32 research outputs found

    Color Image Noise Reduction with the Total Variation Model and Proximity Operators

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    The following paper discusses how efficient and effective color image noise reduction may be achieved through the use of mathematic numerical analysis. Digital image noise is a longstanding problem for which efficient and effective solutions are critical to the advancement of the field of digital imaging. Micchelli-Shen-Xu [3] used the Total Variation Model in conjunction with proximity operators to propose a set of algorithms to effectively and efficiently solve for noisy grayscale images. They proposed the use of the proximity operator in anisotropic and isotropic total variation in fixed point algorithms. The following paper will discuss their algorithms as well as expand and implement these algorithms to apply to color images as well. When reducing noise in color images we may either apply the fixed point algorithm proposed by Micchelli-Shen-Xu [3] to the luma channel of YCbCr colorspace or apply the algorithm in parallel to the R G B channels of RGB colorspace. The later algorithm will produce better results at the expense of efficiency.

    A Hybrid Filter with Impulse Detection for Removal of Random Valued Impulse Noise from Colour Videos

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    This paper presents a three dimensional hybrid filter to remove random valued impulse noise from colour video sequences. The switching median technique is utilized to protect noise free isolated pixels from filtering so as to avoid blurring of frames. The restoration of noisy pixels is done by brightness information obtained from median filtering and chromaticity information is obtained from vector directional filtering. This hybrid filter is applied in three dimensional sliding window where spatial as well as temporal information about neighbourhood is available for restoration of frame under consideration. Only noise free pixels of three dimensional sliding window are used for restoration of frame under consideration. Simulation results show that the proposed three dimensional hybrid filter yields superior performance in comparison to other filtering method

    Unrestricted multivariate medians for adaptive filtering of color images

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    Reduction of impulse noise in color images is a fundamental task in the image processing field. A number of approaches have been proposed to solve this problem in literature, and many of them rely on some multivariate median computed on a relevant image window. However, little attention has been paid to the comparative assessment of the distinct medians that can be used for this purpose. In this paper we carry out such a study, and its conclusions lead us to design a new image denoising procedure. Quantitative and qualitative results are shown, which demonstrate the advantages of our method in terms of noise reduction, detail preservation and stability with respect to a selection of well-known proposals.Presentado en el IX Workshop Computaci贸n Gr谩fica, Im谩genes y Visualizaci贸n (WCGIV)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Adaptive Technique for Image Zooming Based on Image Processing Technique

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    Due to the abilities of preserving sharp edges and detail, in this long essay sort of study matter interpolation schemes are considered. For the purpose of image zooming Cubic spline algorithm is used. With it analization of local structure of image and least time consuming near optimal re-sampling function would be there to preserve contrast and edge location. Into homogeneous areas this image is dynamically segmented, preserving edges is main focus here. In this algorithm Blurring and jagging problem is reduced. To compare existing algorithm with cubic spline by the help of algorithm method real world image is used. To arrive at conclusion that the cubic spline interpolation algorithm is not inferior to the existing algorithm, images are compared by two ways namely MSE and PSNR

    Pattern Approximation Based Generalized Image Noise Reduction Using Adaptive Feedforward Neural Network

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    The problem of noise interference with the image always occurs irrespective of whatever precaution is taken. Challenging issues with noise reduction are diversity of characteristics involved with source of noise and in result; it is difficult to develop a universal solution. This paper has proposed neural network based generalize solution of noise reduction by mapping the problem as pattern approximation. Considering the statistical relationship among local region pixels in the noise free image as normal patterns, feedforward neural network is applied to acquire the knowledge available within such patterns. Adaptiveness is applied in the slope of transfer function to improve the learning process. Acquired normal patterns knowledge is utilized to reduce the level of different type of noise available within an image by recorrection of noisy patterns through pattern approximation. The proposed restoration method does not need any estimation of noise model characteristics available in the image not only that it can reduce the mixer of different types of noise efficiently. The proposed method has high processing speed along with simplicity in design. Restoration of gray scale image as well as color image has done, which has suffered from different types of noise like, Gaussian noise, salt &peper, speckle noise and mixer of it

    Concurrent Validity of a Custom Method for Markerless 3D Full-Body Motion Tracking of Children and Young Adults Based on a Single RGB-D Camera

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    Low-cost, portable RGB-D cameras with integrated body tracking functionality enable easy-to-use 3D motion analysis without requiring expensive facilities and specialized personnel. However, the accuracy of existing systems is insufficient for most clinical applications. In this study, we investigated the concurrent validity of our custom tracking method based on RGB-D images with respect to a gold-standard marker-based system. Additionally, we analyzed the validity of the publicly available Microsoft Azure Kinect Body Tracking (K4ABT). We recorded 23 typically developing children and healthy young adults (aged 5 to 29 years) performing five different movement tasks using a Microsoft Azure Kinect RGB-D camera and a marker-based multi-camera Vicon system simultaneously. Our method achieved a mean per joint position error over all joints of 11.7 mm compared to the Vicon system, and 98.4% of the estimated joint positions had an error of less than 50 mm. Pearson's correlation coefficients r ranged from strong ( r =0.64) to almost perfect ( 0.99). K4ABT demonstrated satisfactory accuracy most of the time but showed short periods of tracking failures in nearly two-thirds of all sequences limiting its use for clinical motion analysis. In conclusion, our tracking method highly agrees with the gold standard system. It paves the way towards a low-cost, easy-to-use, portable 3D motion analysis system for children and young adults

    Two-stage Progressive Residual Dense Attention Network for Image Denoising

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    Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for image denoising can effectively exploit rich hierarchical features and have achieved great success. However, many deep CNN-based denoising models equally utilize the hierarchical features of noisy images without paying attention to the more important and useful features, leading to relatively low performance. To address the issue, we design a new Two-stage Progressive Residual Dense Attention Network (TSP-RDANet) for image denoising, which divides the whole process of denoising into two sub-tasks to remove noise progressively. Two different attention mechanism-based denoising networks are designed for the two sequential sub-tasks: the residual dense attention module (RDAM) is designed for the first stage, and the hybrid dilated residual dense attention module (HDRDAM) is proposed for the second stage. The proposed attention modules are able to learn appropriate local features through dense connection between different convolutional layers, and the irrelevant features can also be suppressed. The two sub-networks are then connected by a long skip connection to retain the shallow feature to enhance the denoising performance. The experiments on seven benchmark datasets have verified that compared with many state-of-the-art methods, the proposed TSP-RDANet can obtain favorable results both on synthetic and real noisy image denoising. The code of our TSP-RDANet is available at https://github.com/WenCongWu/TSP-RDANet