37,051 research outputs found

    Covering graphs by monochromatic trees and Helly-type results for hypergraphs

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    How many monochromatic paths, cycles or general trees does one need to cover all vertices of a given rr-edge-coloured graph GG? These problems were introduced in the 1960s and were intensively studied by various researchers over the last 50 years. In this paper, we establish a connection between this problem and the following natural Helly-type question in hypergraphs. Roughly speaking, this question asks for the maximum number of vertices needed to cover all the edges of a hypergraph HH if it is known that any collection of a few edges of HH has a small cover. We obtain quite accurate bounds for the hypergraph problem and use them to give some unexpected answers to several questions about covering graphs by monochromatic trees raised and studied by Bal and DeBiasio, Kohayakawa, Mota and Schacht, Lang and Lo, and Gir\~ao, Letzter and Sahasrabudhe.Comment: 20 pages including references plus 2 pages of an Appendi

    Perfect packings with complete graphs minus an edge

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    Let K_r^- denote the graph obtained from K_r by deleting one edge. We show that for every integer r\ge 4 there exists an integer n_0=n_0(r) such that every graph G whose order n\ge n_0 is divisible by r and whose minimum degree is at least (1-1/chi_{cr}(K_r^-))n contains a perfect K_r^- packing, i.e. a collection of disjoint copies of K_r^- which covers all vertices of G. Here chi_{cr}(K_r^-)=r(r-2)/(r-1) is the critical chromatic number of K_r^-. The bound on the minimum degree is best possible and confirms a conjecture of Kawarabayashi for large n

    Characterising and recognising game-perfect graphs

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    Consider a vertex colouring game played on a simple graph with kk permissible colours. Two players, a maker and a breaker, take turns to colour an uncoloured vertex such that adjacent vertices receive different colours. The game ends once the graph is fully coloured, in which case the maker wins, or the graph can no longer be fully coloured, in which case the breaker wins. In the game gBg_B, the breaker makes the first move. Our main focus is on the class of gBg_B-perfect graphs: graphs such that for every induced subgraph HH, the game gBg_B played on HH admits a winning strategy for the maker with only ω(H)\omega(H) colours, where ω(H)\omega(H) denotes the clique number of HH. Complementing analogous results for other variations of the game, we characterise gBg_B-perfect graphs in two ways, by forbidden induced subgraphs and by explicit structural descriptions. We also present a clique module decomposition, which may be of independent interest, that allows us to efficiently recognise gBg_B-perfect graphs.Comment: 39 pages, 8 figures. An extended abstract was accepted at the International Colloquium on Graph Theory (ICGT) 201

    The threshold for jigsaw percolation on random graphs

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    Jigsaw percolation is a model for the process of solving puzzles within a social network, which was recently proposed by Brummitt, Chatterjee, Dey and Sivakoff. In the model there are two graphs on a single vertex set (the `people' graph and the `puzzle' graph), and vertices merge to form components if they are joined by an edge of each graph. These components then merge to form larger components if again there is an edge of each graph joining them, and so on. Percolation is said to occur if the process terminates with a single component containing every vertex. In this note we determine the threshold for percolation up to a constant factor, in the case where both graphs are Erd\H{o}s--R\'enyi random graphs.Comment: 13 page
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