2 research outputs found

    The minimum cost flow problem with interval and fuzzy arc costs *

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    Abstract We follow the total order for intervals and fuzzy numbers introduced by Hashemi et al. in [1] and Ghatee et al. in [2] to solve the minimum cost flow problem with either, interval or fuzzy arc costs by using its crisp model, a minimum cost flow problem associated to original imprecise problem. Numerical simulations compare the performance of this method in real scenarios with the algorithm proposed in 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 65G30, 65G40, 03E72, 90C70

    Minimum Convex and Differentiable Cost Flow Problem with Time Windows

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    This paper presents a new version of the Minimum Cost Flow Problem (MCFP). This version is the Minimum Convex and Differentiable Cost Flow Problem with Time Windows (MCDCFPTW). Given a directed graph G=(V,A), where V is a set of vertices, A is a set of arcs. Each vertex i has a time-window [ai,bi] within which the vertex i may be visited with a non-negative service time ti where,ai<ti<bi. Each arc (i,j) is associated with thre