1,759 research outputs found

    Color Histogram Equalization using Probability Smoothing

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    Publication in the conference proceedings of EUSIPCO, Florence, Italy, 200

    Local Contrast Enhancement Utilizing Bidirectional Switching Equalization Of Separated And Clipped Sub-Histograms

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    Digital image contrast enhancement methods that are based on histogram equalization (HE) technique are useful for the use in consumer electronic products due to their simple implementation. However, almost all the suggested enhancement methods are using global processing technique, which does not emphasize local contents. Kaedah penyerlahan beza jelas imej digit berdasarkan teknik penyeragaman histogram adalah berguna dalam penggunaan produk elektronik pengguna disebabkan pelaksanaan yang mudah. Walau bagaimanapun, kebanyakan kaedah penyerlahan yang dicadangkan adalah menggunakan teknik proses sejagat dan tidak menekan kepada kandungan setempat

    Automated Optical Inspection and Image Analysis of Superconducting Radio-Frequency Cavities

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    The inner surface of superconducting cavities plays a crucial role to achieve highest accelerating fields and low losses. For an investigation of this inner surface of more than 100 cavities within the cavity fabrication for the European XFEL and the ILC HiGrade Research Project, an optical inspection robot OBACHT was constructed. To analyze up to 2325 images per cavity, an image processing and analysis code was developed and new variables to describe the cavity surface were obtained. The accuracy of this code is up to 97% and the PPV 99% within the resolution of 15.63 μm\mu \mathrm{m}. The optical obtained surface roughness is in agreement with standard profilometric methods. The image analysis algorithm identified and quantified vendor specific fabrication properties as the electron beam welding speed and the different surface roughness due to the different chemical treatments. In addition, a correlation of ρ=0.93\rho = -0.93 with a significance of 6σ6\,\sigma between an obtained surface variable and the maximal accelerating field was found

    Development Of Contrast Enhancement Algorithm For Images Captured Under Insufficient Illumination

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    Many methods have been proposed to improve the contrast, quality and to optimize the insufficient illumination images. In the image enhancement, the main goal is to improve the contrast in the images. Images with high quality contain a great variety of information. The images quality is very easily affected by lighting, climate or equipment’s that have been used to capture the image. Some of these conditions such as insufficient illumination lead to darker images where the image may suffer information loss. Therefore, this thesis puts forward an optimized enhancement method in order to retain the information in the image. This proposed method performs on the insufficient light images. The proposed algorithm is decomposed by Haar wavelet to obtain the decomposition coefficient in all directions of the image, adjusts the threshold values of wavelet coefficient, then reconstruct the image. Finally, do the suitable postprocessing for the reconstructed image. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method successfully improves the image quality and contrast and these proven by a series of experiments. The proposed method shows good results for image enhancement. Whether it is in the image contrast enhancement, or extent of noise pollution. The proposed method was enhanced the contrast value more than fifty thousand at the same time, the variance was controlled less than ten thousand

    Detail image Enhancement Survey

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    Image enhancement plays important role in the field of image processing. Many images suffer from poor contrast and noise. There is requirement of enhancing the contrast& removing noise to improve image quality. Image enhancement is the process of improving quality of image. Image enhancement produces the image which will give better result than original image. Detail image enhancement is introduced in the field of image processing to solve many problems like blurring, ringing, unnaturalness etc. Detail image enhancement algorithm first decompose source image into a base layer and detail layer via edge preserving smoothing algorithm and amplify detail layer to produce to detail enhanced image. Analysis of different methods of image enhancement is carried out. Existing image enhancement techniques have some drawbacks. The objective of this paper is to determine limitation of the existing image enhancement techniques

    Contrast enhancement and exposure correction using a structure-aware distribution fitting

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    Realce de contraste e correção de exposição são úteis em aplicações domésticas e técnicas, no segundo caso como uma etapa de pré-processamento para outras técnicas ou para ajudar a observação humana. Frequentemente, uma transformação localmente adaptativa é mais adequada para a tarefa do que uma transformação global. Por exemplo, objetos e regiões podem ter níveis de iluminação muito diferentes, fenômenos físicos podem comprometer o contraste em algumas regiões mas não em outras, ou pode ser desejável ter alta visibilidade de detalhes em todas as partes da imagem. Para esses casos, métodos de realce de imagem locais são preferíveis. Embora existam muitos métodos de realce de contraste e correção de exposição disponíveis na literatura, não há uma solução definitiva que forneça um resultado satisfatório em todas as situações, e novos métodos surgem a cada ano. Em especial, os métodos tradicionais baseados em equalização adaptativa de histograma sofrem dos efeitos checkerboard e staircase e de excesso de realce. Esta dissertação propõe um método para realce de contraste e correção de exposição em imagens chamado Structure-Aware Distribution Stretching (SADS). O método ajusta regionalmente à imagem um modelo paramétrico de distribuição de probabilidade, respeitando a estrutura da imagem e as bordas entre as regiões. Isso é feito usando versões regionais das expressões clássicas de estimativa dos parâmetros da distribuição, que são obtidas substituindo a mé- dia amostral presente nas expressões originais por um filtro de suavização que preserva as bordas. Após ajustar a distribuição, a função de distribuição acumulada (CDF) do modelo ajustado e a inversa da CDF da distribuição desejada são aplicadas. Uma heurística ciente de estrutura que detecta regiões suaves é proposta e usada para atenuar as transformações em regiões planas. SADS foi comparado a outros métodos da literatura usando métricas objetivas de avaliação de qualidade de imagem (IQA) sem referência e com referência completa nas tarefas de realce de contraste e correção de exposição simultâneos e na tarefa de defogging/dehazing. Os experimentos indicam um desempenho geral superior do SADS em relação aos métodos comparados para os conjuntos de imagens usados, de acordo com as métricas IQA adotadas.Contrast enhancement and exposure correction are useful in domestic and technical applications, the latter as a preprocessing step for other techniques or for aiding human observation. Often, a locally adaptive transformation is more suitable for the task than a global transformation. For example, objects and regions may have very different levels of illumination, physical phenomena may compromise the contrast at some regions but not at others, or it may be desired to have high visibility of details in all parts of the image. For such cases, local image enhancement methods are preferable. Although there are many contrast enhancement and exposure correction methods available in the literature, there is no definitive solution that provides a satisfactory result in all situations, and new methods emerge each year. In special, traditional adaptive histogram equalization-based methods suffer from checkerboard and staircase effects and from over enhancement. This dissertation proposes a method for contrast enhancement and exposure correction in images named Structure-Aware Distribution Stretching (SADS). The method fits a parametric model of probability distribution to the image regionally while respecting the image structure and edges between regions. This is done using regional versions of the classical expressions for estimating the parameters of the distribution, which are obtained by replacing the sample mean present in the original expressions by an edge-preserving smoothing filter. After fitting the distribution, the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the adjusted model and the inverse of the CDF of the desired distribution are applied. A structure-aware heuristic to indicate smooth regions is proposed and used to attenuate the transformations in flat regions. SADS was compared with other methods from the literature using objective no-reference and full-reference image quality assessment (IQA) metrics in the tasks of simultaneous contrast enhancement and exposure correction and in the task of defogging/dehazing. The experiments indicate a superior overall performance of SADS with respect to the compared methods for the image sets used, according to the IQA metrics adopted