16 research outputs found

    Development of a bio-inspired vision system for mobile micro-robots

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    In this paper, we present a new bio-inspired vision system for mobile micro-robots. The processing method takes inspiration from vision of locusts in detecting the fast approaching objects. Research suggested that locusts use wide field visual neuron called the lobula giant movement detector to respond to imminent collisions. We employed the locusts' vision mechanism to motion control of a mobile robot. The selected image processing method is implemented on a developed extension module using a low-cost and fast ARM processor. The vision module is placed on top of a micro-robot to control its trajectory and to avoid obstacles. The observed results from several performed experiments demonstrated that the developed extension module and the inspired vision system are feasible to employ as a vision module for obstacle avoidance and motion control

    A modified neural network model for Lobula Giant Movement Detector with additional depth movement feature

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    The Lobula Giant Movement Detector (LGMD) is a wide-field visual neuron that is located in the Lobula layer of the Locust nervous system. The LGMD increases its firing rate in response to both the velocity of the approaching object and its proximity. It has been found that it can respond to looming stimuli very quickly and can trigger avoidance reactions whenever a rapidly approaching object is detected. It has been successfully applied in visual collision avoidance systems for vehicles and robots. This paper proposes a modified LGMD model that provides additional movement depth direction information. The proposed model retains the simplicity of the previous neural network model, adding only a few new cells. It has been tested on both simulated and recorded video data sets. The experimental results shows that the modified model can very efficiently provide stable information on the depth direction of movement

    Bio-inspired vision mimetics towards next generation collision avoidance automation

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    The current “deep learning + large-scale data + strong supervised labeling” technology framework of collision avoidance for ground robots and aerial drones is becoming saturated. Its development gradually faces challenges from real open-scene applications, including small data, weak annotation, and cross-scene. Inspired by the neural structure and processes underlying human cognition (e.g., human visual, auditory, and tactile systems) and the knowledge learned from daily driving tasks, such as, a high-level cognitive system is developed for integrating collision sensing and collision avoidance. This bio-inspired cognitive approach takes the advantages of good robustness, high self-adaptability, and low computation consumption in practical driving scenes

    An LGMD Based Competitive Collision Avoidance Strategy for UAV

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    Building a reliable and efficient collision avoidance system for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is still a challenging problem. This research takes inspiration from locusts, which can fly in dense swarms for hundreds of miles without collision. In the locust’s brain, a visual pathway of LGMD-DCMD (lobula giant movement detector and descending contra-lateral motion detector) has been identified as collision perception system guiding fast collision avoidance for locusts, which is ideal for designing artificial vision systems. However, there is very few works investigating its potential in real-world UAV applications. In this paper, we present an LGMD based competitive collision avoidance method for UAV indoor navigation. Compared to previous works, we divided the UAV’s field of view into four subfields each handled by an LGMD neuron. Therefore, four individual competitive LGMDs (C-LGMD) compete for guiding the directional collision avoidance of UAV. With more degrees of freedom compared to ground robots and vehicles, the UAV can escape from collision along four cardinal directions (e.g. the object approaching from the left-side triggers a rightward shifting of the UAV). Our proposed method has been validated by both simulations and real-time quadcopter arena experiments

    LGMD based neural network for automatic collision detection

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    Real-time collision detection in dynamic scenarios is a hard task if the algorithms used are based on conventional techniques of computer vision, since these are computationally complex and, consequently, time-consuming. On the other hand, bio-inspired visual sensors are suitable candidates for mobile robot navigation in unknown environments, due to their computational simplicity. The Lobula Giant Movement Detector (LGMD) neuron, located in the locust optic lobe, responds selectively to approaching objects. This neuron has been used to develop bio-inspired neural networks for collision avoidance. In this work, we propose a new LGMD model based on two previous models, in order to improve over them by incorporating other algorithms. To assess the real-time properties of the proposed model, it was applied to a real robot. Results shown that the LGMD neuron model can robustly support collision avoidance in complex visual scenarios.(undefined

    Constant Angular Velocity Regulation for Visually Guided Terrain Following

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    Insects use visual cues to control their flight behaviours. By estimating the angular velocity of the visual stimuli and regulating it to a constant value, honeybees can perform a terrain following task which keeps the certain height above the undulated ground. For mimicking this behaviour in a bio-plausible computation structure, this paper presents a new angular velocity decoding model based on the honeybee's behavioural experiments. The model consists of three parts, the texture estimation layer for spatial information extraction, the motion detection layer for temporal information extraction and the decoding layer combining information from pervious layers to estimate the angular velocity. Compared to previous methods on this field, the proposed model produces responses largely independent of the spatial frequency and contrast in grating experiments. The angular velocity based control scheme is proposed to implement the model into a bee simulated by the game engine Unity. The perfect terrain following above patterned ground and successfully flying over irregular textured terrain show its potential for micro unmanned aerial vehicles' terrain following

    Temperature-based Collision Detection in Extreme Low Light Condition with Bio-inspired LGMD Neural Network

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    It is an enormous challenge for intelligent vehicles to avoid collision accidents at night because of the extremely poor light conditions. Thermal cameras can capture temperature map at night, even with no light sources and are ideal for collision detection in darkness. However, how to extract collision cues efficiently and effectively from the captured temperature map with limited computing resources is still a key issue to be solved. Recently, a bio-inspired neural network LGMD has been proposed for collision detection successfully, but for daytime and visible light. Whether it can be used for temperature-based collision detection or not remains unknown. In this study, we proposed an improved LGMD-based visual neural network for temperature-based collision detection at extreme light conditions. We show in this study that the insect inspired visual neural network can pick up the expanding temperature differences of approaching objects as long as the temperature difference against its background can be captured by a thermal sensor. Our results demonstrated that the proposed LGMD neural network can detect collisions swiftly based on the thermal modality in darkness; therefore, it can be a critical collision detection algorithm for autonomous vehicles driving at night to avoid fatal collisions with humans, animals, or other vehicles