上都优于网络Agn。虽然该网络结构已经有了较好的非容错路由算法,但是依然没有一种针对这个结构的容错路由算法以完善其实际应用。文中通过研究Ann的性质,得出了容错直径,然后基于该容错直径,设计并实现了Ann容错路由算法,最后验证了该算法的正确性。Alternating group graphs AGn,as a class of Cayley graphs,received attention for that possess certain desirable properties compared with other regular networks in parallel and distributed computing.A new form of the graphs AGn which is called ANn,studied by Youhu,shows advantages over AGn.For example,the diameter,fault tolerant,fault diameter and Hamilton connectivity are better than AGn.In this paper,the exact value of the new network's fault diameter to access its robustness is found out and the first efficient fault-tolerant routing algorithm for this class of network is presented