4 research outputs found

    Алгебраический криптоанализ низкоресурсных шифров SIMON и SPECK

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    Представлены алгебраические атаки на шифры Simon и Speck — два семейства низкоресурсных блочных шифров, имеющих LRX- и ARX-структуры соответственно. Они были представлены Агентством национальной безопасности США в 2013г., а затем стандартизированы ISO как часть стандарта радиоинтерфейса RFID. Шифры алгебраически кодируются и получаемые системы булевых уравнений решаются с помощью различных SAT-решателей, а также методов, основанных на линеаризации. Впервые к этим шифрам применяются подходы, использующие разреженность систем булевых уравнений. Оценены параметры линеаризации в системах уравнений для обоих шифров. Приведено сравнение эффективности используемых методов. This paper presents algebraic attacks on SiMON and Speck, two families of lightweight block ciphers having LRX- and ARX-structures respectively. They were presented by the U.S. National Security Agency in 2013 and later standardized by ISO as a part of the RFID air interface standard. The ciphers are algebraically encoded, and the resulting systems of Boolean equations are solved with different SAT solvers as well as methods based on the linearization. For the first time, the approaches that use the sparsity of systems of Boolean equations are applied to these ciphers. The linearization parameters in systems of equations for both of the ciphers are estimated. A comparison of the efficiency of the used methods is provided.The results of the algebraic analysis show that the inclusion of additional nonlinear operations significantly increases the attack time and the amount of memory used. Therefore, the methods considered are more effective for cryptanalysis of the SiMON cipher than Speck

    Algebraic Cryptanalysis of Deterministic Symmetric Encryption

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    Deterministic symmetric encryption is widely used in many cryptographic applications. The security of deterministic block and stream ciphers is evaluated using cryptanalysis. Cryptanalysis is divided into two main categories: statistical cryptanalysis and algebraic cryptanalysis. Statistical cryptanalysis is a powerful tool for evaluating the security but it often requires a large number of plaintext/ciphertext pairs which is not always available in real life scenario. Algebraic cryptanalysis requires a smaller number of plaintext/ciphertext pairs but the attacks are often underestimated compared to statistical methods. In algebraic cryptanalysis, we consider a polynomial system representing the cipher and a solution of this system reveals the secret key used in the encryption. The contribution of this thesis is twofold. Firstly, we evaluate the performance of existing algebraic techniques with respect to number of plaintext/ciphertext pairs and their selection. We introduce a new strategy for selection of samples. We build this strategy based on cube attacks, which is a well-known technique in algebraic cryptanalysis. We use cube attacks as a fast heuristic to determine sets of plaintexts for which standard algebraic methods, such as Groebner basis techniques or SAT solvers, are more efficient. Secondly, we develop a~new technique for algebraic cryptanalysis which allows us to speed-up existing Groebner basis techniques. This is achieved by efficient finding special polynomials called mutants. Using these mutants in Groebner basis computations and SAT solvers reduces the computational cost to solve the system. Hence, both our methods are designed as tools for building polynomial system representing a cipher. Both tools can be combined and they lead to a significant speedup, even for very simple algebraic solvers

    Combined Algebraic and Truncated Differential Cryptanalysis on Reduced-round Simon

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    Recently, two families of ultra-lightweight block ciphers were proposed, SIMON and SPECK, which come in a variety of block and key sizes (Beaulieu et al., 2013). They are designed to offer excellent performance for hardware and software implementations (Beaulieu et al., 2013; Aysu et al., 2014). In this paper, we study the resistance of SIMON-64/128 with respect to algebraic attacks. Its round function has very low Multiplicative Complexity (MC) (Boyar et al., 2000; Boyar and Peralta, 2010) and very low non-linearity (Boyar et al., 2013; Courtois et al., 2011) since the only non-linear component is the bitwise multiplication operation. Such ciphers are expected to be very good candidates to be broken by algebraic attacks and combinations with truncated differentials (additional work by the same authors). We algebraically encode the cipher and then using guess-then-determine techniques, we try to solve the underlying system using either a SAT solver (Bard et al., 2007) or by ElimLin al gorithm (Courtois et al., 2012b). We consider several settings where P-C pairs that satisfy certain properties are available, such as low Hamming distance or follow a strong truncated differential property (Knudsen, 1995). We manage to break faster than brute force up to 10(/44) rounds for most cases we have tried. Surprisingly, no key guessing is required if pairs which satisfy a strong truncated differential property are available. This reflects the power of combining truncated differentials with algebraic attacks in ciphers of low non-linearity and shows that such ciphers require a large number of rounds to be secure

    Optimization and Guess-then-Solve Attacks in Cryptanalysis

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    In this thesis we study two major topics in cryptanalysis and optimization: software algebraic cryptanalysis and elliptic curve optimizations in cryptanalysis. The idea of algebraic cryptanalysis is to model a cipher by a Multivariate Quadratic (MQ) equation system. Solving MQ is an NP-hard problem. However, NP-hard problems have a point of phase transition where the problems become easy to solve. This thesis explores different optimizations to make solving algebraic cryptanalysis problems easier. We first worked on guessing a well-chosen number of key bits, a specific optimization problem leading to guess-then-solve attacks on GOST cipher. In addition to attacks, we propose two new security metrics of contradiction immunity and SAT immunity applicable to any cipher. These optimizations play a pivotal role in recent highly competitive results on full GOST. This and another cipher Simon, which we cryptanalyzed were submitted to ISO to become a global encryption standard which is the reason why we study the security of these ciphers in a lot of detail. Another optimization direction is to use well-selected data in conjunction with Plaintext/Ciphertext pairs following a truncated differential property. These allow to supplement an algebraic attack with extra equations and reduce solving time. This was a key innovation in our algebraic cryptanalysis work on NSA block cipher Simon and we could break up to 10 rounds of Simon64/128. The second major direction in our work is to inspect, analyse and predict the behaviour of ElimLin attack the complexity of which is very poorly understood, at a level of detail never seen before. Our aim is to extrapolate and discover the limits of such attacks, and go beyond with several types of concrete improvement. Finally, we have studied some optimization problems in elliptic curves which also deal with polynomial arithmetic over finite fields. We have studied existing implementations of the secp256k1 elliptic curve which is used in many popular cryptocurrency systems such as Bitcoin and we introduce an optimized attack on Bitcoin brain wallets and improved the state of art attack by 2.5 times