4 research outputs found

    Modelling Complexity for Policy: Opportunities and Challenges

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    This chapter reviews the purpose and use of models from the field of complex systems and, in particular, the implications of trying to use models to understand or make decisions within complex situations, such as policy makers usually face. A discussion of the different dimensions one can formalise situations, the different purposes for models and the different kinds of relationship they can have with the policy making process, is followed by an examination of the compromises forced by the complexity of the target issues. Several modelling approaches from complexity science are briefly described, with notes as to their abilities and limitations. These approaches include system dynamics, network theory, information theory, cellular automata, and agent-based modelling. Some examples of policy models are presented and discussed in the context of the previous analysis. Finally we conclude by outlining some of the major pitfalls facing those wishing to use such models for policy evaluation

    Combination of Empirical Study with Qualitative Simulation for Optimization Problem in Mobile Banking Adoption

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    Mobile banking and mobile payment acceptance

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Information and Decision SystemsTechnological advancements registered in the last three decades have revolutionized the financial industry, promoting major changes in the financial services provided. The spread of Internet-enabled phones, smart phones and tablets combined with fast and reliable communications networks, have encourage banks and service providers to provide a new set of self-service banking applications to mobile devices. These facts combined with the globalisation of business and systems are reinforcing the need to acquire a deeper understand on the impact of the acceptance of mobile services. With this dissertation we intend to contribute to a better understanding of the determinants of mobile banking and mobile payments services acceptance and use, at individual level. For this reason we developed a total of five different studies; four about mobile banking and one about the mobile payment. We started in chapter two with a mobile banking literature weight and meta-analysis. The impact of culture in the mobile banking acceptance in an African developing country is analysed in chapter three, trying to better identify how culture influences individual use behaviour. In chapter four we study the mobile payment, trying to identify the direct and indirect effects on the determinants of adoption and the intention to recommend this technology. In chapter five we return to mobile banking, intending to identify the potential impact of the utilization of game mechanics and game design techniques in the acceptance of these services. In the fifth and last study, presented in chapter six, we analyse data from three different countries in three distinct continents, combining acceptance with trust and risk, simultaneously capturing success and resistance factors towards mobile banking intention and use behaviour. In epistemological terms, we adopted a posture characteristic of positivism. With regard the theoretical framework, besides the weight and meta-analysis study, we use the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) (Venkatesh et al., 2012) in all the studies; namely combining it with (i) cultural moderators (Hofstede, 1980) in the third chapter, (ii) the innovation characteristics of the diffusion of innovations (DOI) (Rogers, 2003), the perceived technology security, and the intention to recommend constructs in the fourth chapter, (iii) a gamification impact construct in the fifth chapter, and (iv) trust and risk model (Bélanger & Carter, 2008) in the sixth chapter. This work provides several contributions for research and practice, contributing to the advancement of knowledge, exploring and discussing direct implications for banks, financial institutions, service providers, service managers, IT and marketing departments, users, and researchers. The innovative models that we use in our work combine the strengths and constructs from well-known theoretical models, providing a solid foundation to our studies. In summary, considering all studies and datasets used, the intention best drivers were (i) habit, found significant in three studies and five datasets and (ii) performance expectancy, found significant in all five studies and in six datasets, and in the use best drivers were (i) habit, found significant in three studies and five datasets and (ii) intention, found significant in two studies. Considering the studies individually, collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, short term, and power distance were found to be the most significant cultural moderators, providing new insights into factors affecting the acceptation and how culture influences individual use behaviour. In terms of mobile payment, the relevance of customer’s intention to recommend mobile payment technology in social networks and other means of communication was confirmed, supporting the recommendation to include it in social marketing campaigns and in future technology adoption studies. A direct and strong relationship between gamification and intention was also confirmed, showing that, when used and designed properly, gamification can help make banking activities more exciting, more interesting, and more enjoyable, and in turn increase customer acceptance, engagement and satisfaction. From the multi-group analysis between countries additional results were found, supporting services customization and marketing campaigns adaptations accordingly. For the intention to use mobile banking, (i) performance expectancy is a more important factor for Portuguese than Brazilian users, (ii) hedonic motivation is a more important factor for Mozambican users than Portuguese or Brazilian ones, and (iii) price value is significant and more important for Mozambican than Portuguese users. For the use behaviour, (i) behavioural intention is a more important factor for Mozambican than Portuguese or Brazilian users and (ii) the facilitating conditions is a more important factor for Mozambican than Portuguese or Brazilian users. A theoretical model based in the best intention and use predictors found in literature is presented, from the weight and meta-analysis’ results, supporting further and future studies in this area