12 research outputs found

    Reinforcement Learning for Graph Coloring: Understanding the Power and Limits of Non-Label Invariant Representations

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    Register allocation is one of the most important problems for modern compilers. With a practically unlimited number of user variables and a small number of CPU registers, assigning variables to registers without conflicts is a complex task. This work demonstrates the use of casting the register allocation problem as a graph coloring problem. Using technologies such as PyTorch and OpenAI Gymnasium Environments we will show that a Proximal Policy Optimization model can learn to solve the graph coloring problem. We will also show that the labeling of a graph is critical to the performance of the model by taking the matrix representation of a graph and permuting it. We then test the model's effectiveness on each of these permutations and show that it is not effective when given a relabeling of the same graph. Our main contribution lies in showing the need for label reordering invariant representations of graphs for machine learning models to achieve consistent performance

    Generating a Graph Colouring Heuristic with Deep Q-Learning and Graph Neural Networks

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    The graph colouring problem consists of assigning labels, or colours, to the vertices of a graph such that no two adjacent vertices share the same colour. In this work we investigate whether deep reinforcement learning can be used to discover a competitive construction heuristic for graph colouring. Our proposed approach, ReLCol, uses deep Q-learning together with a graph neural network for feature extraction, and employs a novel way of parameterising the graph that results in improved performance. Using standard benchmark graphs with varied topologies, we empirically evaluate the benefits and limitations of the heuristic learned by ReLCol relative to existing construction algorithms, and demonstrate that reinforcement learning is a promising direction for further research on the graph colouring problem.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, to be published in LION17 conference proceeding

    RL4ReAl: Reinforcement Learning for Register Allocation

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    We propose a novel solution for the Register Allocation problem, leveraging multi-agent hierarchical Reinforcement Learning. We formalize the constraints that precisely define the problem for a given instruction-set architecture, while ensuring that the generated code preserves semantic correctness. We also develop a gRPC based framework providing a modular and efficient compiler interface for training and inference. Experimental results match or outperform the LLVM register allocators, targeting Intel x86 and ARM AArch64

    Learning Combinatorial Node Labeling Algorithms

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    We present a graph neural network to learn graph coloring heuristics using reinforcement learning. Our learned deterministic heuristics give better solutions than classical degree-based greedy heuristics and only take seconds to evaluate on graphs with tens of thousands of vertices. As our approach is based on policy-gradients, it also learns a probabilistic policy as well. These probabilistic policies outperform all greedy coloring baselines and a machine learning baseline. Our approach generalizes several previous machine-learning frameworks, which applied to problems like minimum vertex cover. We also demonstrate that our approach outperforms two greedy heuristics on minimum vertex cover

    Learning fine-grained search space pruning and heuristics for combinatorial optimization

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    Combinatorial optimization problems arise naturally in a wide range of applications from diverse domains. Many of these problems are NP-hard and designing efficient heuristics for them requires considerable time, effort and experimentation. On the other hand, the number of optimization problems in the industry continues to grow. In recent years, machine learning techniques have been explored to address this gap. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for leveraging machine learning techniques to scale-up exact combinatorial optimization algorithms. In contrast to the existing approaches based on deep-learning, reinforcement learning and restricted Boltzmann machines that attempt to directly learn the output of the optimization problem from its input (with limited success), our framework learns the relatively simpler task of pruning the elements in order to reduce the size of the problem instances. In addition, our framework uses only interpretable learning models based on intuitive local features and thus the learning process provides deeper insights into the optimization problem and the instance class, that can be used for designing better heuristics. For the classical maximum clique enumeration problem, we show that our framework can prune a large fraction of the input graph (around 99% of nodes in case of sparse graphs) and still detect almost all of the maximum cliques. Overall, this results in several fold speedups of state-of-the-art algorithms. Furthermore, the classification model used in our framework highlights that the chi-squared value of neighborhood degree has a statistically significant correlation with the presence of a node in a maximum clique, particularly in dense graphs which constitute a significant challenge for modern solvers. We leverage this insight to design a novel heuristic we call ALTHEA for the maximum clique detection problem, outperforming the state-of-the-art for dense graphs.Access provided by IREL Consortium c/o Maynooth University The Library Maynooth Universit