26 research outputs found

    Web log file analysis: backlinks and queries

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    As has been described else where, web log files are a useful source of information about visitor site use, navigation behaviour, and, to some extent, demographics. But log files can also reveal the existence of both web pages and search engine queries that are sources of new visitors.This study extracts such information from a single web log files and uses it to illustrate its value, not only to th site owner but also to those interested in investigating the online behaviour of web users

    How Will Online Affiliate Marketing Networks Impact Search Engine Rankings?

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    In online affiliate marketing networks advertising web sites offer their affiliates revenues based on provided web site traffic and associated leads and sales. Advertising web sites can have a network of thousands of affiliates providing them with web site traffic through hyperlinks on their web sites. Search engines such as Google, MSN, and Yahoo, consider hyperlinks as a proof of quality and/or reliability of the linked web sites, and therefore use them to determine the relevance of web sites with regard to search queries. In this research we investigate the potential impact of online affiliate marketing networks on the ranking of advertisers’ web sites in search results. This article empirically explores how seven different affiliate marketing networks affect the rankings of the advertising web sites within web search engines. The field study followed intensively seven online affiliate marketing networks for twelve weeks after their launch. The results indicate that newly started affiliate networks effectively improve the rankings of advertising web sites in search engine results. Also, it was found that the effects of affiliate marketing networks on search engine rankings were smaller for advertising web sites operating in highly competitive markets. Another finding was that a growth in visitors coming from search engines was present as a result of the improvement of search engine rankings. Finally, the results indicate that cost-benefit metrics associated with affiliate marketing programs, such as the average marketing cost will decrease when the positive effects of affiliate marketing on search engine rankings are taken into account.Advertising;Hyperlinks;Online Affiliate Marketing Networks;Search Engine Rankings

    The use of electronic commerce in the small and medium scale organisations: Istanbul example

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    Gerek altyapı ve yatırımların yetersizliği, gerekse maliyetlerin yüksekliği ve yetişmiş insan gücünün bulunmaması elektronik ticaretin hızını yavaşlatmaktadır. Ticaret boyutuna bakıldığı zaman, işten işe elektronik ticaret hacmi, işletmeden tüketiciye olan ticaret hacminden çok daha önemlidir. Çalışmanın amacı, büyük bir sanayi şehri olan İstanbul ili sınırları içerisindeki KOBİ'ler arasında elektronik ticaret kullanım sıklığını ve düzeyini, hangi amaçla yapıldığını, bu tür ticari faaliyetlerden beklenen faydaları ve karşılaşılan zorlukları ortaya çıkarmaktır. Bu doğrultuda çalışmanın ilk bölümünde literatür taramasına yer yerilmiş, ikinci bölümde ise, KOBİ'lerde elektronik ticaret kullanımını araştırmak amacıyla İstanbul ili sınırları içerisindeki KOBİ'lere uygulanan anket çalışmasının sonuçlarına yer verilmiştir.The speed of electronic commerce's spread is being hindered due not only to insufficiency of required infrastructure and investment but also high cost and lack of qualified personnel. Looking from the trade perspective, the volume of B2B electronic commerce is much more important than that of B2C electronic commerce. The aim of this study is to find out the usage frequency and level of electronic commerce, its reason of existence, expected benefits and encountered difficulties from these kinds of commercial activities between SMEs operating in Istanbul, which is a big industrial city. In accordance with this aim, at the first section of the study there exists literature review, and in the second section the results of the questionnaire which has been applied to the SMEs in Istanbul in order to investigate the usage of electronic commerce in SMEs are presented

    How Will Online Affiliate Marketing Networks Impact Search Engine Rankings?

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    In online affiliate marketing networks advertising web sites offer their affiliates revenues based on provided web site traffic and associated leads and sales. Advertising web sites can have a network of thousands of affiliates providing them with web site traffic through hyperlinks on their web sites. Search engines such as Google, MSN, and Yahoo, consider hyperlinks as a proof of quality and/or reliability of the linked web sites, and therefore use them to determine the relevance of web sites with regard to search queries. In this research we investigate the potential impact of online affiliate marketing networks on the ranking of advertisers’ web sites in search results. This article empirically explores how seven different affiliate marketing networks affect the rankings of the advertising web sites within web search engines. The field study followed intensively seven online affiliate marketing networks for twelve weeks after their launch. The results indicate that newly started affiliate networks effectively improve the rankings of advertising web sites in search engine results. Also, it was found that the effects of affiliate marketing networks on search engine rankings were smaller for advertising web sites operating in highly competitive markets. Another finding was that a growth in visitors coming from search engines was present as a result of the improvement of search engine rankings. Finally, the results indicate that cost-benefit metrics associated with affiliate marketing programs, such as the average marketing cost will decrease when the positive effects of affiliate marketing on search engine rankings are taken into account

    La utilización de estrategias SEO en el sector de la venta de libros

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    La saturación de los medios de comunicación y el avance de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación han consolidado Internet como un nuevo canal comercial y de marketing. En este contexto surgen nuevas estrategias de promoción en Internet que facilitan a empresas y organizaciones obtener un buen posicionamiento en los buscadores e incrementar el tráfico en su página web. Los objetivos de este artículo son: 1) contextualizar el marketing basado en buscadores (SEM) y en especial las acciones o estrategias de optimización del posicionamiento (SEO); 2) identificar y clasificar las acciones SEO que las empresas realizan o podrían realizar para mejorar su posicionamiento, y 3) realizar una observación empírica, centrada en las librerías de ámbito español (venta de libros), que permita cuantificar el grado de utilización de acciones SEO y su efectividad según el posicionamiento observado en las páginas de resultados de los buscadores. Se analizan los resultados obtenidos, las limitaciones del estudio y se comentan futuras líneas de investigación.The Internet has consolidated as a new commercial and marketing channel due to the advance of Information and Communication Technologies and the saturation of conventional media channels. In this context, firms are doing specific (for the Internet channel) promotion strategies to improve its placement on search engines results pages and to increase its website traffic. The objectives of this article are: 1) to provide a context for the Search Engine Marketing (SEM), putting special attention on those actions to optimize the placement in search engines (SEO); 2) to identify and classify what SEO actions firms adopt or could adopt to improve its placement on search engines; and 3) to make an empirical study (centered on Spanish book trades) to quantify how much firms are adopting SEO actions and its effectiveness according to the placement observed in search engines result pages. The results are analyzed, the limitations are discussed and new lines for research are commented.Peer Reviewe

    Disclosing the network structure of private companies on the web: the case of Spanish IBEX 35 share index

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    [EN] Purpose - It is common for an international company to have different brands, products or services, information for investors, a corporate blog, affiliates, branches in different countries, etc. If all these contents appear as independent additional web domains (AWDs), the company should be represented on the web by all these web domains, since many of these AWDs may acquire remarkable performance that could mask or distort the real web performance of the company, affecting therefore on the understanding of web metrics. The purpose of this paper is to determine the amount, type, web impact and topology of the AWDs in commercial companies in order to get a better understanding on their complete web impact and structure. Design/methodology/approach - The set of companies belonging to the Spanish IBEX-35 stock index has been analysed as testing bench. The authors proceeded to identify and categorise all AWDs belonging to these companies, and to apply both web impact (web presence and visibility) and network metrics. Findings - The results show that AWDs get a high web presence but relatively low web visibility, due to certain opacity or less dissemination of some AWDs favoring its isolation. This is verified by the low network density values obtained, that occur because AWDs are strongly connected with the corporate domain (although asymmetrically), but very weakly linked each other. Research limitations/implications - The categories used to classify the various AWD, although they are clearly distinguishable conceptually, have certain limitations in practice, since they depend on the form adopted by companies to publish certain content or to provide certain services or products. Otherwise, the use of web indicators presents certain problems of accuracy that could be softened if applied with caution and in a relational basis. Originality/value - Although the processes of AWDs creation and categorisation are complex (web policy seems not to be driven by a defined or conscious plan), their influence on the web performance of IBEX 35 companies is meaningful. This research measures the AWDs influence on companies under webometric terms for the first time.This research has been funded under the project APOSTD/2013/002 from the Regional Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (Generalitat Valenciana) in Spain.Orduña Malea, E.; Delgado López-Cózar, E.; Serrano-Cobos, J.; Lloret Romero, MN. (2015). Disclosing the network structure of private companies on the web: the case of Spanish IBEX 35 share index. Online Information Review. 39(3):360-382. https://doi.org/10.1108/OIR-11-2014-0282S36038239

    Transforming Digital Marketing with Generative AI

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/The current marketing landscape faces challenges in content creation and innovation, relying heavily on manually created content and traditional channels like social media and search engines. While effective, these methods often lack the creativity and uniqueness needed to stand out in a competitive market. To address this, we introduce MARK-GEN, a conceptual framework that utilises generative artificial intelligence (AI) models to transform marketing content creation. MARK-GEN provides a comprehensive, structured approach for businesses to employ generative AI in producing marketing materials, representing a new method in digital marketing strategies. We present two case studies within the fashion industry, demonstrating how MARK-GEN can generate compelling marketing content using generative AI technologies. This proposition paper builds on our previous technical developments in virtual try-on models, including image-based, multipose, and image-to-video techniques, and is intended for a broad audience, particularly those in business managementPeer reviewe

    An Activity System As A Behavioristic Framework For The Elaboration Of Promotion Techniques

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    In this paper, we intended to examine the possibility to investigate two (2) influential theories: a. Activity Theory and b. Transformative Learning Theory (TLT) in order to develop a new behavioristic framework that could be introduced to aid the design and analysis of promotion techniques by approaching major promotion events of particular interest and with strategic content, as critical cases. First, we attempted to do this by categorizing sixty-eight (68) identified empirical papers into conceptual categories in accordance to the conceptual and theoretical framework. Second, we provided eleven (11) summary points and ten (10) interpretive claims. Third, we examined three (3) ISP Award Winners as critical cases studies [2002, 2004 and 2006 from three (3) different award categories: (a) Promotional Communication Point of Purchase, b) The Most Effective Loyalty Campaign and c) Digital Communications]. This examination gave us valuable information on the potentiality of developing an activity system for the design and analysis of promotion techniques. Thus, the phenomenon studied, through our new proposed micro-model, became more visible with some interesting theoretical and practical implications

    Enhancing Knowledge and Bounce Rate in SERPs Using Micro-Data

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    Internet has revolutionized the human life. SEs (Search Engines) are one of the major tools being used for finding information over the Internet. SEs enlist the information into links as per relevance to the searched query. A searcher usually visits the top web links retrieved on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) in response to a search query. With the evolving nature of Internet and the increasing number of competitors; it is hard to maintain high ranking in SERPs even for professional correspondents. However, correspondents can apply the techniques of web micro-data to achieve high CTR (Click through Rate) in SERPs. Ranking in major SEs is still a critical factor, although in certain cases such as movies, books, recipes rich snippets proved profitable for webmasters. This study aims to address the gap in micro-data moving from top category such as Animals to their limited scope. Animals with information such as name, price, category will have high CTR and hence more user satisfaction for specified result will lead to high ranking in SERPs

    Kobilerde Elektronik Ticaretin Kullanımı : İstanbul Örneği

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    The speed of electronic commerce's spread is being hindered due not only to insufficiency of required infrastructure and investment but also high cost and lack of qualified personnel. Looking from the trade perspective, the volume of B2B electronic commerce is much more important than that of B2C electronic commerce. The aim of this study is to find out the usage frequency and level of electronic commerce, its reason of existence, expected benefits and encountered difficulties from these kinds of commercial activities between SMEs operating in Istanbul, which is a big industrial city. In accordance with this aim, at the first section of the study there exists literature review, and in the second section the results of the questionnaire which has been applied to the SMEs in Istanbul in order to investigate the usage of electronic commerce in SMEs are presented.Gerek altyapı ve yatırımların yetersizliği, gerekse maliyetlerin yüksekliği ve yetişmiş insan gücünün bulunmaması elektronik ticaretin hızını yavaşlatmaktadır. Ticaret boyutuna bakıldığı zaman, işten işe elektronik ticaret hacmi, işletmeden tüketiciye olan ticaret hacminden çok daha önemlidir. Çalışmanın amacı, büyük bir sanayi şehri olan İstanbul ili sınırları içerisindeki KOBİ'ler arasında elektronik ticaret kullanım sıklığını ve düzeyini, hangi amaçla yapıldığını, bu tür ticari faaliyetlerden beklenen faydaları ve karşılaşılan zorlukları ortaya çıkarmaktır. Bu doğrultuda çalışmanın ilk bölümünde literatür taramasına yer yerilmiş, ikinci bölümde ise, KOBİ'lerde elektronik ticaret kullanımını araştırmak amacıyla İstanbul ili sınırları içerisindeki KOBİ'lere uygulanan anket çalışmasının sonuçlarına yer verilmiştir