764 research outputs found

    Unsharp Mask Guided Filtering

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    Unsharp Mask Guided Filtering

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    The goal of this paper is guided image filtering, which emphasizes the importance of structure transfer during filtering by means of an additional guidance image. Where classical guided filters transfer structures using hand-designed functions, recent guided filters have been considerably advanced through parametric learning of deep networks. The state-of-the-art leverages deep networks to estimate the two core coefficients of the guided filter. In this work, we posit that simultaneously estimating both coefficients is suboptimal, resulting in halo artifacts and structure inconsistencies. Inspired by unsharp masking, a classical technique for edge enhancement that requires only a single coefficient, we propose a new and simplified formulation of the guided filter. Our formulation enjoys a filtering prior from a low-pass filter and enables explicit structure transfer by estimating a single coefficient. Based on our proposed formulation, we introduce a successive guided filtering network, which provides multiple filtering results from a single network, allowing for a trade-off between accuracy and efficiency. Extensive ablations, comparisons and analysis show the effectiveness and efficiency of our formulation and network, resulting in state-of-the-art results across filtering tasks like upsampling, denoising, and cross-modality filtering. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/shizenglin/Unsharp-Mask-Guided-Filtering}.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 202

    DSLR-Quality Photos on Mobile Devices with Deep Convolutional Networks

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    Despite a rapid rise in the quality of built-in smartphone cameras, their physical limitations - small sensor size, compact lenses and the lack of specific hardware, - impede them to achieve the quality results of DSLR cameras. In this work we present an end-to-end deep learning approach that bridges this gap by translating ordinary photos into DSLR-quality images. We propose learning the translation function using a residual convolutional neural network that improves both color rendition and image sharpness. Since the standard mean squared loss is not well suited for measuring perceptual image quality, we introduce a composite perceptual error function that combines content, color and texture losses. The first two losses are defined analytically, while the texture loss is learned in an adversarial fashion. We also present DPED, a large-scale dataset that consists of real photos captured from three different phones and one high-end reflex camera. Our quantitative and qualitative assessments reveal that the enhanced image quality is comparable to that of DSLR-taken photos, while the methodology is generalized to any type of digital camera

    Deep Video Color Propagation

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    Traditional approaches for color propagation in videos rely on some form of matching between consecutive video frames. Using appearance descriptors, colors are then propagated both spatially and temporally. These methods, however, are computationally expensive and do not take advantage of semantic information of the scene. In this work we propose a deep learning framework for color propagation that combines a local strategy, to propagate colors frame-by-frame ensuring temporal stability, and a global strategy, using semantics for color propagation within a longer range. Our evaluation shows the superiority of our strategy over existing video and image color propagation methods as well as neural photo-realistic style transfer approaches.Comment: BMVC 201