4 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Distributed Programming Models and Extensions to Task-based Runtime Systems

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) has always been a key foundation for scientific simulation and discovery. And more recently, deep learning models\u27 training have further accelerated the demand of computational power and lower precision arithmetic. In this era following the end of Dennard\u27s Scaling and when Moore\u27s Law seemingly still holds true to a lesser extent, it is not a coincidence that HPC systems are equipped with multi-cores CPUs and a variety of hardware accelerators that are all massively parallel. Coupling this with interconnect networks\u27 speed improvements lagging behind those of computational power increases, the current state of HPC systems is heterogeneous and extremely complex. This was heralded as a great challenge to the software stacks and their ability to extract performance from these systems, but also as a great opportunity to innovate at the programming model level to explore the different approaches and propose new solutions. With usability, portability, and performance as the main factors to consider, this dissertation first evaluates some of the widely used parallel programming models (MPI, MPI+OpenMP, and task-based runtime systems) ability to manage the load imbalance among the processes computing the LU factorization of a large dense matrix stored in the Block Low-Rank (BLR) format. Next I proposed a number of optimizations and implemented them in PaRSEC\u27s Dynamic Task Discovery (DTD) model, including user-level graph trimming and direct Application Programming Interface (API) calls to perform data broadcast operation to further extend the limit of STF model. On the other hand, the Parameterized Task Graph (PTG) approach in PaRSEC is the most scalable approach for many different applications, which I then explored the possibility of combining both the algorithmic approach of Communication-Avoiding (CA) and the communication-computation overlapping benefits provided by runtime systems using 2D five-point stencil as the test case. This broad programming models evaluation and extension work highlighted the abilities of task-based runtime system in achieving scalable performance and portability on contemporary heterogeneous HPC systems. Finally, I summarized the profiling capability of PaRSEC runtime system, and demonstrated with a use case its important role in the performance bottleneck identification leading to optimizations

    Communication Avoiding and Overlapping for Numerical Linear Algebra

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    Abstract—To efficiently scale dense linear algebra problems to future exascale systems, communication cost must be avoided or overlapped. Communication-avoiding 2.5D algorithms improve scalability by reducing inter-processor data transfer volume at the cost of extra memory usage. Communication overlap attempts to hide messaging latency by pipelining messages and overlapping with computational work. We study the interaction and compatibility of these two techniques for two matrix multiplication algorithms (Cannon and SUMMA), triangular solve, and Cholesky factorization. For each algorithm, we construct a detailed performance model that considers both critical path dependencies and idle time. We give novel implementations of 2.5D algorithms with overlap for each of these problems. Our software employs UPC, a partitioned global address space (PGAS) language that provides fast one-sided communication. We show communication avoidance and overlap provide a cumulative benefit as core counts scale, including results using over 24K cores of a Cray XE6 system. I

    Communication Avoiding and Overlapping for Numerical Linear Algebra

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