13 research outputs found

    Homogeneoys graphs

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    AbstractLet Γ be a finite graph with vertex set VΓ, and let U, V be arbitrary subsets of VΓ. Γ is homogeneoys (resp. ultrahomogeneous) if whenever the induced subgraphs 〈U〉, 〈V〉 are isomorphic, some isomorphism (resp. every isomorphism) of 〈U〉 onto 〈V〉 extends to an automorphism of Γ. We extend a theorem of Sheehan on ultrahomogeneous graphs to the homogeneous case, and complete his classification of ultrahomogenous graphs

    Transitivity conditions in infinite graphs

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    We study transitivity properties of graphs with more than one end. We completely classify the distance-transitive such graphs and, for all k3k \geq 3, the kk-CS-transitive such graphs.Comment: 20 page

    Finite 33-connected homogeneous graphs

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    A finite graph \G is said to be {\em (G,3)(G,3)-((connected)) homogeneous} if every isomorphism between any two isomorphic (connected) subgraphs of order at most 33 extends to an automorphism gGg\in G of the graph, where GG is a group of automorphisms of the graph. In 1985, Cameron and Macpherson determined all finite (G,3)(G, 3)-homogeneous graphs. In this paper, we develop a method for characterising (G,3)(G,3)-connected homogeneous graphs. It is shown that for a finite (G,3)(G,3)-connected homogeneous graph \G=(V, E), either G_v^{\G(v)} is 22--transitive or G_v^{\G(v)} is of rank 33 and \G has girth 33, and that the class of finite (G,3)(G,3)-connected homogeneous graphs is closed under taking normal quotients. This leads us to study graphs where GG is quasiprimitive on VV. We determine the possible quasiprimitive types for GG in this case and give new constructions of examples for some possible types

    Countable connected-homogeneous digraphs

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    A digraph is connected-homogeneous if every isomorphism between two finite connected induced subdigraphs extends to an automorphism of the whole digraph. In this paper, we completely classify the countable connected-homogeneous digraphs.Comment: 49 page

    Countable homogeneous Steiner triple systems avoiding specified subsystems

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    In this article we construct uncountably many new homogeneous locally finite Steiner triple systems of countably infinite order as Fraïssé limits of classes of finite Steiner triple systems avoiding certain subsystems. The construction relies on a new embedding result: any finite partial Steiner triple system has an embedding into a finite Steiner triple system that contains no nontrivial proper subsystems that are not subsystems of the original partial system. Fraïssé’s construction and its variants are rich sources of examples that are central to model-theoretic classification theory, and recently infinite Steiner systems obtained via Fraïssé-type constructions have received attention from the model theory community