276,914 research outputs found

    Supervised Blockmodelling

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    Collective classification models attempt to improve classification performance by taking into account the class labels of related instances. However, they tend not to learn patterns of interactions between classes and/or make the assumption that instances of the same class link to each other (assortativity assumption). Blockmodels provide a solution to these issues, being capable of modelling assortative and disassortative interactions, and learning the pattern of interactions in the form of a summary network. The Supervised Blockmodel provides good classification performance using link structure alone, whilst simultaneously providing an interpretable summary of network interactions to allow a better understanding of the data. This work explores three variants of supervised blockmodels of varying complexity and tests them on four structurally different real world networks.Comment: Workshop on Collective Learning and Inference on Structured Data 201

    Identifying Graphs from Noisy Observational Data

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    There is a growing amount of data describing networks -- examples include social networks, communication networks, and biological networks. As the amount of available data increases, so does our interest in analyzing the properties and characteristics of these networks. However, in most cases the data is noisy, incomplete, and the result of passively acquired observational data; naively analyzing these networks without taking these errors into account can result in inaccurate and misleading conclusions. In my dissertation, I study the tasks of entity resolution, link prediction, and collective classification to address these deficiencies. I describe these tasks in detail and discuss my own work on each of these tasks. For entity resolution, I develop a method for resolving the identities of name mentions in email communications. For link prediction, I develop a method for inferring subordinate-manager relationships between individuals in an email communication network. For collective classification, I propose an adaptive active surveying method to address node labeling in a query-driven setting on network data. In many real-world settings, however, these deficiencies are not found in isolation and all need to be addressed to infer the desired complete and accurate network. Furthermore, because of the dependencies typically found in these tasks, the tasks are inherently inter-related and must be performed jointly. I define the general problem of graph identification which simultaneously performs these tasks; removing the noise and missing values in the observed input network and inferring the complete and accurate output network. I present a novel approach to graph identification using a collection of Coupled Collective Classifiers, C3, which, in addition to capturing the variety of features typically used for each task, can capture the intra- and inter-dependencies required to correctly infer nodes, edges, and labels in the output network. I discuss variants of C3 using different learning and inference paradigms and show the superior performance of C3, in terms of both prediction quality and runtime performance, over various previous approaches. I then conclude by presenting the Graph Alignment, Identification, and Analysis (GAIA) open-source software library which not only provides an implementation of C3 but also algorithms for various tasks in network data such as entity resolution, link prediction, collective classification, clustering, active learning, data generation, and analysis

    Price, wage and employment response to shocks: evidence from the WDN survey

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    This paper analyses information from survey data collected in the framework of the Eurosystem’s Wage Dynamics Network (WDN) on patterns of firm-level adjustment to shocks. We document that the relative intensity and the character of price vs. cost and wage vs. employment adjustments in response to cost-push shocks depend – in theoretically sensible ways – on the intensity of competition in firms’ product markets, on the importance of collective wage bargaining and on other structural and institutional features of firms and of their environment. Focusing on the passthrough of cost shocks to prices, our results suggest that the pass-through is lower in highly competitive firms. Furthermore, a high degree of employment protection and collective wage agreements tend to make this pass-through stronger. JEL Classification: J31, J38, P50European Union, Labour-market institutions, survey data, wage bargaining

    Learning Collective Behavior in Multi-relational Networks

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    With the rapid expansion of the Internet and WWW, the problem of analyzing social media data has received an increasing amount of attention in the past decade. The boom in social media platforms offers many possibilities to study human collective behavior and interactions on an unprecedented scale. In the past, much work has been done on the problem of learning from networked data with homogeneous topologies, where instances are explicitly or implicitly inter-connected by a single type of relationship. In contrast to traditional content-only classification methods, relational learning succeeds in improving classification performance by leveraging the correlation of the labels between linked instances. However, networked data extracted from social media, web pages, and bibliographic databases can contain entities of multiple classes and linked by various causal reasons, hence treating all links in a homogeneous way can limit the performance of relational classifiers. Learning the collective behavior and interactions in heterogeneous networks becomes much more complex. The contribution of this dissertation include 1) two classification frameworks for identifying human collective behavior in multi-relational social networks; 2) unsupervised and supervised learning models for relationship prediction in multi-relational collaborative networks. Our methods improve the performance of homogeneous predictive models by differentiating heterogeneous relations and capturing the prominent interaction patterns underlying the network structure. The work has been evaluated in various real-world social networks. We believe that this study will be useful for analyzing human collective behavior and interactions specifically in the scenario when the heterogeneous relationships in the network arise from various causal reasons

    Combining social-based data mining techniques to extract collective trends from twitter

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    Social Networks have become an important environment for Collective Trends extraction. The interactions amongst users provide information of their preferences and relationships. This information can be used to measure the influence of ideas, or opinions, and how they are spread within the Network. Currently, one of the most relevant and popular Social Networks is Twitter. This Social Network was created to share comments and opinions. The information provided by users is especially useful in different fields and research areas such as marketing. This data is presented as short text strings containing different ideas expressed by real people. With this representation, different Data Mining techniques (such as classification or clustering) will be used for knowledge extraction to distinguish the meaning of the opinions. Complex Network techniques are also helpful to discover influential actors and study the information propagation inside the Social Network. This work is focused on how clustering and classification techniques can be combined to extract collective knowledge from Twitter. In an initial phase, clustering techniques are applied to extract the main topics from the user opinions. Later, the collective knowledge extracted is used to relabel the dataset according to the clusters obtained to improve the classification results. Finally, these results are compared against a dataset which has been manually labelled by human experts to analyse the accuracy of the proposed method.The preparation of this manuscript has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the following projects: TIN2010-19872 and ECO2011-30105 (National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation), as well as the Multidisciplinary Project of Universidad AutĂłnoma de Madrid (CEMU2012-034). The authors thank Ana M. DĂ­az-MartĂ­n and Mercedes Rozano for the manual classification of the Tweets
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