845 research outputs found

    On Maximal Unbordered Factors

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    Given a string SS of length nn, its maximal unbordered factor is the longest factor which does not have a border. In this work we investigate the relationship between nn and the length of the maximal unbordered factor of SS. We prove that for the alphabet of size σ5\sigma \ge 5 the expected length of the maximal unbordered factor of a string of length~nn is at least 0.99n0.99 n (for sufficiently large values of nn). As an application of this result, we propose a new algorithm for computing the maximal unbordered factor of a string.Comment: Accepted to the 26th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM 2015

    Average-case analysis of perfect sorting by reversals (Journal Version)

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    Perfect sorting by reversals, a problem originating in computational genomics, is the process of sorting a signed permutation to either the identity or to the reversed identity permutation, by a sequence of reversals that do not break any common interval. B\'erard et al. (2007) make use of strong interval trees to describe an algorithm for sorting signed permutations by reversals. Combinatorial properties of this family of trees are essential to the algorithm analysis. Here, we use the expected value of certain tree parameters to prove that the average run-time of the algorithm is at worst, polynomial, and additionally, for sufficiently long permutations, the sorting algorithm runs in polynomial time with probability one. Furthermore, our analysis of the subclass of commuting scenarios yields precise results on the average length of a reversal, and the average number of reversals.Comment: A preliminary version of this work appeared in the proceedings of Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM) 2009. See arXiv:0901.2847; Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, vol. 3(3), 201

    Faster Longest Common Extension Queries in Strings over General Alphabets

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    Longest common extension queries (often called longest common prefix queries) constitute a fundamental building block in multiple string algorithms, for example computing runs and approximate pattern matching. We show that a sequence of qq LCE queries for a string of size nn over a general ordered alphabet can be realized in O(qloglogn+nlogn)O(q \log \log n+n\log^*n) time making only O(q+n)O(q+n) symbol comparisons. Consequently, all runs in a string over a general ordered alphabet can be computed in O(nloglogn)O(n \log \log n) time making O(n)O(n) symbol comparisons. Our results improve upon a solution by Kosolobov (Information Processing Letters, 2016), who gave an algorithm with O(nlog2/3n)O(n \log^{2/3} n) running time and conjectured that O(n)O(n) time is possible. We make a significant progress towards resolving this conjecture. Our techniques extend to the case of general unordered alphabets, when the time increases to O(qlogn+nlogn)O(q\log n + n\log^*n). The main tools are difference covers and the disjoint-sets data structure.Comment: Accepted to CPM 201

    Computing Lempel-Ziv Factorization Online

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    We present an algorithm which computes the Lempel-Ziv factorization of a word WW of length nn on an alphabet Σ\Sigma of size σ\sigma online in the following sense: it reads WW starting from the left, and, after reading each r=O(logσn)r = O(\log_{\sigma} n) characters of WW, updates the Lempel-Ziv factorization. The algorithm requires O(nlogσ)O(n \log \sigma) bits of space and O(n \log^2 n) time. The basis of the algorithm is a sparse suffix tree combined with wavelet trees