5 research outputs found

    Available Bandwidth Estimation for Adaptive Video Streaming in Mobile Ad Hoc

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    [EN] We propose in this paper an algorithm for available bandwidth estimation in mobile ad hoc networks and its integration into a conventional routing protocol like AODV for improving the rate-adaptive video streaming. We have introduced in our approach a local estimation of the available bandwidth as well as a prediction of the consumed bandwidth. This information allows video application to adjust its transmission rate avoiding network congestion. We conducted a performance evaluation of our solution through simulation experiments using two network scenarios. In the simulation study, transmission of video streams encoded with the H.264/MPEG-4 advanced video coding standard was evaluated. The results reveal performance improvements in terms of packet loss, delay and PSNR.Castellanos, W.; Guerri Cebollada, JC.; Arce Vila, P. (2019). Available Bandwidth Estimation for Adaptive Video Streaming in Mobile Ad Hoc. International Journal of Wireless Information Networks. 26(3):218-229. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10776-019-00431-0S21822926

    Passive Available Bandwidth Estimation Based on Collision Probability and Node State Synchronization in Wireless Networks

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    In wireless networks, available bandwidth estimation is challenging because wireless channels are used by multiple users or applications concurrently. In this study, we propose a passive measurement scheme to estimate the available bandwidth in 802.12 wireless networks based on the combination and modification of two existing schemes, Distributed Lagrange Interpolation Based Available Bandwidth Estimation (DLI-ABE) and Accurate Passive Bandwidth Estimation (APBE). The proposed scheme uses the channel busy state, which is affected by transmitting or receiving processes caused by carrier sensing. Therefore, the sender and the receiver node should be synchronized using various states that can be affected by other nodes. Moreover, the proposed scheme was developed with the involvement of relevant calculation of possible overhead caused by control messaging that occurs in the Media Access Control (MAC) layer and collision probability caused by data flow from hidden nodes. The result showed that the proposed scheme can estimate the available bandwidth of wireless networks more accurately than DLI-ABE and APBE


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    Ketersediaan bandwidth merupakan salah satu aspek penting untuk menjamin QoS dalam transmisi data, terutama pada jaringan nirkabel. Walaupun demikian, prediksi ketersediaan pada jaringan nirkabel masih sulit dilakukan karena medium transmisi dapat digunakan oleh beberapa node secara bersamaan. Selain itu jaringan nirkabel juga rentan terhadap pengaruh dari sinyal transmisi yang dihasilkan dari node lain, terutama hidden node. Beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mengembangkan model prediksi ketersediaan bandwidth. Walaupun demikian, belum terdapat mekanisme terstandarisasi yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi ketersediaan bandwidth pada jaringan nirkabel. Selain itu tingkat akurasi dari setiap model juga masih belum diketahui ketika diimplementasikan pada jaringan nirkabel, terutama dengan keberadaan hidden node. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini berupaya untuk menginvestigasi kinerja dari setiap model untuk memprediksi ketersediaan bandwidth pada jaringan nirkabel dengan interferensi hidden node. Model prediksi yang dibandingkan adalah Distributed Lagrange Interpolation Based Available Bandwidth Estimation (DLI-ABE), Cognitive Passive Estimation Of The Available Bandwidth (cPEAB),  Improved Available Bandwidth (IAB), dan Available Bandwidth Estimation (ABE). Percobaan dilakukan dalam skala simulasi yang dikembangkan menggunakan simulasi jaringan OMNet++. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa model ABE memperoleh tingkat akurasi yang paling baik sebesar 85,25%

    Collision probability based Available Bandwidth estimation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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