3 research outputs found

    Combinação de Previsões de Volatilidade: Um Estudo

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    A avaliação de técnicas de combinação de previsões para previsão de valores esperados de uma série é um tópico bastante difundido, com a recomendação do uso de tais técnicas para previsão. Por outro lado, não há estudos comparativos do desempenho de combinação de previsões para previsão de volatilidade condicional, em relação a modelos individuais univariados. Comparando os modelos da família GARCH, de Alisamento Exponencial e o de Volatilidade Estocástica e técnicas de combinação por média aritmética, combinação de pesos fixos proposta por Granger e Ramanathan (1984) e a técnica de combinação com pesos móvel de Terui e Dijk (2002) para Ibovespa, Dow Jones e IGP-M, concluímos que os modelos de combinação de previsão apresentam melhores resultados em termos de MSE, MAPE e Theil-U para todas as séries, com destaque para o modelo de pesos fixos via regressão e o de pesos móveis.Volatilidade Condicional, Combinação de Previsões

    Magyar Mesterséges Intelligencia Bibliográfia : Válogatás az 1988-96 között (esetenként korábban) megjelent publikációkból

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    Tartalom: referált folyóiratokban, konferencia kiadványokban, tanulmánykötetekben megjelent dolgozatok, könyvek, tankönyvek, disszertációk referenciáit, közel 190 magyar szerző/társszerző 400 (tárgyszavazott) dolgozatát tartalmazza. Függelékében az Új ALAPLAP folyóirat Jakab Ágnes által szerkesztett TUDÁSTECHNOLÓGIA c. tematikus MI-sorozat dolgozatainak jegyzéke található. Az anyagok az NJSZT által Budapesten szervezett ECAI’96 konferenciát kísérő kiállításra készültek. A Bibliográfia és a hozzá kapcsolódó Reprint Gyűjtemény az NJSZT standján volt kiállítva, míg az OMIKK adatbázisában való keresést egy oda kihelyezett terminál biztosította. A tárgyszavazást és az adatfelvitelt Kladiva Ottmár (OMIKK) irányította

    Development of AIDA v4.3b diabetes simulator: Technical upgrade to support incorporation of lispro, aspart, and glargine insulin analogues

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    Introduction. AIDA is an interactive educational diabetes simulator available on the Internet without charge since 1996 (accessible at: http://www.2aida.org/). Since the program’s original release, users have developed new requirements, with new operating systems coming into use and more complex insulin management regimens being adopted. The current work has aimed to design a comprehensive diabetes simulation system from both a clinical and information technology perspective. Methods. A collaborative development is taking place with a new generic model of subcutaneous insulin absorption, permitting the simulation of rapidly-acting and very long-acting insulin analogues, as well as insulin injections larger than 40 units. This novel, physiological insulin absorption model has been incorporated into AIDA v4. Technical work has also been undertaken to install and operate the AIDA software within a DOSBox emulator, to ensure compatibility with Windows XP, Vista and 7 operating systems as well as Apple Macintosh computers running Parallels PC emulation software. Results. Plasma insulin simulations are demonstrated following subcutaneous injections of a rapidly-acting insulin analogue, a short-acting insulin preparation, intermediate-acting insulin, and a very long-acting insulin analogue for injected insulin doses up to 60 units of insulin. Discussion. The current work extends the useful life of the existing AIDA v4 program.Lehmann, ED.; Tarín, C.; Bondía Company, J.; Teufel, E.; Deutsch, T. (2011). Development of AIDA v4.3b diabetes simulator: Technical upgrade to support incorporation of lispro, aspart, and glargine insulin analogues. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2011:1-17. doi:10.1155/2011/427196S1172011Lehmann, E. D. (1996). Application of information technology in clinical diabetes care—A Special Issue. Part 1. Databases, algorithms and decision support. Medical Informatics, 21(4), 255-258. doi:10.3109/14639239608999287Lehmann, E. D. (1997). Application of information technology in clinical diabetes care–A Special Issue. Part 2. Models and education. Medical Informatics, 22(1), 1-3. doi:10.3109/14639239709089830The Effect of Intensive Treatment of Diabetes on the Development and Progression of Long-Term Complications in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus. (1993). New England Journal of Medicine, 329(14), 977-986. doi:10.1056/nejm199309303291401Mühlhauser, I., Bruckner, I., Berger, M., Cheţa, D., Jörgens, V., Ionescu-Tîrgovişte, C., … Mincu, I. (1987). Evaluation of an intensified insulin treatment and teaching programme as routine management of Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes. Diabetologia, 30(9), 681-690. doi:10.1007/bf00296989DAFNE Study Group. (2002). Training in flexible, intensive insulin management to enable dietary freedom in people with type 1 diabetes: dose adjustment for normal eating (DAFNE) randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 325(7367), 746-746. doi:10.1136/bmj.325.7367.746Howorka, K., Pumprla, J., Wagner-Nosiska, D., Grillmayr, H., Schlusche, C., & Schabmann, A. (2000). Empowering diabetes out-patients with structured education: Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 48(1), 37-44. doi:10.1016/s0022-3999(99)00074-4Lehmann, E. . (1998). Preliminary experience with the Internet release of AIDA—an interactive educational diabetes simulator. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 56(2), 109-132. doi:10.1016/s0169-2607(98)00019-4Lehmann, E. D. (1999). Experience with the Internet Release of AIDA v4.0 - http://www.diabetic.org.uk/aida.htm - An Interactive Educational Diabetes Simulator. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 1(1), 41-54. doi:10.1089/152091599317567Lehmann, E. D. (1997). Interactive educational simulators in diabetes care. Medical Informatics, 22(1), 47-76. doi:10.3109/14639239709089834Lehmann, E. D., Deutsch, T., Carson, E. R., & Sönksen, P. H. (1994). Combining rule-based reasoning and mathematical modelling in diabetes care. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 6(2), 137-160. doi:10.1016/0933-3657(94)90042-6Lehmann, E. D., Deutsch, T., Carson, E. R., & Sönksen, P. H. (1994). AIDA: an interactive diabetes advisor. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 41(3-4), 183-203. doi:10.1016/0169-2607(94)90054-xLehmann, E. D., Hermanyi, I., & Deutsch, T. (1994). Retrospective validation of a physiological model of glucose-insulin interaction in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Medical Engineering & Physics, 16(3), 193-202. doi:10.1016/1350-4533(94)90038-8Lehmann, E. D., Hermanyi, I., & Deutsch, T. (1994). Retrospective validation of a physiological model of glucose-insulin interaction in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Medical Engineering & Physics, 16(4), 351-352. doi:10.1016/1350-4533(94)90064-7Lehmann, E. D., & Deutsch, T. (1996). Computer assisted diabetes care: a 6-year retrospective. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 50(3), 209-230. doi:10.1016/0169-2607(96)01751-8Lehmann, E. D. (2001). Simulating Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) Levels in Diabetes Using an Interactive Educational Virtual Diabetes Patient Simulator. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 3(3), 517-524. doi:10.1089/15209150152607268Lehmann, E. D., & Deutsch, T. (1992). A physiological model of glucose-insulin interaction in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 14(3), 235-242. doi:10.1016/0141-5425(92)90058-sLehmann, E. D., Chatu, S. S., & Hashmy, S. S. H. (2006). Retrospective Pilot Feedback Survey of 200 Users of the AIDA Version 4 Educational Diabetes Program. 17—Quantitative Survey Data. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 8(3), 419-432. doi:10.1089/dia.2006.8.419Lehmann, E. D., Chatu, S. S., & Hashmy, S. H. (2006). Retrospective Pilot Feedback Survey of 200 Users of the AIDA Version 4 Educational Diabetes Program. 2—Qualitative Feedback Data. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 8(5), 602-608. doi:10.1089/dia.2006.8.602Lehmann, E. D., Chatu, S. S., & Hashmy, S. S. H. (2007). Retrospective Pilot Feedback Survey of 200 Users of the AIDA Version 4 Educational Diabetes Program. 3—Discussion. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 9(1), 122-132. doi:10.1089/dia.2006.0065Binder, C., Lauritzen, T., Faber, O., & Pramming, S. (1984). Insulin Pharmacokinetics. Diabetes Care, 7(2), 188-199. doi:10.2337/diacare.7.2.188Plougmann, S., Hejlesen, O. K., & Cavan, D. A. (2001). DiasNet—a diabetes advisory system for communication and education via the internet. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 64(2-3), 319-330. doi:10.1016/s1386-5056(01)00214-3Storm, M. C., & Dunn, M. F. (1985). The Glu(B13) carboxylates of the insulin hexamer form a cage for cadmium and calcium ions. 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