22 research outputs found

    Mobile collaborative video

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    The emergence of pico projectors as a part of future mobile devices presents unique opportunities for collaborative settings, especially in entertainment applications, such as video playback. By aggregating pico projectors from several users, it is possible to enhance resolution, brightness, or frame rate. In this paper we present a camera-based methodology for the alignment and synchronization of multiple projectors. The approach does not require any complicated ad hoc network setup among the mobile devices. A prototype system has been set up and used to test the proposed techniques

    I-Light Symposium 2005 Proceedings

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    I-Light was made possible by a special appropriation by the State of Indiana. The research described at the I-Light Symposium has been supported by numerous grants from several sources. Any opinions, findings and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the 2005 I-Light Symposium Proceedings are those of the researchers and authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the granting agencies.Indiana University Office of the Vice President for Research and Information Technology, Purdue University Office of the Vice President for Information Technology and CI

    Cognitive Foundations for Visual Analytics

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    In this report, we provide an overview of scientific/technical literature on information visualization and VA. Topics discussed include an update and overview of the extensive literature search conducted for this study, the nature and purpose of the field, major research thrusts, and scientific foundations. We review methodologies for evaluating and measuring the impact of VA technologies as well as taxonomies that have been proposed for various purposes to support the VA community. A cognitive science perspective underlies each of these discussions

    From Grain to Pixel

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    "In From Grain to Pixel , Giovanna Fossati analyzes the transition from analog to digital film and its profound effects on filmmaking and film archiving. Reflecting on the theoretical conceptualization of the medium itself, Fossati poses significant questions about the status of physical film and the practice of its archival preservation, restoration and presentation. From Grain to Pixel attempts to bridge the fields of film archiving and academic research by addressing the discourse on film's ontology and analyzing how different interpretations of what film is affect the role and practices of film archives. Ultimately, Fossati proposes a novel theorization of film archival practice as the starting point for a renewed dialogue between film scholars and film archivists. Almost a decade after its first publication, this updated edition covers the latest developments in the field. Besides a new general introduction, a new conclusion and extensive updates to each chapter, a novel theoretical framework and a new case study have been added. Giovanna Fossati is chief curator at EYE Filmmuseum and professor of film heritage and digital film culture at the University of Amsterdam.

    From Grain to Pixel

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    Film is in a state of rapid change, with the transition from analog to digital profoundly affecting not just filmmaking and distribution, but also the theoretical conceptualization of the medium film and the practice of film archiving. New forms of digital archives are being developed that make use of participatory media to provide a more open form of access than any traditional archive has offered before. Film archives are thus faced with new questions and challenges. From Grain to Pixel attempts to bridge the fields of film archiving and academic research, by addressing the discourse on film ontology and analysing how it affects the role of film archives. Fossati proposes a new theoretization of film archival practice as the starting point for a renewed dialogue between film scholars and film archivists.Het bewegende beeld bevindt zich in een overgangsperiode waarin analoge (fotochemische) film geleidelijk vervangen wordt door digitale film. Deze overgang heeft niet alleen diepgaande invloed op filmproductie en -distributie, maar ook op de manier van archiveren van film en de theoretische conceptualisering van dit medium. Van digitale archieven worden steeds nieuwe vormen ontwikkeld. Deze archieven - digitale filmdatabases en YouTube bijvoorbeeld - maken gebruik van media die participatie van vele gebruikers mogelijk maken en worden zo toegankelijker dan ooit. Ondertussen is er nog onvoldoende dialoog tussen archivarissen en filmwetenschappers. From Grain to Pixel slaat een brug tussen archiveringspraktijken en wetenschappelijk onderzoek dat gebaseerd is op relevante debatten in film- en nieuwe mediastudies. Fossati stelt een nieuwe theorie op voor het archiveren en restaureren van film. Dit biedt mogelijkheden voor een hernieuwde dialoog tussen archivarissen en wetenschappers

    From Grain to Pixel

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    Film is in a state of rapid change, with the transition from analog to digital profoundly affecting not just filmmaking and distribution, but also the theoretical conceptualization of the medium film and the practice of film archiving. New forms of digital archives are being developed that make use of participatory media to provide a more open form of access than any traditional archive has offered before. Film archives are thus faced with new questions and challenges. From Grain to Pixel attempts to bridge the fields of film archiving and academic research, by addressing the discourse on film ontology and analysing how it affects the role of film archives. Fossati proposes a new theoretization of film archival practice as the starting point for a renewed dialogue between film scholars and film archivists


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    Vidding is a well-established remix practice where fans edit an existing film, music video, TV show, or other performance and set it to music of their choosing. Vids emerged forty years ago as a complicated technological feat involving capturing footage from TV with a VCR and syncing with music—and their makers and consumers were almost exclusively women, many of them queer women. The technological challenges of doing this kind of work in the 1970s and 1980s when vidding began gave rise to a rich culture of collective work, as well as conventions of creators who gathered to share new work and new techniques. While the rise of personal digital technology eventually democratized the tools vidders use, the collective aspect of the culture grew even stronger with the advent of YouTube, Vimeo, and other channels for sharing work. Vidding: A History emphasizes vidding as a critical, feminist form of fan practice. Working outward from interviews, VHS liner notes, convention programs, and mailing list archives, Coppa offers a rich history of vidding communities as they evolved from the 1970s through to the present. Built with the classroom in mind, the open-access electronic version of this book includes over one-hundred vids and an appendix that includes additional close readings of vids

    From Grain to Pixel : The Archival Life of Film in Transition

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    Digital art through the looking glass : new strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in digital humanities

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    Vidding is a well-established remix practice where fans edit an existing film, music video, TV show, or other performance and set it to music of their choosing. Vids emerged forty years ago as a complicated technological feat involving capturing footage from TV with a VCR and syncing with music—and their makers and consumers were almost exclusively women, many of them queer women. The technological challenges of doing this kind of work in the 1970s and 1980s when vidding began gave rise to a rich culture of collective work, as well as conventions of creators who gathered to share new work and new techniques. While the rise of personal digital technology eventually democratized the tools vidders use, the collective aspect of the culture grew even stronger with the advent of YouTube, Vimeo, and other channels for sharing work. Vidding: A History emphasizes vidding as a critical, feminist form of fan practice. Working outward from interviews, VHS liner notes, convention programs, and mailing list archives, Coppa offers a rich history of vidding communities as they evolved from the 1970s through to the present. Built with the classroom in mind, the open-access electronic version of this book includes over one-hundred vids and an appendix that includes additional close readings of vids