10 research outputs found

    An overview of the linguistic resources used in cross-language question answering systems in CLEF Conference

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    The development of the Semantic Web requires great economic and human effort. Consequently, it is very useful to create mechanisms and tools that facilitate its expansion. From the standpoint of information retrieval (hereafter IR), access to the contents of the Semantic Web can be favored by the use of natural language, as it is much simpler and faster for the user to engage in his habitual form of expression. The growing popularity of Internet and the wide availability of web informative resources for general audiences are a fairly recent phenomenon, although man´s need to hurdle the language barrier and communicate with others is as old as the history of mankind. The World Wide Web, also known as WWW, together with the growing globalization of companies and organizations, and the increase of the non-English speaking audience, entails the demand for tools allowing users to secure information from a wide range of resources. Yet the underlying linguistic restrictions are often overlooked by researchers and designers. Against this background, a key characteristic to be evaluated in terms of the efficiency of IR systems is its capacity to allow users find a corpus of documents in different languages, and to facilitate the relevant information despite limited linguistic competence regarding the target language

    An Overview of the Linguistic Resources used in Cross-Language Question Answering Systems in CLEF Conference

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    The development of the Semantic Web requires great economic and human effort. Consequently, it is very useful to create mechanisms and tools that facilitate its expansion. From the standpoint of information retrieval (hereafter IR), access to the contents of the Semantic Web can be favored by the use of natural language, as it is much simpler and faster for the user to engage in his habitual form of expression. The growing popularity of Internet and the wide availability of web informative resources for general audiences are a fairly recent phenomenon, although man´s need to hurdle the language barrier and communicate with others is as old as the history of mankind. The World Wide Web, also known as WWW, together with the growing globalization of companies and organizations, and the increase of the non-English speaking audience, entails the demand for tools allowing users to secure information from a wide range of resources. Yet the underlying linguistic restrictions are often overlooked by researchers and designers. Against this background, a key characteristic to be evaluated in terms of the efficiency of IR systems is its capacity to allow users find a corpus of documents in different languages, and to facilitate the relevant information despite limited linguistic competence regarding the target language

    Convolutional recurrent neural network with template based representation for complex question answering

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    Complex Question answering system is developed to answer different types of questions accurately. Initially the question from the natural language is transformed to an internal representation which captures the semantics and intent of the question. In the proposed work, internal representation is provided with templates instead of using synonyms or keywords. Then for each internal representation, it is mapped to relevant query against the knowledge base. In present work, the Template representation based Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (T-CRNN) is proposed for selecting answer in Complex Question Answering (CQA) framework. Recurrent neural network is used to obtain the exact correlation between answers and questions and the semantic matching among the collection of answers. Initially, the process of learning is accomplished through Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) which represents the questions and answers separately. Then the representation with fixed length is produced for each question with the help of fully connected neural network. In order to design the semantic matching between the answers, the representation of Question Answer (QA) pair is given into the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). Finally, for the given question, the correctly correlated answers are identified with the softmax classifier

    An overview of the linguistic resources used in cross-language question answering systems in CLEF Conference

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    The development of the Semantic Web requires great economic and human effort. Consequently, it is very useful to create mechanisms and tools that facilitate its expansion. From the standpoint of information retrieval (hereafter IR), access to the contents of the Semantic Web can be favored by the use of natural language, as it is much simpler and faster for the user to engage in his habitual form of expression. The growing popularity of Internet and the wide availability of web informative resources for general audiences are a fairly recent phenomenon, although man´s need to hurdle the language barrier and communicate with others is as old as the history of mankind. The World Wide Web, also known as WWW, together with the growing globalization of companies and organizations, and the increase of the non-English speaking audience, entails the demand for tools allowing users to secure information from a wide range of resources. Yet the underlying linguistic restrictions are often overlooked by researchers and designers. Against this background, a key characteristic to be evaluated in terms of the efficiency of IR systems is its capacity to allow users find a corpus of documents in different languages, and to facilitate the relevant information despite limited linguistic competence regarding the target language

    Ontology Based Resource for History Education

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    Integrating knowledge databases into the learning process would contribute to the creation of interactive and cognitive software solutions. Since historical research is a domain that provides interesting opportunities for the introduction of ontologies, not only computer scientists, but historians are also interested in popularizing people's repositories (PDR). The other hand, chatbots interact with the user using a pattern based on matching rules. This article presents the functionality of educational rule-based software with a natural language interface that allows working with factual information about Bulgarian history. The topic is focused on the use of interactive forms and methods in the teaching process and the development of methodological models for classroom work. Traditional ways of educating students have well-proven advantages but there are problems with maintaining students engaged and engaging without innovative technology

    Question Answering System : A Review On Question Analysis, Document Processing, And Answer Extraction Techniques

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    Question Answering System could automatically provide an answer to a question posed by human in natural languages. This system consists of question analysis, document processing, and answer extraction module. Question Analysis module has task to translate query into a form that can be processed by document processing module. Document processing is a technique for identifying candidate documents, containing answer relevant to the user query. Furthermore, answer extraction module receives the set of passages from document processing module, then determine the best answers to user. Challenge to optimize Question Answering framework is to increase the performance of all modules in the framework. The performance of all modules that has not been optimized has led to the less accurate answer from question answering systems. Based on this issues, the objective of this study is to review the current state of question analysis, document processing, and answer extraction techniques. Result from this study reveals the potential research issues, namely morphology analysis, question classification, and term weighting algorithm for question classification

    A Grammar-Based Semantic Similarity Algorithm for Natural Language Sentences

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    This paper presents a grammar and semantic corpus based similarity algorithm for natural language sentences. Natural language, in opposition to "artificial language", such as computer programming languages, is the language used by the general public for daily communication. Traditional information retrieval approaches, such as vector models, LSA, HAL, or even the ontologybased approaches that extend to include concept similarity comparison instead of cooccurrence terms/words, may not always determine the perfect matching while there is no obvious relation or concept overlap between two natural language sentences. This paper proposes a sentence similarity algorithm that takes advantage of corpus-based ontology and grammatical rules to overcome the addressed problems. Experiments on two famous benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed algorithm has a significant performance improvement in sentences/short-texts with arbitrary syntax and structure

    Perspectivas da representação documental: discussão e experiências

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    Access to information is at the heart of the discussions of contemporary society, whether due to the multiplicity of infotechnological mechanisms that are geared to its generation and use, or through the arguments for promoting information for social and cultural democratization through citizen education. The Information Science, for consecrating the information as its object of research, systematizes, in the Documentary Representation, the critical and analytical study of theories, instruments, methods and methodologies that allow to make the information accessible. It is in this scope that this book is proposed, since it adds knowledge, concepts and applications of the relationship between Technology, Information and Representation for the consolidation of the Documentary Representation and that aims to promote debates about the consolidation of discussions and actions that involve the organization and the representation of the information resources, as well as the processes of data management in automated environment and its use. The discussions also envision the technological and media resources, through computational structures, which permeate the production, organization, distribution, access, storage, preservation, use and reuse of information resources through representation methods and recovery. It is understood, above all, the plurality of epistemological, theoretical and methodological conceptions present in Information Science. This book is, therefore, the result of efforts of researchers of the Documentary Representation and reflects research and teaching actions that imply the descriptive and thematic treatment of information