84 research outputs found

    Novel Algorithms for LDD Motif Search

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    Background: Motifs are crucial patterns that have numerous applications including the identification of transcription factors and their binding sites, composite regulatory patterns, similarity between families of proteins, etc. Several motif models have been proposed in the literature. The (l,d)-motif model is one of these that has been studied widely. However, this model will sometimes report too many spurious motifs than expected. We interpret a motif as a biologically significant entity that is evolutionarily preserved within some distance. It may be highly improbable that the motif undergoes the same number of changes in each of the species. To address this issue, in this paper, we introduce a new model which is more general than (l,d)-motif model. This model is called (l,d1,d2)-motif model (LDDMS) and is NP-hard as well. We present three elegant as well as efficient algorithms to solve the LDDMS problem, i.e., LDDMS1, LDDMS2 and LDDMS3. They are all exact algorithms. Results: We did both theoretical analyses and empirical tests on these algorithms. Theoretical analyses demonstrate that our algorithms have less computational cost than the pattern driven approach. Empirical results on both simulated datasets and real datasets show that each of the three algorithms has some advantages on some (l,d1,d2) instances. Conclusions: We proposed LDDMS model which is more practically relevant. We also proposed three exact efficient algorithms to solve the problem. Besides, our algorithms can be nicely parallelized. We believe that the idea in this new model can also be extended to other motif search problems such as Edit-distance-based Motif Search (EMS) and Simple Motif Search (SMS)

    MEME: discovering and analyzing DNA and protein sequence motifs

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    MEME (Multiple EM for Motif Elicitation) is one of the most widely used tools for searching for novel ‘signals’ in sets of biological sequences. Applications include the discovery of new transcription factor binding sites and protein domains. MEME works by searching for repeated, ungapped sequence patterns that occur in the DNA or protein sequences provided by the user. Users can perform MEME searches via the web server hosted by the National Biomedical Computation Resource () and several mirror sites. Through the same web server, users can also access the Motif Alignment and Search Tool to search sequence databases for matches to motifs encoded in several popular formats. By clicking on buttons in the MEME output, users can compare the motifs discovered in their input sequences with databases of known motifs, search sequence databases for matches to the motifs and display the motifs in various formats. This article describes the freely accessible web server and its architecture, and discusses ways to use MEME effectively to find new sequence patterns in biological sequences and analyze their significance

    ARGO: a web system for the detection of degenerate motifs and large-scale recognition of eukaryotic promoters

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    Reliable recognition of the promoters in eukaryotic genomes remains an open issue. This is largely owing to the poor understanding of the features of the structural–functional organization of the eukaryotic promoters essential for their function and recognition. However, it was demonstrated that detection of ensembles of regulatory signals characteristic of specific promoter groups increases the accuracy of promoter recognition and prediction of specific expression features of the queried genes. The ARGO_Motifs package was developed for the detection of sets of region-specific degenerate oligonucleotide motifs in the regulatory regions of the eukaryotic genes. The ARGO_Viewer package was developed for the recognition of tissue-specific gene promoters based on the presence and distribution of oligonucleotide motifs obtained by the ARGO_Motifs program. Analysis and recognition of tissue-specific promoters in five gene samples demonstrated high quality of promoter recognition. The public version of the ARGO system is available at and

    Motif Recognition

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    The problem of recognizing motifs from biological data has been well-studied and numerous algorithms, both exact and approximate, have been proposed to address the underlying issue. We strongly believe that open availability and ease of accessibility of quality implementations for such algorithms are critical to the research community, in order to directly reproduce and utilize the results from other studies, so as not to reinvent the wheel. Moreover, it is also important for the implementation to be as generic as possible so that any researcher can to extend it with minimal effort to test a newly implemented algorithmic extension or heuristic. With this motivation, we choose to focus an existing algorithm, PatternBranching and, to a lesser degree, Yang2004. We analyze these approaches for minor heuristical changes & speed-ups by adjusting certain thresholds, and finally, implement the variant in high-level language (Java) using thought through programming practices and generic, extensible interfaces. We also analyze the performance of PatternBranching using a synthetically generated test-suite for a variety of sequence lengths and report the results. Code from this project will be made freely available online to the research community

    cWINNOWER Algorithm for Finding Fuzzy DNA Motifs

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    The cWINNOWER algorithm detects fuzzy motifs in DNA sequences rich in protein-binding signals. A signal is defined as any short nucleotide pattern having up to d mutations differing from a motif of length l. The algorithm finds such motifs if multiple mutated copies of the motif (i.e., the signals) are present in the DNA sequence in sufficient abundance. The cWINNOWER algorithm substantially improves the sensitivity of the winnower method of Pevzner and Sze by imposing a consensus constraint, enabling it to detect much weaker signals. We studied the minimum number of detectable motifs qc as a function of sequence length N for random sequences. We found that qc increases linearly with N for a fast version of the algorithm based on counting three-member sub-cliques. Imposing consensus constraints reduces qc, by a factor of three in this case, which makes the algorithm dramatically more sensitive. Our most sensitive algorithm, which counts four-member sub-cliques, needs a minimum of only 13 signals to detect motifs in a sequence of length N = 12000 for (l,d) = (15,4)

    A Haystack Heuristic for Autoimmune Disease Biomarker Discovery Using Next-Gen Immune Repertoire Sequencing Data.

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    Large-scale DNA sequencing of immunological repertoires offers an opportunity for the discovery of novel biomarkers for autoimmune disease. Available bioinformatics techniques however, are not adequately suited for elucidating possible biomarker candidates from within large immunosequencing datasets due to unsatisfactory scalability and sensitivity. Here, we present the Haystack Heuristic, an algorithm customized to computationally extract disease-associated motifs from next-generation-sequenced repertoires by contrasting disease and healthy subjects. This technique employs a local-search graph-theory approach to discover novel motifs in patient data. We apply the Haystack Heuristic to nine million B-cell receptor sequences obtained from nearly 100 individuals in order to elucidate a new motif that is significantly associated with multiple sclerosis. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of the Haystack Heuristic in computing possible biomarker candidates from high throughput sequencing data and could be generalized to other datasets
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