1,535 research outputs found

    Computational Resource Abuse in Web Applications

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    Internet browsers include Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to support Web applications that require complex functionality, e.g., to let end users watch videos, make phone calls, and play video games. Meanwhile, many Web applications employ the browser APIs to rely on the user's hardware to execute intensive computation, access the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), use persistent storage, and establish network connections. However, providing access to the system's computational resources, i.e., processing, storage, and networking, through the browser creates an opportunity for attackers to abuse resources. Principally, the problem occurs when an attacker compromises a Web site and includes malicious code to abuse its visitor's computational resources. For example, an attacker can abuse the user's system networking capabilities to perform a Denial of Service (DoS) attack against third parties. What is more, computational resource abuse has not received widespread attention from the Web security community because most of the current specifications are focused on content and session properties such as isolation, confidentiality, and integrity. Our primary goal is to study computational resource abuse and to advance the state of the art by providing a general attacker model, multiple case studies, a thorough analysis of available security mechanisms, and a new detection mechanism. To this end, we implemented and evaluated three scenarios where attackers use multiple browser APIs to abuse networking, local storage, and computation. Further, depending on the scenario, an attacker can use browsers to perform Denial of Service against third-party Web sites, create a network of browsers to store and distribute arbitrary data, or use browsers to establish anonymous connections similarly to The Onion Router (Tor). Our analysis also includes a real-life resource abuse case found in the wild, i.e., CryptoJacking, where thousands of Web sites forced their visitors to perform crypto-currency mining without their consent. In the general case, attacks presented in this thesis share the attacker model and two key characteristics: 1) the browser's end user remains oblivious to the attack, and 2) an attacker has to invest little resources in comparison to the resources he obtains. In addition to the attack's analysis, we present how existing, and upcoming, security enforcement mechanisms from Web security can hinder an attacker and their drawbacks. Moreover, we propose a novel detection approach based on browser API usage patterns. Finally, we evaluate the accuracy of our detection model, after training it with the real-life crypto-mining scenario, through a large scale analysis of the most popular Web sites

    Cyber threat intelligence sharing: Survey and research directions

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    Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) sharing has become a novel weapon in the arsenal of cyber defenders to proactively mitigate increasing cyber attacks. Automating the process of CTI sharing, and even the basic consumption, has raised new challenges for researchers and practitioners. This extensive literature survey explores the current state-of-the-art and approaches different problem areas of interest pertaining to the larger field of sharing cyber threat intelligence. The motivation for this research stems from the recent emergence of sharing cyber threat intelligence and the involved challenges of automating its processes. This work comprises a considerable amount of articles from academic and gray literature, and focuses on technical and non-technical challenges. Moreover, the findings reveal which topics were widely discussed, and hence considered relevant by the authors and cyber threat intelligence sharing communities

    A Survey of Security in UAVs and FANETs: Issues, Threats, Analysis of Attacks, and Solutions

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    Thanks to the rapidly developing technology, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are able to complete a number of tasks in cooperation with each other without need for human intervention. In recent years, UAVs, which are widely utilized in military missions, have begun to be deployed in civilian applications and mostly for commercial purposes. With their growing numbers and range of applications, UAVs are becoming more and more popular; on the other hand, they are also the target of various threats which can exploit various vulnerabilities of UAV systems in order to cause destructive effects. It is therefore critical that security is ensured for UAVs and the networks that provide communication between UAVs. In this survey, we aimed to present a comprehensive detailed approach to security by classifying possible attacks against UAVs and flying ad hoc networks (FANETs). We classified the security threats into four major categories that make up the basic structure of UAVs; hardware attacks, software attacks, sensor attacks, and communication attacks. In addition, countermeasures against these attacks are presented in separate groups as prevention and detection. In particular, we focus on the security of FANETs, which face significant security challenges due to their characteristics and are also vulnerable to insider attacks. Therefore, this survey presents a review of the security fundamentals for FANETs, and also four different routing attacks against FANETs are simulated with realistic parameters and then analyzed. Finally, limitations and open issues are also discussed to direct future wor

    Understanding the voluntary moderation practices in live streaming communities

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    Harmful content, such as hate speech, online abuses, harassment, and cyberbullying, proliferates across various online communities. Live streaming as a novel online community provides ways for thousands of users (viewers) to entertain and engage with a broadcaster (streamer) in real-time in the chatroom. While the streamer has the camera on and the screen shared, tens of thousands of viewers are watching and messaging in real-time, resulting in concerns about harassment and cyberbullying. To regulate harmful content—toxic messages in the chatroom, streamers rely on a combination of automated tools and volunteer human moderators (mods) to block users or remove content, which is termed content moderation. Live streaming as a mixed media contains some unique attributes such as synchronicity and authenticity, making real-time content moderation challenging. Given the high interactivity and ephemerality of live text-based communication in the chatroom, mods have to make decisions with time constraints and little instruction, suffering cognitive overload and emotional toll. While much previous work has focused on moderation in asynchronous online communities and social media platforms, very little is known about human moderation in synchronous online communities with live interaction among users in a timely manner. It is necessary to understand mods’ moderation practices in live streaming communities, considering their roles to support community growth. This dissertation centers on volunteer mods in live streaming communities to explore their moderation practices and relationships with streamers and viewers. Through quantitative and qualitative methods, this dissertation mainly focuses on three aspects: the strategies and tools used by moderators, the mental model and decision-making process applied toward violators, and the conflict management present in the moderation team. This dissertation uses various socio-technical theories to explain mods’ individual and collaborative practices and suggests several design interventions to facilitate the moderation process in live streaming communities

    Sécurité collaborative pour l internet des objets

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    Cette thèse aborde des nouveaux défis de sécurité dans l'Internet des Objets (IdO). La transition actuelle de l'Internet classique vers l'Internet des Objets conduit à de nombreux changements dans les modèles de communications sous-jacents. La nature hétérogène des communications de l IdO et le déséquilibre entre les capacités des entités communicantes qui le constituent rendent difficile l'établissement de connexions sécurisées de bout en bout. Contrairement aux nœuds de l Internet traditionnel, la plupart des composants de l'Internet des Objets sont en effet caractérisés par de faibles capacités en termes d'énergie et de puissance calcul. Par conséquent, ils ne sont pas en mesure de supporter des systèmes de sécurité complexes. En particulier, la mise en place d'un canal de communication sécurisé de bout en bout nécessite l établissement d'une clé secrète commune entre les deux nœuds souhaitant communiquer, qui sera négociée en s'appuyant sur un protocole d'échange de clés tels que le Transport Layer Security (TLS) Handshake ou l Internet Key Exchange (IKE). Or, une utilisation directe de ces protocoles pour établir des connexions sécurisées entre deux entités de l IdO peut être difficile en raison de l'écart technologique entre celles-ci et des incohérences qui en résultent sur le plan des primitives cryptographiques supportées. Le sujet de l'adaptation des protocoles de sécurité existants pour répondre à ces nouveaux défis a récemment été soulevé dans la communauté scientifique. Cependant, les premières solutions proposées n'ont pas réussi à répondre aux besoins des nœuds à ressources limitées. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons de nouvelles approches collaboratives pour l'établissement de clés, dans le but de réduire les exigences des protocoles de sécurité existants, afin que ceux-ci puissent être mis en œuvre par des nœuds à ressources limitées. Nous avons particulièrement retenu les protocoles TLS Handshake, IKE et HIP BEX comme les meilleurs candidats correspondant aux exigences de sécurité de bout en bout pour l'IdO. Puis nous les avons modifiés de sorte que le nœud contraint en énergie puisse déléguer les opérations cryptographiques couteuses à un ensemble de nœuds au voisinage, tirant ainsi avantage de l'hétérogénéité spatiale qui caractérise l IdO. Nous avons entrepris des vérifications formelles de sécurité et des analyses de performance qui prouvent la sureté et l'efficacité énergétique des protocoles collaboratifs proposés. Dans une deuxième partie, nous avons porté notre attention sur une classe d attaques internes que la collaboration entre les nœuds peut induire et que les mécanismes cryptographiques classiques, tels que la signature et le chiffrement, s'avèrent impuissants à contrer. Cela nous a amené à introduire la notion de confiance au sein d'un groupe collaboratif. Le niveau de fiabilité d'un nœud est évalué par un mécanisme de sécurité dédié, connu sous le nom de système de gestion de confiance. Ce système est lui aussi instancié sur une base collaborative, dans laquelle plusieurs nœuds partagent leurs témoignages respectifs au sujet de la fiabilité des autres nœuds. En nous appuyant sur une analyse approfondie des systèmes de gestion de confiance existants et des contraintes de l IoD, nous avons conçu un système de gestion de confiance efficace pour nos protocoles collaboratifs. Cette efficacité a été évaluée en tenant compte de la façon dont le système de gestion de la confiance répond aux exigences spécifiques à nos approches proposées pour l'établissement de clés dans le contexte de l'IdO. Les résultats des analyses de performance que nous avons menées démontrent le bon fonctionnement du système proposé et une efficacité accrue par rapport à la littératureThis thesis addresses new security challenges in the Internet of Things (IoT). The current transition from legacy Internet to Internet of Things leads to multiple changes in its communication paradigms. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) initiated this transition by introducing unattended wireless topologies, mostly made of resource constrained nodes, in which radio spectrum therefore ceased to be the only resource worthy of optimization. Today's Machine to Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things architectures further accentuated this trend, not only by involving wider architectures but also by adding heterogeneity, resource capabilities inconstancy and autonomy to once uniform and deterministic systems. The heterogeneous nature of IoT communications and imbalance in resources capabilities between IoT entities make it challenging to provide the required end-to-end secured connections. Unlike Internet servers, most of IoT components are characterized by low capabilities in terms of both energy and computing resources, and thus, are unable to support complex security schemes. The setup of a secure end-to-end communication channel requires the establishment of a common secret key between both peers, which would be negotiated relying on standard security key exchange protocols such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) Handshake or Internet Key Exchange (IKE). Nevertheless, a direct use of existing key establishment protocols to initiate connections between two IoT entities may be impractical because of the technological gap between them and the resulting inconsistencies in their cryptographic primitives. The issue of adapting existing security protocols to fulfil these new challenges has recently been raised in the international research community but the first proposed solutions failed to satisfy the needs of resource-constrained nodes. In this thesis, we propose novel collaborative approaches for key establishment designed to reduce the requirements of existing security protocols, in order to be supported by resource-constrained devices. We particularly retained TLS handshake, Internet key Exchange and HIP BEX protocols as the best keying candidates fitting the end-to-end security requirements of the IoT. Then we redesigned them so that the constrained peer may delegate its heavy cryptographic load to less constrained nodes in neighbourhood exploiting the spatial heterogeneity of IoT nodes. Formal security verifications and performance analyses were also conducted to ensure the security effectiveness and energy efficiency of our collaborative protocols. However, allowing collaboration between nodes may open the way to a new class of threats, known as internal attacks that conventional cryptographic mechanisms fail to deal with. This introduces the concept of trustworthiness within a collaborative group. The trustworthiness level of a node has to be assessed by a dedicated security mechanism known as a trust management system. This system aims to track nodes behaviours to detect untrustworthy elements and select reliable ones for collaborative services assistance. In turn, a trust management system is instantiated on a collaborative basis, wherein multiple nodes share their evidences about one another's trustworthiness. Based on an extensive analysis of prior trust management systems, we have identified a set of best practices that provided us guidance to design an effective trust management system for our collaborative keying protocols. This effectiveness was assessed by considering how the trust management system could fulfil specific requirements of our proposed approaches for key establishment in the context of the IoT. Performance analysis results show the proper functioning and effectiveness of the proposed system as compared with its counterparts that exist in the literatureEVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    New voices/new laws

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    This report provides a children’s rights-based analysis and evaluation of the current criminal laws that can apply to peer-to-peer sexting and cyber bullying among young people in New South Wales (NSW). It offers insight on sexting and cyber bullying that we have garnered from our work as youth legal educators and advocates; examines the criminal law framework that applies to these behaviours in NSW; explains the need to reform these laws; surveys the views of young people on sexting, cyber bullying and the law; reviews some of the law reform efforts undertaken in other Australian and overseas jurisdictions; and on these bases, makes recommendations for law and policy makers in NSW.The New Voices/New Laws project grew out of our concern that young people’s use of social media, mobile phones and the internet can lead to serious and often disproportionate criminal penalties—of which most young people (and many adults) are unaware. The project aimed to:• educate young people about the criminal laws that can apply to sexting and cyber bullying;• encourage young people to voice their opinions on these laws;• amplify the voices and opinions of young people; and• facilitate advocacy for reform of inappropriate criminal laws and penalties.In order to achieve these aims, we engaged directly with over 1,000 young people through school-based consultations. Between June and October 2012, we conducted 10 consultations at 8 schools in 7 regions—Wollongong, Dubbo, Sydney, Hunter, Tamworth, Broken Hill and Albury. The consultations generally consisted of a presentation on the laws and penalties that can apply to sexting and cyber bullying; a survey asking participants to share their knowledge and opinions of these laws and penalties; and a focus group discussion of the issues. The presentation and survey were also made available online.The report is the outcome of New Voices/New Laws, a project undertaken by the National Children’s and Youth Law Centre (NCYLC) and Children’s Legal Service of Legal Aid NSW (CLS)

    Design and Management of Collaborative Intrusion Detection Networks

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    In recent years network intrusions have become a severe threat to the privacy and safety of computer users. Recent cyber attacks compromise a large number of hosts to form botnets. Hackers not only aim at harvesting private data and identity information from compromised nodes, but also use the compromised nodes to launch attacks such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. As a counter measure, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are used to identify intrusions by comparing observable behavior against suspicious patterns. Traditional IDSs monitor computer activities on a single host or network traffic in a sub-network. They do not have a global view of intrusions and are not effective in detecting fast spreading attacks, unknown, or new threats. In turn, they can achieve better detection accuracy through collaboration. An Intrusion Detection Network (IDN) is such a collaboration network allowing IDSs to exchange information with each other and to benefit from the collective knowledge and experience shared by others. IDNs enhance the overall accuracy of intrusion assessment as well as the ability to detect new intrusion types. Building an effective IDN is however a challenging task. For example, adversaries may compromise some IDSs in the network and then leverage the compromised nodes to send false information, or even attack others in the network, which can compromise the efficiency of the IDN. It is, therefore, important for an IDN to detect and isolate malicious insiders. Another challenge is how to make efficient intrusion detection assessment based on the collective diagnosis from other IDSs. Appropriate selection of collaborators and incentive-compatible resource management in support of IDSs' interaction with others are also key challenges in IDN design. To achieve efficiency, robustness, and scalability, we propose an IDN architecture and especially focus on the design of four of its essential components, namely, trust management, acquaintance management, resource management, and feedback aggregation. We evaluate our proposals and compare them with prominent ones in the literature and show their superiority using several metrics, including efficiency, robustness, scalability, incentive-compatibility, and fairness. Our IDN design provides guidelines for the deployment of a secure and scalable IDN where effective collaboration can be established between IDSs
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