4 research outputs found

    Mobile Big Data Analytics in Healthcare

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    Mobile and ubiquitous devices are everywhere around us generating considerable amount of data. The concept of mobile computing and analytics is expanding due to the fact that we are using mobile devices day in and out without even realizing it. These mobile devices use Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or mobile data to be intermittently connected to the world, generating, sending and receiving data on the move. Latest mobile applications incorporating graphics, video and audio are main causes of loading the mobile devices by consuming battery, memory and processing power. Mobile Big data analytics includes for instance, big health data, big location data, big social media data, and big heterogeneous data. Healthcare is undoubtedly one of the most data-intensive industries nowadays and the challenge is not only in acquiring, storing, processing and accessing data, but also in engendering useful insights out of it. These insights generated from health data may reduce health monitoring cost, enrich disease diagnosis, therapy, and care and even lead to human lives saving. The challenge in mobile data and Big data analytics is how to meet the growing performance demands of these activities while minimizing mobile resource consumption. This thesis proposes a scalable architecture for mobile big data analytics implementing three new algorithms (i.e. Mobile resources optimization, Mobile analytics customization and Mobile offloading), for the effective usage of resources in performing mobile data analytics. Mobile resources optimization algorithm monitors the resources and switches off unused network connections and application services whenever resources are limited. However, analytics customization algorithm attempts to save energy by customizing the analytics process while implementing some data-aware techniques. Finally, mobile offloading algorithm decides on the fly whether to process data locally or delegate it to a Cloud back-end server. The ultimate goal of this research is to provide healthcare decision makers with the advancements in mobile Big data analytics and support them in handling large and heterogeneous health datasets effectively on the move

    The Benefits of Haptic Feedback in Mobile Phone Camera

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    Communication is basically the act of transferring information from one place to another. Feedback is a system where the reaction or response of the receiver arrives at the sender after he/she has interpreted the message. Feedback is inevitably essential to make two way communications effective. In fact, without feedback communication remains incomplete. At times, feedback could be verbal such as written and oral. Then in some cases, it could be nonverbal. Feedback is mainly a response from your audiences; it allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your message. In fact research shows that the majority of the messages that have been sent are nonverbal and the ability to understand and use nonverbal communication is powerful tools that will help people connect with each other. As well as communication where nonverbal shows much more impressive, a sense of touch as known as haptics plays an important role in our new phase of technology. It is the science of applying touch sensation and control to interaction with computer applications by using special input/output devices. It gives users a slight jolt of energy at the point of touch, providing instant sensory feedback, while reducing the audio, visual or audio-visual demand. Haptic technology is an evolutionary step into interacting with objects as an extension of our mind and allows for more socially appropriate and subtle interaction. In this thesis, the benefits of haptic feedback in a mobile phone camera are explored and compared to the existing feedback mechanisms. Discovering expectations from users and gathering ideas in order to improve user experience in haptic feedback of a mobile phone camera will be the main focus as well as to understand “What make end users to use or not to use mobile phone camera?” and “What qualities of haptics could be used in the design of the user interface for mobile phone camera?”. Depending on the settings and the quality of the mobile phones, the feedback from the camera can affect the user experience in many ways. I believe that to improve the existing feedback by applying haptic output such as a vibration or a vibrotactile signal may also considerably improve the user experience. Because haptic feedback is a new technology and proved to be efficient, to apply it to the mobile phone camera feedback should provide better support for users when compared to the existing feedback signals, which are audio and visual only. One of the main objectives was to analyze the users’ needs and expectations regarding the mobile phone camera haptic feedback and applications in various types of difficult situations and challenges users have encountered. Therefore, a user study was done at the beginning of the thesis work. Its aim was to get general results, which can be applied to haptic interaction on the mobile phone camera in order to improve existing applications and help easing users in their photo taking activities with their mobile phone camera. In addition, the results are considered to provide input for further studies as well as to offer concrete input to the development of a prototype

    Collaborative opportunistic sensing with mobile phones

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