33,913 research outputs found

    Extensions and foundations of the continuous symmetry measure

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    A quantum mechanical extension of the continuous symmetry measures (CMS) proposed by Avnir et al. is described. The theoretical framework is essentially based in a simple extension of the HMO approach, leading to compute molecular CSM energy spectra, constituting a useful step for construction of first and higher order CSM terms. This permits in turn to connect the general CMS theoretical framework with the fundaments of structure-property relationships and allows the evaluation of statistical mechanics CMS partition functions and the deduction of CMS thermodinamical functions as well

    H2 molecule in strong magnetic fields

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    The Pauli-Hamiltonian of a molecule with fixed nuclei in a strong constant magnetic field is asymptotic, in norm-resolvent sense, to an effective Hamiltonian which has the form of a multi-particle Schr\"odinger operator with interactions given by one-dimensional \delta-potentials. We study this effective Hamiltonian in the case of the H2 -molecule and establish existence of the ground state. We also show that the inter-nuclear equilibrium distance tends to 0 as the field-strength tends to infinity
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