2 research outputs found

    Automated Test Case Generation from Domain-Specific High-Level Requirement Models

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    One of the most researched aspects of the software engineering process is the verification and validation of software systems using various techniques. The need to ensure that the developed software system addresses its intended specifications has led to several approaches that link the requirements gathering and software testing phases of development. This thesis presents a framework that bridges the gap between requirement specification and testing of software using domain-specific modelling concepts. The proposed modelling notation, High-Level Requirement Modelling Language (HRML), addresses the drawbacks of Natural Language (NL) for high-level requirement specifications including ambiguity and incompleteness. Real-time checks are implemented to ensure valid HRML specification models are utilised for the automated test cases generation. The type of HRML requirement specified in the model determines the approach to be employed to generate corresponding test cases. Boundary Value Analysis and Equivalence Partitioning is applied to specifications with predefined range values to generate valid and invalid inputs for robustness test cases. Structural coverage test cases are also generated to satisfy the Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC) criteria for HRML specifications with logic expressions. In scenarios where the conditional statements are combined with logic expressions, the MC/DC approach is extended to generate the corresponding tests cases. Evaluation of the proposed framework by industry experts in a case study, its scalability, comparative study and the assessment of its learnability by non-experts are reported. The results indicate a reduction in the test case generation process in the case study, however non-experts spent more time in modelling the requirement in HRML while the time taken for test case generation is also reduced

    The FITTEST Tool Suite for Testing Future Internet Applications

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    Future Internet applications are expected to be much more complex and powerful, by exploiting various dynamic capabilities For testing, this is very challenging, as it means that the range of possible behavior to test is much larger, and moreover it may at the run time change quite frequently and significantly with respect to the assumed behavior tested prior to the release of such an application. The traditional way of testing will not be able to keep up with such dynamics. The Future Internet Testing (FITTEST) project (http://​crest.​cs.​ucl.​ac.​uk/​fittest/​), a research project funded by the European Commission (grant agreement n. 257574) from 2010 till 2013, was set to explore new testing techniques that will improve our capacity to deal with the challenges of testing Future Internet applications. Such techniques should not be seen as replacement of the traditional testing, but rather as a way to complement it. This paper gives an overview of the set of tools produced by the FITTEST project, implementing those techniques.This work has been funded hy the European Uninn FP7 project FITTEST (grant agreement n. 257574).Vos, TE.; Tonella, P.; Prasetya, W.; Kruse, P.; Shehory, O.; Bagnato, A.; Harman, M. (2014). The FITTEST Tool Suite for Testing Future Internet Applications. En Future Internet Testing. First International Workshop, FITTEST 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, November 12, 2013. Springer. 1-31. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-07785-7_1S131Vos, T., Tonella, P., Wegener, J., Harman, M., Prasetya, I.S.W.B., Ur, S.: Testing of future internet applications running in the cloud. In: Tilley, S., Parveen, T. (eds.) Software Testing in the Cloud: Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline, pp. 305–321. IGI Global, Hershey (2013)Prasetya, I.S.W.B., Elyasov, A., Middelkoop, A., Hage, J.: FITTEST log format (version 1.1). 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