7,606 research outputs found

    Combining Spectral Representations for Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition

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    In this paper we investigate the combination of complementary acoustic feature streams in large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR). We have explored the use of acoustic features obtained using a pitch-synchronous analysis, STRAIGHT, in combination with conventional features such as mel frequency cepstral coefficients. Pitch-synchronous acoustic features are of particular interest when used with vocal tract length normalisation (VTLN) which is known to be affected by the fundamental frequency. We have combined these spectral representations directly at the acoustic feature level using heteroscedastic linear discriminant analysis (HLDA) and at the system level using ROVER. We evaluated this approach on three LVCSR tasks: dictated newspaper text (WSJCAM0), conversational telephone speech (CTS), and multiparty meeting transcription. The CTS and meeting transcription experiments were both evaluated using standard NIST test sets and evaluation protocols. Our results indicate that combining conventional and pitch-synchronous acoustic feature sets using HLDA results in a consistent, significant decrease in word error rate across all three tasks. Combining at the system level using ROVER resulted in a further significant decrease in word error rate

    Porting concepts from DNNs back to GMMs

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been shown to outperform Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) on a variety of speech recognition benchmarks. In this paper we analyze the differences between the DNN and GMM modeling techniques and port the best ideas from the DNN-based modeling to a GMM-based system. By going both deep (multiple layers) and wide (multiple parallel sub-models) and by sharing model parameters, we are able to close the gap between the two modeling techniques on the TIMIT database. Since the 'deep' GMMs retain the maximum-likelihood trained Gaussians as first layer, advanced techniques such as speaker adaptation and model-based noise robustness can be readily incorporated. Regardless of their similarities, the DNNs and the deep GMMs still show a sufficient amount of complementarity to allow effective system combination

    Deep Learning for Environmentally Robust Speech Recognition: An Overview of Recent Developments

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    Eliminating the negative effect of non-stationary environmental noise is a long-standing research topic for automatic speech recognition that stills remains an important challenge. Data-driven supervised approaches, including ones based on deep neural networks, have recently emerged as potential alternatives to traditional unsupervised approaches and with sufficient training, can alleviate the shortcomings of the unsupervised methods in various real-life acoustic environments. In this light, we review recently developed, representative deep learning approaches for tackling non-stationary additive and convolutional degradation of speech with the aim of providing guidelines for those involved in the development of environmentally robust speech recognition systems. We separately discuss single- and multi-channel techniques developed for the front-end and back-end of speech recognition systems, as well as joint front-end and back-end training frameworks

    Deep Learning for Audio Signal Processing

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    Given the recent surge in developments of deep learning, this article provides a review of the state-of-the-art deep learning techniques for audio signal processing. Speech, music, and environmental sound processing are considered side-by-side, in order to point out similarities and differences between the domains, highlighting general methods, problems, key references, and potential for cross-fertilization between areas. The dominant feature representations (in particular, log-mel spectra and raw waveform) and deep learning models are reviewed, including convolutional neural networks, variants of the long short-term memory architecture, as well as more audio-specific neural network models. Subsequently, prominent deep learning application areas are covered, i.e. audio recognition (automatic speech recognition, music information retrieval, environmental sound detection, localization and tracking) and synthesis and transformation (source separation, audio enhancement, generative models for speech, sound, and music synthesis). Finally, key issues and future questions regarding deep learning applied to audio signal processing are identified.Comment: 15 pages, 2 pdf figure

    Enhancing Domain Word Embedding via Latent Semantic Imputation

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    We present a novel method named Latent Semantic Imputation (LSI) to transfer external knowledge into semantic space for enhancing word embedding. The method integrates graph theory to extract the latent manifold structure of the entities in the affinity space and leverages non-negative least squares with standard simplex constraints and power iteration method to derive spectral embeddings. It provides an effective and efficient approach to combining entity representations defined in different Euclidean spaces. Specifically, our approach generates and imputes reliable embedding vectors for low-frequency words in the semantic space and benefits downstream language tasks that depend on word embedding. We conduct comprehensive experiments on a carefully designed classification problem and language modeling and demonstrate the superiority of the enhanced embedding via LSI over several well-known benchmark embeddings. We also confirm the consistency of the results under different parameter settings of our method.Comment: ACM SIGKDD 201

    Reconstructing intelligible audio speech from visual speech features

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    This work describes an investigation into the feasibility of producing intelligible audio speech from only visual speech fea- tures. The proposed method aims to estimate a spectral enve- lope from visual features which is then combined with an arti- ficial excitation signal and used within a model of speech pro- duction to reconstruct an audio signal. Different combinations of audio and visual features are considered, along with both a statistical method of estimation and a deep neural network. The intelligibility of the reconstructed audio speech is measured by human listeners, and then compared to the intelligibility of the video signal only and when combined with the reconstructed audio