10,909 research outputs found

    Combinatorial Continuous Maximal Flows

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    Maximum flow (and minimum cut) algorithms have had a strong impact on computer vision. In particular, graph cuts algorithms provide a mechanism for the discrete optimization of an energy functional which has been used in a variety of applications such as image segmentation, stereo, image stitching and texture synthesis. Algorithms based on the classical formulation of max-flow defined on a graph are known to exhibit metrication artefacts in the solution. Therefore, a recent trend has been to instead employ a spatially continuous maximum flow (or the dual min-cut problem) in these same applications to produce solutions with no metrication errors. However, known fast continuous max-flow algorithms have no stopping criteria or have not been proved to converge. In this work, we revisit the continuous max-flow problem and show that the analogous discrete formulation is different from the classical max-flow problem. We then apply an appropriate combinatorial optimization technique to this combinatorial continuous max-flow CCMF problem to find a null-divergence solution that exhibits no metrication artefacts and may be solved exactly by a fast, efficient algorithm with provable convergence. Finally, by exhibiting the dual problem of our CCMF formulation, we clarify the fact, already proved by Nozawa in the continuous setting, that the max-flow and the total variation problems are not always equivalent.Comment: 26 page

    Recurrence and transience for suspension flows

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    We study the thermodynamic formalism for suspension flows over countable Markov shifts with roof functions not necessarily bounded away from zero. We establish conditions to ensure the existence and uniqueness of equilibrium measures for regular potentials. We define the notions of recurrence and transience of a potential in this setting. We define the "renewal flow", which is a symbolic model for a class of flows with diverse recurrence features. We study the corresponding thermodynamic formalism, establishing conditions for the existence of equilibrium measures and phase transitions. Applications are given to suspension flows defined over interval maps having parabolic fixed points.Comment: In this version of the paper some typos have been corrected and some references updated. Note that the former title of this paper was "Parabolic suspension flows

    Dynamics of piecewise contractions of the interval

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    We study the asymptotical behaviour of iterates of piecewise contractive maps of the interval. It is known that Poincar\'e first return maps induced by some Cherry flows on transverse intervals are, up to topological conjugacy, piecewise contractions. These maps also appear in discretely controlled dynamical systems, describing the time evolution of manufacturing process adopting some decision-making policies. An injective map f:[0,1)→[0,1)f:[0,1)\to [0,1) is a {\it piecewise contraction of nn intervals}, if there exists a partition of the interval [0,1)[0,1) into nn intervals I1I_1,..., InI_n such that for every i∈1,...,ni\in{1,...,n}, the restriction f∣Iif|_{I_i} is κ\kappa-Lipschitz for some κ∈(0,1)\kappa\in (0,1). We prove that every piecewise contraction ff of nn intervals has at most nn periodic orbits. Moreover, we show that every piecewise contraction is topologically conjugate to a piecewise linear contraction
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