1,867 research outputs found

    Analysing wear in carpets by detecting varying local binary patterns

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    Currently, carpet companies assess the quality of their products based on their appearance retention capabilities. For this, carpet samples with different degrees of wear after a traffic exposure simulation process are rated with wear labels by human experts. Experts compare changes in appearance in the worn samples to samples with original appearance. This process is subjective and humans can make mistakes up to 10% in rating. In search of an objective assessment, research using texture analysis has been conducted to automate the process. Particularly, Local Binary Pattern (LBP) technique combined with a Symmetric adaptation of the Kullback-Leibler divergence (SKL) are successful for extracting texture features related to the wear labels either from intensity and range images. We present in this paper a novel extension of the LBP techniques that improves the representation of the distinct wear labels. The technique consists in detecting those patters that monotonically change with the wear labels while grouping the others. Computing the SKL from these patters considerably increases the discrimination between the consecutive groups even for carpet types where other LBP variations fail. We present results for carpet types representing 72% of the existing references for the EN1471:1996 European standard

    Adaptive Segmentation of Knee Radiographs for Selecting the Optimal ROI in Texture Analysis

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    The purposes of this study were to investigate: 1) the effect of placement of region-of-interest (ROI) for texture analysis of subchondral bone in knee radiographs, and 2) the ability of several texture descriptors to distinguish between the knees with and without radiographic osteoarthritis (OA). Bilateral posterior-anterior knee radiographs were analyzed from the baseline of OAI and MOST datasets. A fully automatic method to locate the most informative region from subchondral bone using adaptive segmentation was developed. We used an oversegmentation strategy for partitioning knee images into the compact regions that follow natural texture boundaries. LBP, Fractal Dimension (FD), Haralick features, Shannon entropy, and HOG methods were computed within the standard ROI and within the proposed adaptive ROIs. Subsequently, we built logistic regression models to identify and compare the performances of each texture descriptor and each ROI placement method using 5-fold cross validation setting. Importantly, we also investigated the generalizability of our approach by training the models on OAI and testing them on MOST dataset.We used area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) and average precision (AP) obtained from the precision-recall (PR) curve to compare the results. We found that the adaptive ROI improves the classification performance (OA vs. non-OA) over the commonly used standard ROI (up to 9% percent increase in AUC). We also observed that, from all texture parameters, LBP yielded the best performance in all settings with the best AUC of 0.840 [0.825, 0.852] and associated AP of 0.804 [0.786, 0.820]. Compared to the current state-of-the-art approaches, our results suggest that the proposed adaptive ROI approach in texture analysis of subchondral bone can increase the diagnostic performance for detecting the presence of radiographic OA

    Integration of feature distributions for colour texture segmentation

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    This paper proposes a new framework for colour texture segmentation and determines the contribution of colour and texture. The distributions of colour and texture features provides the discrimination between different colour textured regions in an image. The proposed method was tested using different mosaic and natural images. From the results, it is evident that the incorporation of colour information enhanced the colour texture segmentation and the developed framework is effective

    Background suppressing Gabor energy filtering

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    In the field of facial emotion recognition, early research advanced with the use of Gabor filters. However, these filters lack generalization and result in undesirably large feature vector size. In recent work, more attention has been given to other local appearance features. Two desired characteristics in a facial appearance feature are generalization capability, and the compactness of representation. In this paper, we propose a novel texture feature inspired by Gabor energy filters, called background suppressing Gabor energy filtering. The feature has a generalization component that removes background texture. It has a reduced feature vector size due to maximal representation and soft orientation histograms, and it is awhite box representation. We demonstrate improved performance on the non-trivial Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge 2012 grand-challenge dataset by a factor of 7.17 over the Gabor filter on the development set. We also demonstrate applicability of our approach beyond facial emotion recognition which yields improved classification rate over the Gabor filter for four bioimaging datasets by an average of 8.22%

    Texture descriptors applied to digital mammography

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    Breast cancer is the second cause of death among women cancers. Computer Aided Detection has been demon- strated an useful tool for early diagnosis, a crucial as- pect for a high survival rate. In this context, several re- search works have incorporated texture features in mam- mographic image segmentation and description such as Gray-Level co-occurrence matrices, Local Binary Pat- terns, and many others. This paper presents an approach for breast density classi¯cation based on segmentation and texture feature extraction techniques in order to clas- sify digital mammograms according to their internal tis- sue. The aim of this work is to compare di®erent texture descriptors on the same framework (same algorithms for segmentation and classi¯cation, as well as same images). Extensive results prove the feasibility of the proposed ap- proach.Postprint (published version