554 research outputs found

    Spacelab data analysis and interactive control study

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    The study consisted of two main tasks, a series of interviews of Spacelab users and a survey of data processing and display equipment. Findings from the user interviews on questions of interactive control, downlink data formats, and Spacelab computer software development are presented. Equipment for quick look processing and display of scientific data in the Spacelab Payload Operations Control Center (POCC) was surveyed. Results of this survey effort are discussed in detail, along with recommendations for NASA development of several specific display systems which meet common requirements of many Spacelab experiments

    Flat panel display signal processing

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    Televisions (TVs) have shown considerable technological progress since their introduction almost a century ago. Starting out as small, dim and monochrome screens in wooden cabinets, TVs have evolved to large, bright and colorful displays in plastic boxes. It took until the turn of the century, however, for the TV to become like a ‘picture on the wall’. This happened when the bulky Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) was replaced with thin and light-weight Flat Panel Displays (FPDs), such as Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) or Plasma Display Panels (PDPs). However, the TV system and transmission formats are still strongly coupled to the CRT technology, whereas FPDs use very different principles to convert the electronic video signal to visible images. These differences result in image artifacts that the CRT never had, but at the same time provide opportunities to improve FPD image quality beyond that of the CRT. This thesis presents an analysis of the properties of flat panel displays, their relation to image quality, and video signal processing algorithms to improve the quality of the displayed images. To analyze different types of displays, the display signal chain is described using basic principles common to all displays. The main function of a display is to create visible images (light) from an electronic signal (video), requiring display chain functions like opto-electronic effect, spatial and temporal addressing and reconstruction, and color synthesis. The properties of these functions are used to describe CRT, LCDs, and PDPs, showing that these displays perform the same functions, using different implementations. These differences have a number of consequences, that are further investigated in this thesis. Spatial and temporal aspects, corresponding to ‘static’ and ‘dynamic’ resolution respectively, are covered in detail. Moreover, video signal processing is an essential part of the display signal chain for FPDs, because the display format will in general no longer match the source format. In this thesis, it is investigated how specific FPD properties, especially related to spatial and temporal addressing and reconstruction, affect the video signal processing chain. A model of the display signal chain is presented, and applied to analyze FPD spatial properties in relation to static resolution. In particular, the effect of the color subpixels, that enable color image reproduction in FPDs, is analyzed. The perceived display resolution is strongly influenced by the color subpixel arrangement. When taken into account in the signal chain, this improves the perceived resolution on FPDs, which clearly outperform CRTs in this respect. The cause and effect of this improvement, also for alternative subpixel arrangements, is studied using the display signal model. However, the resolution increase cannot be achieved without video processing. This processing is efficiently combined with image scaling, which is always required in the FPD display signal chain, resulting in an algorithm called ‘subpixel image scaling’. A comparison of the effects of subpixel scaling on several subpixel arrangements shows that the largest increase in perceived resolution is found for two-dimensional subpixel arrangements. FPDs outperform CRTs with respect to static resolution, but not with respect to ‘dynamic resolution’, i.e. the perceived resolution of moving images. Life-like reproduction of moving images is an important requirement for a TV display, but the temporal properties of FPDs cause artifacts in moving images (‘motion artifacts’), that are not found in CRTs. A model of the temporal aspects of the display signal chain is used to analyze dynamic resolution and motion artifacts on several display types, in particular LCD and PDP. Furthermore, video signal processing algorithms are developed that can reduce motion artifacts and increase the dynamic resolution. The occurrence of motion artifacts is explained by the fact that the human visual system tracks moving objects. This converts temporal effects on the display into perceived spatial effects, that can appear in very different ways. The analysis shows how addressing mismatches in the chain cause motion-dependent misalignment of image data, e.g. resulting in the ‘dynamic false contour’ artifact in PDPs. Also, non-ideal temporal reconstruction results in ‘motion blur’, i.e. a loss of sharpness of moving images, which is typical for LCDs. The relation between motion blur, dynamic resolution, and temporal properties of LCDs is analyzed using the display signal model in the temporal (frequency) domain. The concepts of temporal aperture, motion aperture and temporal display bandwidth are introduced, which enable characterization of motion blur in a simple and direct way. This is applied to compare several motion blur reduction methods, based on modified display design and driving. This thesis further describes the development of several video processing algorithms that can reduce motion artifacts. It is shown that the motion of objects in the image plays an essential role in these algorithms, i.e. they require motion estimation and compensation techniques. In LCDs, video processing for motion artifact reduction involves a compensation for the temporal reconstruction characteristics of the display, leading to the ‘motion compensated inverse filtering’ algorithm. The display chain model is used to analyze this algorithm, and several methods to increase its performance are presented. In PDPs, motion artifact reduction can be achieved with ‘motion compensated subfield generation’, for which an advanced algorithm is presented

    Cognitive Information Processing

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    Contains research objectives and summary of research on fourteen research projects and reports on four research projects.Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAB07-75-C-1346)National Science Foundation (Grant EPP74-12653)National Science Foundation (Grant ENG74-24344)National Institutes of Health (Grant 2 PO1 GM19428-04)Swiss National Funds for Scientific ResearchM.I.T. Health Sciences Fund (Grant 76-11)National Institutes of Health (Grant F03 GM58698)National Institutes of Health (Biomedical Sciences Support Grant)Associated Press (Grant

    Evaluation of the color image and video processing chain and visual quality management for consumer systems

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    With the advent of novel digital display technologies, color processing is increasingly becoming a key aspect in consumer video applications. Today’s state-of-the-art displays require sophisticated color and image reproduction techniques in order to achieve larger screen size, higher luminance and higher resolution than ever before. However, from color science perspective, there are clearly opportunities for improvement in the color reproduction capabilities of various emerging and conventional display technologies. This research seeks to identify potential areas for improvement in color processing in a video processing chain. As part of this research, various processes involved in a typical video processing chain in consumer video applications were reviewed. Several published color and contrast enhancement algorithms were evaluated, and a novel algorithm was developed to enhance color and contrast in images and videos in an effective and coordinated manner. Further, a psychophysical technique was developed and implemented for performing visual evaluation of color image and consumer video quality. Based on the performance analysis and visual experiments involving various algorithms, guidelines were proposed for the development of an effective color and contrast enhancement method for images and video applications. It is hoped that the knowledge gained from this research will help build a better understanding of color processing and color quality management methods in consumer video

    Requirements and specifications of the space telescope for scientific operations

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    Requirements for the scientific operations of the Space Telescope and the Science Institute are used to develop operational interfaces between user scientists and the NASA ground system. General data systems are defined for observatory scheduling, daily science planning, and science data management. Hardware, software, manpower, and space are specified for several science institute locations and support options

    Functional requirements for the man-vehicle systems research facility

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    The NASA Ames Research Center proposed a man-vehicle systems research facility to support flight simulation studies which are needed for identifying and correcting the sources of human error associated with current and future air carrier operations. The organization of research facility is reviewed and functional requirements and related priorities for the facility are recommended based on a review of potentially critical operational scenarios. Requirements are included for the experimenter's simulation control and data acquisition functions, as well as for the visual field, motion, sound, computation, crew station, and intercommunications subsystems. The related issues of functional fidelity and level of simulation are addressed, and specific criteria for quantitative assessment of various aspects of fidelity are offered. Recommendations for facility integration, checkout, and staffing are included

    An Automated System for Chromosome Analysis

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    The design, construction, and testing of a complete system to produce karyotypes and chromosome measurement data from human blood samples, and to provide a basis for statistical analysis of quantitative chromosome measurement data are described

    Geosynchronous Meteorological Satellite Data Seminar

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    A seminar was organized by NASA to acquaint the meteorological community with data now available, and data scheduled to be available in the future, from geosynchronous meteorological satellites. The twenty-four papers were presented in three half-day sessions in addition to tours of the Image Display and LANDSAT Processing Facilities during the afternoon of the second day

    Color coding for a facsimile system.

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    Thesis. 1975. Ph.D.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.Vita.Includes bibliographical references.Ph.D

    Study of time-lapse processing for dynamic hydrologic conditions

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    The usefulness of dynamic display techniques in exploiting the repetitive nature of ERTS imagery was investigated. A specially designed Electronic Satellite Image Analysis Console (ESIAC) was developed and employed to process data for seven ERTS principal investigators studying dynamic hydrological conditions for diverse applications. These applications include measurement of snowfield extent and sediment plumes from estuary discharge, Playa Lake inventory, and monitoring of phreatophyte and other vegetation changes. The ESIAC provides facilities for storing registered image sequences in a magnetic video disc memory for subsequent recall, enhancement, and animated display in monochrome or color. The most unique feature of the system is the capability to time lapse the imagery and analytic displays of the imagery. Data products included quantitative measurements of distances and areas, binary thematic maps based on monospectral or multispectral decisions, radiance profiles, and movie loops. Applications of animation for uses other than creating time-lapse sequences are identified. Input to the ESIAC can be either digital or via photographic transparencies
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