9 research outputs found

    Consensus under Misaligned Orientations

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    This paper presents a consensus algorithm under misaligned orientations, which is defined as (i) misalignment to global coordinate frame of local coordinate frames, (ii) biases in control direction or sensing direction, or (iii) misaligned virtual global coordinate frames. After providing a mathematical formulation, we provide some sufficient conditions for consensus or for divergence. Besides the stability analysis, we also conduct some analysis for convergence characteristics in terms of locations of eigenvalues. Through a number of numerical simulations, we would attempt to understand the behaviors of misaligned consensus dynamics.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    Distributed leader following of an active leader for linear heterogeneous multi-agent systems

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    This paper considers a leader-following problem for a group of heterogeneous linear time invariant (LTI) followers that are interacting over a directed acyclic graph. Only a subset of the followers has access to the state of the leader in specific sampling times. The dynamics of the leader that generates its sampled states is unknown to the followers. For interaction topologies in which the leader is a global sink in the graph, we propose a distributed algorithm that allows the followers to arrive at the sampled state of the leader by the time the next sample arrives. Our algorithm is a practical solution for a leader-following problem when there is no information available about the state of the leader except its instantaneous value at the sampling times. Our algorithm also allows the followers to track the sampled state of the leader with a locally chosen offset that can be time-varying. When the followers are mobile agents whose state or part of their state is their position vector, the offset mechanism can be used to enable the followers to form a transnational invariant formation about the sampled state of the leader. We prove that the control input of the followers to take them from one sampled state to the next one is minimum energy. We also show in case of the homogeneous followers, after the first sampling epoch the states and inputs of all the followers are synchronized with each other. Numerical examples demonstrate our results

    A distributed reconfigurable control law for escorting and patrolling missions using teams of unicycles

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    Abstract—Recent years have seen rapidly growing interest in the development of networks of vehicles for which adaptive cooperation and autonomous execution become a necessity. In the paper, we develop a distributed reconfigurable control law to distribute unicycle-type vehicles evenly on a circle surrounding a moving target for the escorting and patrolling missions. The even distribution of the vehicles provides the best overall coverage of the target in its surroundings. It is shown that as the target moves, the group formation moves and rotates around the target to keep the target around the formation centroid. When some vehicles in the group are lost due to faults, the remaining vehicles recognize the loss and adaptively reconfigure themselves to a new evenly distributed formation

    A Distributed Reconfigurable Control Law for Escorting and Patrolling Missions using Teams of Unicycles

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    Emergent coordination in multi-robot systems

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    En la naturaleza se encuentran sociedades de seres vivos que coordinan sus acciones de forma no centralizada. Por ejemplo, en las colonias de hormigas ocurren procesos emergentes, que combinan las acciones de los individuos en función de un objetivo común. En este trabajo, se describe una capa de gestión que facilita los procesos de coordinación emergente en los sistemas multirobots. Esta capa en particular permite la aparación de la emergencia y la autoorganización en el sistema. En conjunto con las capas de gestión individual y de gestión del conocimiento, manejan los procesos necesarios para el funcionamiento del sistema multirobot.In nature there are societies of living beings that coordinate their actions in a non-centralized way. For example, emergent processes that combine the actions of individuals in the achievement of a common goal occur in ant colonies. This paper describes a management layer that facilitates emerging coordination processes in multi-robot systems, which together with other two layers (one of individual management and another of knowledge management), manage the processes necessary for the operation of the multi-robot system. In particular, this layer allows the appearance of emergency and self-organization in the system. &nbsp

    A Study on Multi-Agent Systems for Stable Matching

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    13301甲第4316号博士(工学)金沢大学博士論文本文Full 以下に掲載:Journal of Automatic Control and System Engineering 15(1) pp.1-13 2015. International Congress for global science and technology (ICGST). 共著者:Mohd Syakirin Ramli, Shigeru Yamamot