7 research outputs found

    Flipped Classroom Video Analytics

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    Rising tuition and stringent accreditation standards increase the pressure educators feel to improve student learning using active teaching techniques. The flipped classroom allows educators to use externally viewed videos to focus on in-class time for problem-based learning. The flipped classroom is a recent pedagogical model in Engineering Technology classes Video learning analytics are an important tool to understand student engagement and usage of flipped classroom video resources. Video analytics can also help instructors understand and continuously improve the effectiveness of the video lecture class component. This research used video analytics of a Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Power Engineering Technology flipped class to determine who watches videos, where they watch, when they watch, and on what devices students watch flipped classroom videos over multiple semesters/sections. Results show a very high percentage of students watch the video before class, most students watch in close proximity to the campus (based on IP address analysis), within one/two days before the class. Some students re-review sections of videos before tests, and use multiple mobile and desktop devices that at times shift during the semester. Video analytics allow the instructor to adjust video content knowing who watches, and where, when and how these flipped classroom videos are used by students

    Development of Animation Video on YouTube Channels as an Alternative Learning Media during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Distance learning is held as an effort to continue to present the teaching and learning process for students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many students admitted that they were not happy with the implementation of distance learning. This study aims to describe the development of Animaker application-based learning videos on the YouTube channel as an alternative to distance learning media during the covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a Design-Based Research (DBR) model. This study shows an overview of the stages of developing a learning video which includes needs analysis, material preparation and product design according to the learning objectives to be achieved, product implementation, and evaluation. Questionnaire technique is used as a method of collecting data at the stages of needs analysis and evaluation. At the needs analysis stage, the researcher gave questionnaires to 114 students who took part in learning Islamic Religious Education by distance learning or online, while at the evaluation stage, validation was carried out by two experts and the video learning trial was conducted by six students. The material expert validation in the two learning videos developed received very good and proper predicates (92% and 87%) from material experts. Meanwhile, the validation of media experts received very good and proper predicates (94% and 94%). Then, the results of student assessments in small groups showed good scores with an average score of 90% with very good and decent predicates. This indicates that the learning video developed is suitable for use as an alternative learning media during the covid-19 pandemic


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    Kepuasan pengguna sebuah aplikasi dapat diartikan sebagai tingkat perasaan seseorang setelah membandingkan kinerja (hasil) yang ia rasakan, dibandingkan dengan harapannya. Terdapat dua cara dalam membangun aplikasi pembelajaran bebantenan, yaitu pembelajaran dengan menggunakan konsep peta pikiran, dan pembelajaran tanpa menggunakan konsep peta pikiran. Dalam penelitian ini metode kuisioner dipergunakan untuk mendapatkan data kepuasan pengguna terhadal kedua aplikasi pembelajaran bebantenan yang telah dibangun. Terdapat tiga faktor untuk mengukur kepuasan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu faktor kinerja internal dari aplikasi, faktor dukungan perangkat eksternal yang dibutuhkan aplikasi, dan faktor tampilan umum saat pengguna berinteraksi dengan aplikasi. Selanjutnya ketiga faktor tersebut dijabarkan ke dalam sepuluh pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan kepuasan pengguna. Dari empat puluh pengguna aplikasi yang digunakan sebagai responden penelitian didapatkan data bahwa aplikasi pembelajaran menggunakan peta pikiran mempunyaipersentase  tingkatkepuasan lebih tinggi  dibandingkan dengan sistem yang tidak menggunakan metode peta pikiran dalam pemberian materinya.namun secara keseluruhan aplikasi memiliki tingkat kepuasan pengguna yang kuat yaitu sebesar 80,3

    Monitoring, Awareness and Reflection in Blended Technology Enhanced Learning: a Systematic Review

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    Education is experiencing a paradigm shift towards blended learning models in technology-enhanced learning (TEL). Despite the potential benefits of blended learning, it also entails additional complexity in terms of monitoring, awareness and reflection, as learning happens across different spaces and modalities. In recent years, literature on Learning Analytics (LA) and Educational Data Mining (EDM) has gained momentum and started to address the issue. To provide a clear picture of the current state of the research on the topic and to outline open research gaps, this paper presents a systematic literature review of the state-of-the-art of research in LA and EDM on monitoring, awareness and reflection in blended TEL scenarios. The search included six main academic databases in TEL that were enriched with the proceedings of the workshop on ’Awareness and Reflection in TEL’ (ARTEL), resulting in 1089 papers out of which 40 papers were included in the final analysis

    Monitoring, Awareness and Reflection in Blended Technology Enhanced Learning: a Systematic Review

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    Education is experiencing a paradigm shift towards blended learning models in technology-enhanced learning (TEL). Despite the potential benefits of blended learning, it also entails additional complexity in terms of monitoring, awareness and reflection, as learning happens across different spaces and modalities. In recent years, literature on Learning Analytics (LA) and Educational Data Mining (EDM) has gained momentum and started to address the issue. To provide a clear picture of the current state of the research on the topic and to outline open research gaps, this paper presents a systematic literature review of the state-of-the-art of research in LA and EDM on monitoring, awareness and reflection in blended TEL scenarios. The search included six main academic databases in TEL that were enriched with the proceedings of the workshop on ’Awareness and Reflection in TEL’ (ARTEL), resulting in 1089 papers out of which 40 papers were included in the final analysis