14,292 research outputs found

    Noncommutative field theories on Rλ3R^3_\lambda: Towards UV/IR mixing freedom

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    We consider the noncommutative space Rλ3\mathbb{R}^3_\lambda, a deformation of the algebra of functions on R3\mathbb{R}^3 which yields a "foliation" of R3\mathbb{R}^3 into fuzzy spheres. We first construct a natural matrix base adapted to Rλ3\mathbb{R}^3_\lambda. We then apply this general framework to the one-loop study of a two-parameter family of real-valued scalar noncommutative field theories with quartic polynomial interaction, which becomes a non-local matrix model when expressed in the above matrix base. The kinetic operator involves a part related to dynamics on the fuzzy sphere supplemented by a term reproducing radial dynamics. We then compute the planar and non-planar 1-loop contributions to the 2-point correlation function. We find that these diagrams are both finite in the matrix base. We find no singularity of IR type, which signals very likely the absence of UV/IR mixing. We also consider the case of a kinetic operator with only the radial part. We find that the resulting theory is finite to all orders in perturbation expansion.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figures. Improved version. Sections 5.1 and 5.2 have been clarified. A minor error corrected. References adde

    Membranes, Strings and Integrability

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    In the first half of this note, after briefly motivating and reviewing membrane field theories, we consider their BPS funnel solutions. We discuss some aspects of embedding M-theory fuzzy funnels in these theories. In the second half, we focus on ABJM theory and explain a test of AdS4/CFT3 based on integrability. We discuss a numerical mismatch at one loop in worldsheet perturbation theory and its possible resolutions.Comment: 6 pages, contribution to the proceedings of the 4th RTN meeting, Varna, Bulgaria, to be published in Fortschritte der Physik; v2,3: references adde

    Membranes on Calibrations

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    M2-branes can blow up into BPS funnels that end on calibrated intersections of M5-branes. In this quick note, we make the observation that the constraints required for the consistency of these solutions are automatic in Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson (BLG) theory, thanks to the fundamental identity and the supersymmetry of the calibration. We use this to explain how the previous ad hoc fuzzy funnel constructions emerge in this picture, and make some comments about the role of the 3-algebra trace form in the derivation.Comment: 9 pages, no figures; references added, minor change

    Non-commutative World-volume Geometries: Branes on SU(2) and Fuzzy Spheres

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    The geometry of D-branes can be probed by open string scattering. If the background carries a non-vanishing B-field, the world-volume becomes non-commutative. Here we explore the quantization of world-volume geometries in a curved background with non-zero Neveu-Schwarz 3-form field strength H = dB. Using exact and generally applicable methods from boundary conformal field theory, we study the example of open strings in the SU(2) Wess-Zumino-Witten model, and establish a relation with fuzzy spheres or certain (non-associative) deformations thereof. These findings could be of direct relevance for D-branes in the presence of Neveu-Schwarz 5-branes; more importantly, they provide insight into a completely new class of world-volume geometries.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure; some explanations improved, references adde

    Holographic Entanglement in a Noncommutative Gauge Theory

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    In this article we investigate aspects of entanglement entropy and mutual information in a large-N strongly coupled noncommutative gauge theory, both at zero and at finite temperature. Using the gauge-gravity duality and the Ryu-Takayanagi (RT) prescription, we adopt a scheme for defining spatial regions on such noncommutative geometries and subsequently compute the corresponding entanglement entropy. We observe that for regions which do not lie entirely in the noncommutative plane, the RT-prescription yields sensible results. In order to make sense of the divergence structure of the corresponding entanglement entropy, it is essential to introduce an additional cut-off in the theory. For regions which lie entirely in the noncommutative plane, the corresponding minimal area surfaces can only be defined at this cut-off and they have distinctly peculiar properties.Comment: 28 pages, multiple figures; minor changes, conclusions unchange

    Brane Dynamics in Background Fluxes and Non-commutative Geometry

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    Branes in non-trivial backgrounds are expected to exhibit interesting dynamical properties. We use the boundary conformal field theory approach to study branes in a curved background with non-vanishing Neveu-Schwarz 3-form field strength. For branes on an S3S^3, the low-energy effective action is computed to leading order in the string tension. It turns out to be a field theory on a non-commutative `fuzzy 2-sphere' which consists of a Yang-Mills and a Chern-Simons term. We find a certain set of classical solutions that have no analogue for flat branes in Euclidean space. These solutions show, in particular, how a spherical brane can arise as bound state from a stack of D0-branes.Comment: 25 page

    Non-Abelian BIonic Brane Intersections

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    We study "fuzzy funnel" solutions to the non-Abelian equations of motion of the D-string. Our funnel describes n^6/360 coincident D-strings ending on n^3/6 D7-branes, in terms of a fuzzy six-sphere which expands along the string. We also provide a dual description of this configuration in terms of the world volume theory of the D7-branes. Our work makes use of an interesting non-linear higher dimensional generalization of the instanton equations.Comment: 17 pages uses harvmac; v2: small typos corrected, refs adde

    Giant Gravitons in Conformal Field Theory

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    Giant gravitons in AdS_5 x S^5, and its orbifolds, have a dual field theory representation as states created by chiral primary operators. We argue that these operators are not single-trace operators in the conformal field theory, but rather are determinants and subdeterminants of scalar fields; the stringy exclusion principle applies to these operators. Evidence for this identification comes from three sources: (a) topological considerations in orbifolds, (b) computation of protected correlators using free field theory and (c) a Matrix model argument. The last argument applies to AdS_7 x S^4 and the dual (2,0) theory, where we use algebraic aspects of the fuzzy 4-sphere to compute the expectation value of a giant graviton operator along the Coulomb branch of the theory.Comment: 37 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure. v2: references and acknowledgements added, small correction
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