482 research outputs found

    Deformable Part-based Fully Convolutional Network for Object Detection

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    Existing region-based object detectors are limited to regions with fixed box geometry to represent objects, even if those are highly non-rectangular. In this paper we introduce DP-FCN, a deep model for object detection which explicitly adapts to shapes of objects with deformable parts. Without additional annotations, it learns to focus on discriminative elements and to align them, and simultaneously brings more invariance for classification and geometric information to refine localization. DP-FCN is composed of three main modules: a Fully Convolutional Network to efficiently maintain spatial resolution, a deformable part-based RoI pooling layer to optimize positions of parts and build invariance, and a deformation-aware localization module explicitly exploiting displacements of parts to improve accuracy of bounding box regression. We experimentally validate our model and show significant gains. DP-FCN achieves state-of-the-art performances of 83.1% and 80.9% on PASCAL VOC 2007 and 2012 with VOC data only.Comment: Accepted to BMVC 2017 (oral

    What is Holding Back Convnets for Detection?

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    Convolutional neural networks have recently shown excellent results in general object detection and many other tasks. Albeit very effective, they involve many user-defined design choices. In this paper we want to better understand these choices by inspecting two key aspects "what did the network learn?", and "what can the network learn?". We exploit new annotations (Pascal3D+), to enable a new empirical analysis of the R-CNN detector. Despite common belief, our results indicate that existing state-of-the-art convnet architectures are not invariant to various appearance factors. In fact, all considered networks have similar weak points which cannot be mitigated by simply increasing the training data (architectural changes are needed). We show that overall performance can improve when using image renderings for data augmentation. We report the best known results on the Pascal3D+ detection and view-point estimation tasks

    Neural Architecture for Question Answering Using a Knowledge Graph and Web Corpus

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    In Web search, entity-seeking queries often trigger a special Question Answering (QA) system. It may use a parser to interpret the question to a structured query, execute that on a knowledge graph (KG), and return direct entity responses. QA systems based on precise parsing tend to be brittle: minor syntax variations may dramatically change the response. Moreover, KG coverage is patchy. At the other extreme, a large corpus may provide broader coverage, but in an unstructured, unreliable form. We present AQQUCN, a QA system that gracefully combines KG and corpus evidence. AQQUCN accepts a broad spectrum of query syntax, between well-formed questions to short `telegraphic' keyword sequences. In the face of inherent query ambiguities, AQQUCN aggregates signals from KGs and large corpora to directly rank KG entities, rather than commit to one semantic interpretation of the query. AQQUCN models the ideal interpretation as an unobservable or latent variable. Interpretations and candidate entity responses are scored as pairs, by combining signals from multiple convolutional networks that operate collectively on the query, KG and corpus. On four public query workloads, amounting to over 8,000 queries with diverse query syntax, we see 5--16% absolute improvement in mean average precision (MAP), compared to the entity ranking performance of recent systems. Our system is also competitive at entity set retrieval, almost doubling F1 scores for challenging short queries.Comment: Accepted to Information Retrieval Journa

    Multi-Context Attention for Human Pose Estimation

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    In this paper, we propose to incorporate convolutional neural networks with a multi-context attention mechanism into an end-to-end framework for human pose estimation. We adopt stacked hourglass networks to generate attention maps from features at multiple resolutions with various semantics. The Conditional Random Field (CRF) is utilized to model the correlations among neighboring regions in the attention map. We further combine the holistic attention model, which focuses on the global consistency of the full human body, and the body part attention model, which focuses on the detailed description for different body parts. Hence our model has the ability to focus on different granularity from local salient regions to global semantic-consistent spaces. Additionally, we design novel Hourglass Residual Units (HRUs) to increase the receptive field of the network. These units are extensions of residual units with a side branch incorporating filters with larger receptive fields, hence features with various scales are learned and combined within the HRUs. The effectiveness of the proposed multi-context attention mechanism and the hourglass residual units is evaluated on two widely used human pose estimation benchmarks. Our approach outperforms all existing methods on both benchmarks over all the body parts.Comment: The first two authors contribute equally to this wor

    Flowing ConvNets for Human Pose Estimation in Videos

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    The objective of this work is human pose estimation in videos, where multiple frames are available. We investigate a ConvNet architecture that is able to benefit from temporal context by combining information across the multiple frames using optical flow. To this end we propose a network architecture with the following novelties: (i) a deeper network than previously investigated for regressing heatmaps; (ii) spatial fusion layers that learn an implicit spatial model; (iii) optical flow is used to align heatmap predictions from neighbouring frames; and (iv) a final parametric pooling layer which learns to combine the aligned heatmaps into a pooled confidence map. We show that this architecture outperforms a number of others, including one that uses optical flow solely at the input layers, one that regresses joint coordinates directly, and one that predicts heatmaps without spatial fusion. The new architecture outperforms the state of the art by a large margin on three video pose estimation datasets, including the very challenging Poses in the Wild dataset, and outperforms other deep methods that don't use a graphical model on the single-image FLIC benchmark (and also Chen & Yuille and Tompson et al. in the high precision region).Comment: ICCV'1
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