4 research outputs found

    A Performance Analysis Framework for WiFi/WiMAX Heterogeneous Metropolitan Networks Based on Cross-Layer Design

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    The communication between network nodes within different protocol domains is often regarded simply as a black box with unknown configuration conditions in the path. We address network heterogeneity using a white box approach and focus on its interconnection processes. To achieve this purpose, a Performance Analysis Framework (PAF) is proposed which is composed of the formalization of the latter using process algebra (PA) and the corresponding teletraffic performance models. In this contribution, we target the IEEE 802.16 and IEEE 802.11 protocols. For the teletraffic models, we extend previous models for such scenario with the inclusion of the following protocol operational parameters (metrics): bit error rate (BER), packet error ratio (PER), and packet length (pl). From the framework teletraffic models, the optimal packet length (OPL), end to end throughput, delay, and packet loss are obtained. The PAF outperforms previous modeling solutions in terms of delay and throughput relative to NS3 simulation results. </jats:p

    Security Frameworks for Machine-to-Machine Devices and Networks

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    Attacks against mobile systems have escalated over the past decade. There have been increases of fraud, platform attacks, and malware. The Internet of Things (IoT) offers a new attack vector for Cybercriminals. M2M contributes to the growing number of devices that use wireless systems for Internet connection. As new applications and platforms are created, old vulnerabilities are transferred to next-generation systems. There is a research gap that exists between the current approaches for security framework development and the understanding of how these new technologies are different and how they are similar. This gap exists because system designers, security architects, and users are not fully aware of security risks and how next-generation devices can jeopardize safety and personal privacy. Current techniques, for developing security requirements, do not adequately consider the use of new technologies, and this weakens countermeasure implementations. These techniques rely on security frameworks for requirements development. These frameworks lack a method for identifying next generation security concerns and processes for comparing, contrasting and evaluating non-human device security protections. This research presents a solution for this problem by offering a novel security framework that is focused on the study of the “functions and capabilities” of M2M devices and improves the systems development life cycle for the overall IoT ecosystem

    Data Protection for the Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things (abbreviated: “IoT”) is acknowledged as one of the most important disruptive technologies with more than 16 billion devices forecasted to interact autonomously by 2020. The idea is simple, devices will help to measure the status of physical objects. The devices, containing sensors and actuators, are so small that they can be integrated or attached to any object in order to measure that object and possibly change its status accordingly. A process or work flow is then able to interact with those devices and to control the objects physically. The result is the collection of massive data in a ubiquitous form. This data can be analysed to gain new insights, a benefit propagated by the “Big Data” and “Smart Data” paradigms. While governments, cities and industries are heavily involved in the Internet of Things, society’s privacy awareness and the concerns over data protection in IoT increase steadily. The scale of the collection, processing and dissemination of possibly private information in the Internet of Things has long begun to raise privacy concerns. The problem is a fundamental one, it is the massive data collection that benefits the investment on IoT, while it contradicts the interest on data minimization coming from privacy advocates. And the challenges go even further, while privacy is an actively researched topic with a mature variety of privacy preserving mechanisms, legal studies and surveillance studies in specific contexts, investigations of how to apply this concepts in the constrained environment of IoT have merely begun. Thus the objective of this thesis is threefold and tackles several topics, looking at them in a differentiated way and later bringing them together for one of the first, (more) complete pictures of privacy in IoT. The first starting point is the throughout study of stakeholders, impact areas and proposals on an architectural reference model for IoT. At the time of this writing, IoT was adversed heavily by several companies, products and even governments, creating a blurred picture of what IoT really is. This thesis surveys stakeholders, scenarios, architecture paradigms and definitions to find a working definition for IoT which adequately describes the intersection between all of the aforementioned topics. In a further step, the definition is applied exemplary on two scenarios to identify the common building blocks of those scenarios and of IoT in general. The building blocks are then verified against a similar approach by the IoT-A and Rerum projects and unified to an IoT domain model. This approach purposefully uses notions and paradigms provided in related scientific work and European projects in order to benefit from existing efforts and to achieve a common understanding. In this thesis, the observation of so called cyber-physical properties of IoT leads to the conclusion that IoT proposals miss a core concept of physical interaction in the “real world”. Accordingly, this thesis takes a detour to jurisdiction and identifies ownership and possession as a main concept of “human-to-object” relationships. The analysis of IoT building blocks ends with an enhanced IoT domain model. The next step breaks down “privacy by design”. Notably hereby is that privacy by design has been well integrated in to the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This regulation heavily affects IoT and thus serves as the main source of privacy requirements. Gürses et al.’s privacy paradigm (privacy as confidentiality, privacy as control and privacy as practice) is used for the breakdown, preceded by a survey of relevant privacy proposals, where relevancy was measured upon previously identified IoT impact areas and stakeholders. Independently from IoT, this thesis shows that privacy engineering is a task that still needs to be well understood. A privacy development lifecycle was therefore sketched as a first step in this direction. Existing privacy technologies are part of the survey. Current research is summed up to show that while many schemes exist, few are adequate for actual application in IoT due to their high energy or computational consumption and high implementation costs (most notably caused by the implementation of special arithmetics). In an effort to give a first direction on possible new privacy enhancing technologies for IoT, new technical schemes are presented, formally verified and evaluated. The proposals comprise schemes, among others, on relaxed integrity protection, privacy friendly authentication and authorization as well as geo-location privacy. The schemes are presented to industry partners with positive results. This technologies have thus been published in academia and as intellectual property items. This thesis concludes by bringing privacy and IoT together. The final result is a privacy enhanced IoT domain model accompanied by a set of assumptions regarding stakeholders, economic impacts, economic and technical constraints as well as formally verified and evaluated proof of concept technologies for privacy in IoT. There is justifiable interest in IoT as it helps to tackle many future challenges found in several impact areas. At the same time, IoT impacts the stakeholders that participate in those areas, creating the need for unification of IoT and privacy. This thesis shows that technical and economic constraints do not impede such a process, although the process has merely begun